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BloxMove Live AMA

December 22nd 2021

BiT_SHaMaN|TGH/Owner@TheGemHunterstg : Ok so first of all, let’s kick off the AMA with a brief introduction of what BloxMove is actually is all about and what you guys are trying to achieve?

Sophia/CEO@BloxMove : As you said, we are bloXmove, founded this year in May, with headquarters in Ireland and Germany. Our product the bloXmove Mobility Blockchain Platform was incubated by Daimler Mobility (the parent company of Mercedes) and this is also the background of our founders and board. in a short sentence: bloXmove is a decentralized mobility blockchain platform that connects all different mobility service providers in one global alliance: from cars and taxis, scooters and bikes to buses and trains. And we merge mobility with green energy – thats the 2nd product case we developed

BiT_SHaMaN|TGH/Owner@TheGemHunterstg : Can you give us some more information on who the team behind BloxMove is and what your backgrounds are? What are your previous experiences?

Sophia/CEO@BloxMove : I have the honor to be the CEO of that great team, my background is in psychology and worked for Daimler in the automotive industry, over more than 7 yrs. I had several different leadership positions in innovation and transformation spaces. I set up a start-up scouting and investment unit for Daimler Mobility. I am a mentor for female founders and #womenintech #womeninmobility and wrote my first book this year: about “digital mindfulness” Bernd is our 3nd founder and CFO, as you could see in the slide, he is expert for all numbers, and eMobility as well as fleet management ,he has many years of experince, the team brings all skills from development and programming, analytics and data/AI towards – sales and customer relationship management… because at the end we are a business to businness / business to government company – means we need to understand how industrial partners think, act and which language they speak…

Silverlynx/CTO@BloxMove : ‘m the CTO, Harry, a.k.a. #silverlynx Have a background in software, software and software, with both a Masters and a PhD in applied AI 2015 I joined Daimler Financial Services in China where in 2017 I became in charge for IT for mobility, car2go and digital finance. That’s where I put my know-how in blockchain together with the business of mobility and asset finance and proposed to Daimler to build a decentralized platform for the future of mobility – based on the thesis that the future be decentralized! We incubated this over 3 years within Daimler and with the collaboration of startups such as Riddle & Code, Ontology, evan network, 51nodes and Spherity in May this year we decided to spin it off and now it has become bloxmove

Aryan|TGH@TheGemHunterstg : 2021 was a massive year for you, and we would love to get some more insights on which milestones you were able to tick off the list. Also, could you please elaborate what ‘BloXmove’ and ‘Power meets mobility’ actually is and how it works?

Sophia/CEO@BloxMove : We enable individual companies to collaborate and scale together: this is the power of decentralized platforms vs. centralized monopolists such as UBER, DIDI, and Amazon. These centralized platforms provide service to the end customer but take all the value added and leave very little to those who deliver the service. If you look at your smartphone, you’ll see an average of 20–30 different mobility apps. And when you spontaneously need e.g. a scooter at the train station, you notice that you don’t have this app installed on your device. we solve the problems of fragmentation and friction for the mobility providers as well as for us – the end user on the streets in the cities…We are not the next aggregator app; we offer a software infrastructure based on distributed ledger technology and digital identifiers. With this we create one big “mobility alliance”. Blockchain (Distributed Ledger Technology) and Decentralized Identifiers (DID) are two suites of cryptographic protocols which open new horizons for the automation of transactions, transfer of value, and financial settlement. at the end our big vision is, that every human gets a decentralized identity, and with that mobility pass we ROAM through a global ecosystem of mobility

Silverlynx/CTO@BloxMove : The concept is based on the simple recognition that an electric vehicle is not only a means of mobility – but also, especially when connected to a charging station over vehicle-to-grid technology a live device on the power grid And this device is both a producer AND a consumer or prosumer in short (a word very often used in the new energy sector) What we work on with 50Hertz (one of Germany’s four power grid operators) and the Energy Web Foundation is to build the exchange infrastrcture to identify devices and provide the mechanisms for them to conduct verified and billable transactions with full proof of providence, identity and billling records We apply this to two major use cases 1. Flexibility: aggregating fleets to provide rolling bateries to balance spikes in the power grid 2. Seamlesss roaming: i.e. you drive up to any charging station and receive power from the power operator YOU have a contract with (as opposed to whoever is operating the charging station)

Aryan|TGH@TheGemHunterstg : Everyone in the world knows Daimler / Mercedes, so we would love to get some more information on your affiliation with them.

Silverlynx/CTO@BloxMove : Well: the whole idea and shape of this software came about by looking at mobility and automotive finance through the eyes of a company that not only invented the car in 1886 but also car sharing: car2go being the first car shring app ever and also mobiluty as a service: moovel, then Reach Now and now mobimeo being the first multi-modal app for mobility as a service Within Daimler we recognized that we need a “balanced strategy” to bridge the classic innovator’s dilemma: i.e. invest into the future with radical and disruptive approaches which are not measured by day to day financial KPIs while continuing the core business where the actual day-to-day revenue comes from. We – Sophia and I – were on the “invest into the future with radical and disruptive approaches” side and the mission which we had and fulfilled was: show us how decentralized tech such as blockchain , smart contracta nd DID can be applied to the electric mobility as a service of the future. Once we delivered this as production-ready software – the question was how to take this to market on the mooon and beyond? And that is where yet again everybody left their comfort zone and we decided that a spin-off into a fully independent startup is the most promising way. So now we are independent – but still count Mercedes and Daimler and Athlon among our customers. The best of the two worlds- I would say!

Sophia/CEO@BloxMove : As Harry said, it was a strategic decision to spin-off, and I can tell you we are more than happy.. because we could accelerate the business with a different speed and racidalness …and we could use the full potentials which DLT have, since the management buyout, we are independent, but we run joint projects with Mercedes, we build a mobility budget solution and we plan a joint hackathon series as of Feb 2022 , so there are many joint ideas and projects in the pipeline..

Aryan|TGH@TheGemHunterstg : Now let’s get to your native token $BLXM – could you give us more insights on its role within your ecosystem? How is it going to be utilized? Are there any ways to stake the $BLXM token?

Silverlynx/CTO@BloxMove : Hearing and seeing that the demand by the community for rewarding bith liquidity and also staking grew really stromg, we acted and will provide, first: rewards for liquidity staking which will kick off Jan 2nd, 2022 “Simple” staking will follow in February. Both rewards pools will be generously stocked and what should be noted too – as our tokenomics where sometimes questioned: we have decided to commit ca. 25% of the foundations freely vested tokens to stricly rewarding the community. i.e. all of the rewards for liquidity as well as staking come straight out of the fully vested pool belonging to the foundation treasury.The purpose being that the foundation rewards the community as one of its top and first priorities – in addition to fundung development and green mobility initiatives. On the utility part: that’s straightforward: BLXM will be the token to utilize for mobility and charging services on the platform.

Aryan|TGH@TheGemHunterstg : The year 2022 is right around the corner – can we expect a roadmap which is as packed as the one you had for 2021? What does BloXmove have in store for the coming year?

Sophia/CEO@BloxMove : As we said, this year was about the foundation… set the base for further growth…so 2022 is for: growth and delivery…we will kick off our urban mobility pilots with TIER (scooter), flixbus (bus) and regions like dutch Maas, and the south of Germany (B2G) we will set up the entire Go to market strategy for the energy use case and hired an energy expert that will join as of Jan… We will boost our token marketing and the sales activities and bring it to a next level… and we plan to realize our series A end of 2022 so it will be busy and exciting… but really I can tell you – we have the best talents in the team to deliver…so no doubt – the ambition is big, but we will face the challenges…

Silverlynx/CTO@BloxMove : On the crypto side: 1) main net launch Q2-Q3 2022 , 2) Interoperability with Ontology Q2 2022 , 3) Deploment on Energy Web Foundation Q3/Q4 2022 .Also first Power & Mobility Use Case live April 2022 And most of all we will publich regular and continous updates for each of the above mentioned milestones on a biweekly or monthly basis starting January.

For more information on BloxMove refer to the links below :

💎Website :

💎Telegram :

💎Twitter :

Solidus AI-Tech Live AMA

December 12th 2021

Welcome to the Solidus AI-Tech live AMA with The Gem Hunters, we would like to thank the team for attending today and sharing information on the project with our community!

Running Beast|TGH@TheGemHunterstg : Let’s kick off with some introduction.Please introduce yourself to the community?Please tell us about your experience and expertise in the Crypto field.

Paul/Founder@Solidus AI-Tech : Hi I’m Paul Farhi & one of the founders of Solidus AI-Tech. I have very high standards in everything I do. My main focus was property and fine art untill I was introduced to Bitcoin in 2015. Since then I have build a strong network in the cryptocurrency sphere and secured the partnership between Solidus Technologies and Soft Galaxy International. I am a forward thinker and identified very early on that Ethereum would be moving from proof of work to proof of stake meaning that Ethereum mining for Solidus Technologies would no longer be possible in the near future. I then studied Artificial Intelligence at the London business school & identified key areas that would be significant for the Solidus AI Tech project.

Anurag Yadav/Team@Solidus AI-Tech : Hi All, Anurag here. I’m the Advisor to Solidus AI.Background-wise, I’m an Entrepreneur, sit on the Advisory Board of several Blockchain companies, consult on implementing emerging technologies such as AI, Blockchain, IoT, and am a regular Keynote speaker at Global Technology Conferences. Have over 19 years of experience, have led Global Organizations.I’m the Co-Founder & CEO of PrimaFelicitas, a Bleeding-edge end-to-end Blockchain Technology Solutions Development Company, based in San Francisco, London, and New Delhi. I’m the Ex-CEO of BarterTrade, a Crypto Exchange based in Dubai.I’m an Engineering Graduate from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) and hold a Master’s in Business from Stanford University.Nice to connect with you all here.

Running Beast|TGH@TheGemHunterstg : Please give us a brief introduction about your project and what are you guys trying to showcase? What is the story behind its origin? When did it start?

Paul/Founder@Solidus AI-Tech : 👋 Welcome to Solidus AI TECH *Solidus Technologies established 2017 as an Ethereum mining organisation are now launching Solidus AI Tech*Solidus is finalising the internal build of their Eco Friendly High Performance Computing (HPC) Data Centre & Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) platform where Governmental Authorities, Megacorps, SMEs & Professionals will be able to purchase Artificial Intelligence services seamlessly using the worlds first AI utility token (AITECH)* Solidus is a strong supporter of the ‘Crypto Climate Accord’ which is focused on decarbonising the cryptocurrency industry *Current partners include:*✨Government organisations within the defence sector ✨Microsoft ✨Soft Galaxy International ✨Optoelectronica *Artificial Intelligence Solutions for:*✨Self Driving Cars ✨Face & Voice Recognition✨Medical Industry✨Health Care ✨Recruitment✨Sales Automation & Lead Generation✨Virtual Assistants✨Traffic Congestion / Smart Cities✨Border Control / Secure Societies✨Agriculture – Greenhouse Automatio*Building Blockchains for Governments:*✨Asset Management ✨Smart Contracts for Health Care ✨Voting ✨Taxation ✨Supply Chain Traceability ✨Land Registration ✨Identity Management & Process Automation .Coming Soon ☄️Launch – 18th of November 2021💰Staking💸Airdrop Lottery🔥Burn program*Pre-register your interest at*

Running Beast|TGH@TheGemHunterstg : There has been rapid development in the Crypto field in the past few years but it is still in early stages.What makes Solidus stand out and unique among so many projects in the market?Solidus is a strong supporter of the ‘Crypto Climate Accord’. Please tell us in detail about this and how will it prove to be beneficial?

Anurag Yadav/Team@Solidus AI-Tech : Solidus is also a strong supporter of the ‘Crypto Climate Accord’ which is focused on decarbonising the cryptocurrency industry by 2024. Our data center will also run 40% more efficient compared to industry standards due to our IP & evaporating cooling methods, evaporating cooling is 80% cleaner then traditional air conditioning methods. The electricity costs in Bucharest are also cheaper & internet speeds are faster than most countries in the EU meaning we can operate at lower costs and also in a more Eco friendly way then our competitors.

Liam/Team@Solidus AI-Tech : We are the worlds first AI utilities token to be used to purchase AI services via HPC centres like we have built. Our IP allows our hardware to operate not only faster but also more efficiently by using less electricity – this is patent pending We use evaporating cooling systems which are around 80% cleaner then traditional Air conditioning Crypto Climate Accords main objective is to decarbonise the global crypto industry by prioritising climate stewardship and supporting the entire crypto industries transition to net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2040This will be highly beneficial for the entire crypto industry.

Running Beast|TGH@TheGemHunterstg : Now that we have a little info on the project lets hear about the Solidus team.How many members is your core team made of? What’s their backgrounds, and experiences?

Liam/Team@Solidus AI-Tech : 14 core members although there are others who have helped to get were we are today , Adrian Stoica : Founder & Head of International Operations, Adrian is our tech genius who is CEO of Soft Galaxy international, he coordinates the entire tech side of our AI data center. Alexandra Galusca: Chief Strategy Officer, Retired Brigadier General with extensive military background, respresentive of NATO and EU. Heads up Security side of the business.Marius Opran: Tech Advisor, Board of Directors, Chief Scientist Defence, Security + much more .Please see our website.

Running Beast|TGH@TheGemHunterstg : Lets get some insight into your token,How does it all get incorporated into the Solidus ecosystem? How will you stimulate the users to hold your token. in the long run?

Anurag Yadav/Team@Solidus AI-Tech : The AITECH Token is the primary way to get access to most of the core services on our platform by holding the Tokens. These benefits are otherwise available to general users. So, in essence, the Utility Token unlocks a lot of value for it long-term and loyal users. In addition the Platform will offer Staking Rewards. The token is Deflationary in nature and therefore the Price increase benefits, among others will accrue to the holders.We have a total token supply of 10 billion, out of which we are selling 4 billion in our crowdfunding campaign. The remaining tokens are dedicated to the project with the majority being development, marketing, community building. The tokenomics incorporates a deflationary mechanism and includes buyback and burning to support the overall token growth with time.

Running Beast|TGH@TheGemHunterstg : And lastly, please tell the community about your plans ahead. Please tell us about your Upcoming events, Roadmap, milestones and potential updates moving forward.

Paul/Founder@Solidus AI-Tech : Q1 2022: AITECH token distribution to all ICO investors Staking platform live, Lottery Airdrop for everybody who decides to stake their AITECH tokens, First order placed to purchase AI GPUs and materials, Power grid upgraded to support HPC, Ventilation upgraded to support HPC, Software development commenced for customer Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) portal, Software development commenced for Enterprise Blockchain , Token listing on Exchanges. At the end of Q1:Lottery Airdrop for everybody who staked their AITECH tokens, First quarterly payment for everybody who staked their AITECH tokens, First AITECH token quarterly burn. Q2 2022: Second order placed to purchase AI GPUs and materials, All hardware and GPU clusters set up, Software optimisation for hardware set up, Hardware monitoring tools set up , Cybersecurity policies implemented, Tier 4 Data Centre requirements implement, Additional AITECH token listings on Exchanges. At the end of Q2: Lottery Airdrop for everybody who staked their AITECH Tokens, Quarterly payment for everybody who staked their AITECH tokens, AITECH token quarterly burn. Q3 2022:Third order placed to purchase AI GPUs and materials, Customer IaaS portal finalised, Enterprise Blockchain for Governmental Authorities finalised, AI infrastructure services marketing campaign commenced, Additional AITECH token listings on Exchanges.At the end of Q3: Lottery Airdrop for everybody who staked their AITECH tokens, Quarterly payment for everybody who staked their AITECH tokens, AITECH token quarterly burn. Q4 2022: Forth order placed to purchase AI GPUs and materials, Additional AITECH token listings on Exchanges. At the end of Q4: Lottery Airdrop for everybody who staked their AITECH tokens, Quarterly payment for everybody who staked their AITECH tokens, AITECH token quarterly burn

For more information on Solidus AI-Tech refer to the links below :

💎Website :

💎Telegram :

💎Twitter :

WallStreetNinja Live AMA

December 5th 2021

Welcome to the WallStreetNinja live AMA with The Gem Hunters, we would like to thank the team attending today and sharing information on the project with our community!

BiT_SHaMaN|TGH/Owner@TheGemHunterstg : To kick off the AMA let’s get an introduction to Wallstreet ninja, what have you guys been building!?

WSN F| : We have been building a fully decentralized ecosystem accessibility platform which is Unstoppable. Which basically means users are able to access various decentralized ecosystems without intervention by tech giants and the big banks. No browser plugins (e.g. Metamask) or Smartphone apps (e.g. Trust Wallet) are necessary to access the various networks we support, rather this is completely browser based and non-custodial. Furthermore, there is a high level of data privacy unlike other technologies.You can actually checkout the alpha release

BiT_SHaMaN|TGH/Owner@TheGemHunterstg : Now we have a better idea on what the project actually is, let’s get some information on the team itself! Who are you guys, tell us little bit about your backgrounds and experience?

WSN H| : Our team is made up of a group of blockchain engineers, project managers, crypto marketers, community managers and experienced finance business operators who run as an anonymous collaboration. We are here to deliver a Decentralized Autonomous Organisation owned and governed by the token holders, known as WallStreetNinja.In the fast paced world of decentralization, where rules and regulations differ across the globe for the sale, purchase and handling of cryptocurrencies, personalities can only get in the way of operating in a truly decentralized fashion.The team has taken the initiative to undertake KYC via industry leader Solidproof in order to demonstrate the legitimacy of the project and team.

BiT_SHaMaN|TGH/Owner@TheGemHunterstg : Now let’s cover the actual product itself, tell us how and why users and investors can and should use the product itself and how is the progress so far what stage are you actually at?

WSN F| : In short, WallStreetNinja (WSN) is a complete decentralized accessibility solution, where users can access decentralized ecosystems of their choice, in a more simplistic manner, broadening accessibility and fostering mainstream adoption.Users and investors should be interested because this project has a compelling use case and clear USP in the market. Primary Token Use:Decentralized Projects. will be required to make payment in $WSN tokens for whitelisting their applications and tokens in the WallSteetNinja ecosystem.Revenue model:Revenue will be generated through commissions gained via decentralized trading

BiT_SHaMaN|TGH/Owner@TheGemHunterstg : So how is WSN different to the centralised competitors such as centrally controlled and big tech invested solutions like Metamask and Trust Wallet don’t already?

WSN H| : We use a completely decentralized tech stack, which mitigates intervention of influential centralized parties. For instance our tech stack is made up of: Network Relays: Pocket Network. Computing: Internet Computer and StackOS. Domain: ENS. Unlike bigtech WSN does not record your IP address or store your data for analysis or sale. Many people don’t realise metamask relays through infura, which records all your data. The big banks are now backing metamask through investment into ConsenSys.

BiT_SHaMaN|TGH/Owner@TheGemHunterstg : Now let’s talk about the $WSN token, tell us about some of the fundementals, what part does it play in the wallstreetninja ecosystem and how can investors benefit from holding. token?

WSN F| : Projects within the decentralized ecosystem will be required to make payment in $WSN tokens for whitelisting their applications and tokens within the WSN. This is a model that was successfully pioneered by TrustWallet. The WSN tokens from these payments will subsequently be used in the various token utilities such as burning, rewards, staking and referrals.As projects begin to onboard into the WallStreetNinja ecosystem the demand for $WSN will increase exceptionally.As the $WSN value increases, token holders will be able to stake and increase their holdings yields.

BiT_SHaMaN|TGH/Owner@TheGemHunterstg : Lastly what catalysts and events can we all look forward to in the new year especially Q1 & Q2 in terms of exchange listings, partnerships and the product development side of things?

WSN F| : Q1 will be an exciting time for WallStreetNinja!! Top tier CEX listing! 🎉,Product Stable Release🔥, Stream of partnerships from projects joining our Unstoppable Ecosystem ⚔️ . Product Development Deliveries, Q1 WalletConnect Integration, Internet Identity Sign-on Integration, Farming, Product Launch (Stable Release) Q2 Smart Contract Security Dashboard, Web3 Referral Dashboard

For more information on WallStreetNinja refer to the links below :

💎Website :

💎Telegram :

💎Twitter :

MilestoneBased Live AMA

29th Nov 2021


Welcome to the TGH Live AMA with milestoneBased! We'd like to thank the team for attending and sharing info with the community today 😄


To get started, let's hear what milestoneBased is all about! What are the goals for your ecosystem, and what inspired it all?

Ihor | CEO milestoneBased

Ihor | CEO milestoneBased


Love the video intro, really well said

Ihor | CEO milestoneBased

It's just coming from my head, so if something is unclear, dooo let me know, I will elaborate! It is a complex project, so you may not understand everything right away. We say it with confidence, because we presented it to silicon valley investors, and they absolutely LOVED the concept, more over, if you guys are in crypto long enough, in 2018 Vitalik had a DAICO conccept, which is basically what milestoneBased is, but we have a product! 😅


That's the ringer right there, but we have a product, love it haha

Ihor | CEO milestoneBased

Actually we are starting mB with crypto startups and crypto VCs because this area needs it at the moment the most. But further down the road we see application of mB with conventional world as well.


The team behind milestoneBased has members with impressive experience in crypto already; could you introduce the team and your backgrounds, as well as what brought you all together?

Ihor | CEO milestoneBased

Ihor | CEO milestoneBased

Ihor | CEO milestoneBased

There is Andrew Zubko, he is CTO at milestoneBased and he is also CTO at Applicature, which is incubating company. Actually Andrew is a guru of smart contracts and crypto industry pioneer with significant achievements in this field


Wan coin lmao Applicature and Gamestation is dope tho, really huge experience there!

Ihor | CEO milestoneBased

yeah, I felt it in my gut that it was a scam, even though I knew nothing about crypto back then!

Ihor | CEO milestoneBased

There is Victoria,, she is like a god mother of mB. She is engaged with the product since 2018, from the very roots of the platform.


🍻🍻🍻 amazing you guys have been developing for 3 years now, longer than many protocols have even been alive 😂

Ihor | CEO milestoneBased

And we are all currently in Dubai for the strategy session!

Ihor | CEO milestoneBased

I can show you the views 😅

Ihor | CEO milestoneBased

There is myself, I am doing all the marketing, buidling relations with influencers, and all the stuff to raise awareness about the product.  Since we are getting of the stealth mode now you'll be hearing about us more and more.

Ihor | CEO milestoneBased

I am also engaged with and we have Ferrum Network with us and Ian Friend as advisor! Hartej Sawney from Zokyo as advisor.


Legendary view, wow, that's incredible mate!

Ihor | CEO milestoneBased

And Ian Arden, he is a co founder and CEO at Applicature. I know Ian for 8-9 years already. He’s a passionate technologist and engineer, a  visionary  that has contributed to hundreds of blockchain projects and scaled multiple companies.


😄 incredible, love that you guys came from all over the crypto sphere, good meld of skills


MilestoneBased at its core is trying to make the world of Blockchain easier, more accessible, and more equitable for business and startups. What kind of tools have you created to help developers get started, and what advantages does the milestoneBased protocol have over existing competitors?

Ihor | CEO milestoneBased

hm hm hm - the question should be how many times per day you are visiting =)

Ihor | CEO milestoneBased

Sergio Karavanets

So milestoneBased is a platform to help startups and VCs. Developers will use it as a part of startup's team ( if I understood your question correct)

VCs and early-stage investors achieve greater capital efficiency, collaboration, security, transparency, and data-driven insights.

Startup teams become more motivated and milestone focused for strengthened performance.

As of tools:

milestoneBased uses DAO and escrow smart contract tools, to automate and improve roadmap management. An ability to make governance by community via proposals and voting in combination with milestone management is something that has never been done before thus it's going to bring capital efficiency to the next level.


If I understand right, the community actually votes on the next goals and the next milestones, (like dates, funds management, etc)?

Ihor | CEO milestoneBased

Absolutely correct! Yeah, it is about aligning the interests of the community, investors and the team!


Next let's dive into the token behind the milestoneBased protocol; what are the utilities/tokenomics of the token, and when will the token go live? Is there a sale that users can take part in?

Ihor | CEO milestoneBased

This is where I will write, cause you need to be able to revisit this easily!

1. Yes, there will be a token launch, because it is a fundamental project in crypto.

2. There is no pre-sale, seed or private sale, because, we are well-funded internally by our founders, whose tokens are locked for years. And we don't want the sell pressure from private investors.

You will be able to buy tokens when we list it straight on DEX, best is to follow the channel, cause the earlier you buy, the better price, since no dump possibility. It is close to Fair Launch. But it is not a Fair Launch as BTC had, cause we have some tokens for the team and advisors and value add, which of course have lock ups and vestings.

Sergio Karavanets

we will release the Power Launch manifesto shortly

Ihor | CEO milestoneBased

Not regarding the token real quick. Here are the main utilities:

1. Commission payments within the system (discounted if paid in our tokens)

2. Tiered based access to features

3. Governance of our project and other projects - if you want to influence any project on our platform, you need our tokens

4. Liquidity mining

5. Staking

6. Rewards for value adding

Also, we take design thinking approach towards identifying the utility. Besides the items on our roadmap will introduce an opportunity for even more utilities.

Our roadmap is till 2028 btw and that is only on our website!


Never seen one past 2024-ish

Sergio Karavanets

Let me add to vision a bit! Imagine the world with inexpensive and efficient capital. The world where CEOs and founders focus on the transparent management of their companies instead of constant chase for funding. The world with infinite liquidity where companies get funded based on their past performance and predictive analytics. Imagine that the funding process is based not on the relations and parties thrown, but it’s automated and designed based on an AI machine learning algorithm that knows just fair data points.

and for those who just joined us

Welcome to milestoneBased

🎯 What's mB?

We are a technology platform that revolutionizes milestone collaboration and the funding process between investors and startups using the power of a blockchain DAO and smart contracts.

🚀 What's the vision?

Creating a world where decentralized networks fuel the next generation of startup growth, making business and society better.

mB project summary:

▪️ Industry: VCs and startups

▪️ Established: 2018

▪️ Product stage: testing/DEMO on the other projects by our incubating company Applicature

▪️ Token launch: Q1 2022

▪️ Launch strategy: Power launch

Website (

Platform (

Twitter (

Tg group (

Tg channel (

Medium (


Brilliant website work btw, you can obviously tell you've been developing for awhile, the graphics and examples are super clean!


Considering your goals, mBT needs to be both secure and well connected in order to succeed. Can you share with us some of the partnerships you've created, and how they'll help mBT in the long run. You mentioned Ferrum and Zokyo and Applicature, but for those unfamiliar with what they do?

We are excited to announce another Strategic Partner - Ferrum Network  🔥

'Having such an experienced partner at our side helps us quickly test hypotheses and receive informed feedback. And recent news about getting its own category on CoinMarkeCap makes us super proud to be associated with Ferrum' - Says Ihor Savchuk, CEO @milestoneBased.

It's going to be legendary 🎇

👉Read more:

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and this one

🔥 One of the leading smart contract auditors in the space joins #milestoneBased family. 🔥

Welcome our partner Zokyo aboard.

'We are happy to have our smart contracts backed by Zokyo. They have proved the top quality of their work over the many years in collaboration with Applicature, so we are confident that the future of milestoneBased is in safe hands.’- Ihor Savchuk, CEO at

👉 Read more:

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Sergio Karavanets

And of course there is Leading blockchain development agency. They've incubated milestoneBased.

We're definitely familiar with Ferrum that was a great move imo, and then props on the Zokyo score btw, 99% audit score 💎

We have also got a number of MoUs signed with projects that are eager to utilize milestoneBased. So we are keeping these announcements for our commmunity=)

Aside of strategic ones we've gotten around 25 MoU signed with plenty of crypto startups that are willing to utilize our platform for future roadmap management. The announcements are coming shortly


Lastly, what would you say is your highest priority going forward? With an impressive roadmap underway, (and 3 years of development already!) are there any updates we should keep an eye on soon, or any updates you'd like to share now?

Sergio Karavanets

Currently we are finishing with testing/DEMO stage with several products by our incubating company Applicature. After making sure the platform has passed all the essential tests we are moving to the Beta launch. Next phase is a Beta version which will be run in the closed invite only mode to learn the functionality needs of certain business segments and add them to the product roadmap. It's a classic product-market fit stage. In the meantime, we’re preparing for the utility token launch. milestoneBased token is designed to be utilized within the system as a means of payment for platform usage by VCs and startups.

We would like to finish the AMA by thanking the MB team for attending and sharing information on their new project, for more information on Milestonebased, please find the links below!

Website (

Platform (

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Tg channel (

Medium (

Plunge Pad Live AMA

28th Nov 2021

Welcome to the Plunge Pad live AMA with The Gem Hunters, we would like to thank the team for attending today and sharing information on the project with our community!

Aryan|TGH@TheGemHunterstg : Lets start off this AMA to give the audience a brief description of what Plunge Pad actually is and what you are aiming to achieve?

Sam/Co-founder@Plunge Pad : Plunge Pad is the first and the fairest platform for launching projects on Arbitrum, where all token holders receive a guaranteed allocation into IDOs launching on the platform. If I may add, so we are not only are we the first launchpad for Arbitrum, but we are also the first-ever fair launchpad where each token holder can participate in the token sale and receive a guaranteed allocation of tokens.

Aryan|TGH@TheGemHunterstg : Can you give us some information on the team behind Plunge Pad and what your backgrounds are? What is your previous experience?

Sam/Co-founder@Plunge Pad : Sure thing, so we are 3 members in the core team, myself, @Crypto_blokks and one lead cyber security expert, then we have extended team of business development, web developers and marketing professionals. So I am Sam, the co-founder of @plungepad , I have worked in the cryptocurrency sector for five years and have invested in and helped raise funds for several tier 1 projects. Previously, I worked in investment banking for ten years and am very well connected in the real world financial industry.

Crypto_blocks/CTO@Plunge Pad : I am a lead software engineer for a high-end company in europ, and the CTO of @plungepad also a blockchain enthusiast and have assisted various crypto projects technically in the past few years.

Aryan|TGH@TheGemHunterstg : Now that TGH got an overview on your project, let’s take a look at a more in-depth look at the platform its self, you claim that Plunge Pad is the first and the fairest launchpad for launching projects on Arbitrum please give us a rundown of how the platform operates?

Sam/Co-founder@Plunge Pad : Like I said earlier, our platform is not only the first launchpad for Arbitrum, but it is also the first fair launchpad within the launchpads sector, where all token holders will be able to participate in the token sale and receive a guaranteed allocation.On our platform, there is no minimum requirement for staking, so you can stake even a single token and receive a proportionate allocation in the IDO. We must accommodate small investors as well in order to achieve a fully decentralised system. At present, the requirements for staking on almost all other launchpads are such that if you are not a whale you will not be guaranteed an allocation. Our guaranteed allocation staking starts with as low as 1 PLG, and it stops at max 1 million PLG.

Aryan|TGH@TheGemHunterstg : What blockchains will the plungepad platform support and are there any plans to deploy, move, support or bridge to other chains in the future?

Sam/Co-founder@Plunge Pad : So we will launch on Arbitrum, but since Arbitrum is new to many people, we will also launch on BSC. We decided to provide BSC users with exposure to Arbitrum by trading on both Uniswap and Pancake Swap. and yees, we will develop a bridge to BSC and other chains in the near future, not only the bridge, but we are also building a native DEX for the arbitrum ecosystem.

Aryan|TGH@TheGemHunterstg : As we all know crypto is a huge platform and competition in crypto is increasing by the day, there are many other launchpads now and thousands of new projects a week, whats different about plungepad, what do you offer that they dont?

Sam/Co-founder@Plunge Pad : The core feature areas are what make us different from other launchpads, as I mentioned earlier. 1) Launchpad on Arbitrum – Cheap and extremely fast transaction, Arbitrum backers are top notch investors and influential people, it has extremely bright future. 2) Some of the top investors and backers that believe in what we aim to achieve 🙂 3) We are not such a launchpad, but are developing a native arbitrum launchpad that will be interconnected with other chains. 4) As I mentioned, we are also planning to build a DEX for Arbitrum’s ecosystem The most important feature of Plungepad is that every token holder will receive a guaranteed allocation, because to achieve a fully decentralized system, we all must cater to the needs of small investors

Aryan|TGH@TheGemHunterstg : What role do the token “PLG” play in the Plunge Pad ecosystem ? Please explain us about your staking mechanism!!

Sam/Co-founder@Plunge Pad : In order to participate in the IDO funding raising, users must stake the PLG token. The Plunge token facilitates the platform’s operation. In the governance process of the platform, one PLG token represents 1 vote. The more tokens you hold, the more voting power and influence you have over the proposals. With staking in place, holders can earn rewards consistently. Unlocked/vested tokens will be automatically staked, generating rewards and allowing participation in IDOs. And above all, PLG will also be used as the native token for Plunge Pad Arbitrum DEX in the near future 🙂

Aryan|TGH@TheGemHunterstg : We like to finish this part of the AMA by looking at what is happening in the near term. Could you please provide us your next plans or milestones on the roadmap and tell us about the whitelisting and upcoming IDO, when is it?

Sam/Co-founder@Plunge Pad : So the future plans are 1) Conduct the IDO, 2) List on DEX – Uniswap and pancakeswap and then on a CEX, 3) Deliver on the remainig roadmap, bridges and DEX on arbitrum Right now we are whitelisting for IDO that is planned for 30th Nov the forms are still open for submission, there has been a huge interest and it looks like we will not be able to give allocation of our token to everyone so we will randomly choose the winners. We aim to launch on the DEX within 1 week of IDO

For more information on Plunge Pad refer to the links below :

💎Website :

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💎Telegram :

Merkle Network Live AMA

26th Nov 2021

Welcome to the Merkle Network live AMA with The Gem Hunters, we would like to thank the team for attending today and sharing information on the project with our community!

BiT_SHaMaN|TGH/Owner@TheGemHunterstg : Lets kick this off with an introduction into Merkle Network, enlighten us all into what youre building please!

Samdev/Co-founder@Merkle Network : I am Sam, co founder of Merkle Network. We are building layer zero interoperability protocol that connects all major blockchains and allow transfer of data and assets between these chains. In essence, Merkle Network is the Internet of Blockchains which allows all these chains to connect and communicate with each other including Ethereum, BSC, MATIC, Solana, Cardano, Polkadot, Avalanche, Cosmos and the list goes on We launched the token this month and the testnet is also launching on 30 Nov So we are just a week away form the testnet launch

Sohail S/CMO@Merkle Network : Hello every! Thanks for inviting us! Sohail here, working as a CMO for Merkle Network! Just to add, Merkle Network stands at the cusp of cross-chain infrastructure facilitating data, information, and assets transfer between different blockchains.

BiT_SHaMaN|TGH/Owner@TheGemHunterstg : Now that we have a little info on the project lets hear about the Merkle team. How many members is your core team made of? What’s their backgrounds, and experiences?

Sohail S/CMO@Merkle Network : Currently, we are team of 15+members and core team consist of 4 members. In total blockchain experience of 5 years average. And we are now looking to get more people onboard! Personally, I have been working for the last 6 years as a marketing professional. And currently, working as a Merkle Network’s CMO! Have been associated with various projects right from multi-chain DEFI platform, gaming NFTs, predictive gaming, layer 1 solutions, and a few more on the marketing, communication, and branding front!

Samdev/Co-founder@Merkle Network : My background is in blockchain development and I have worked on blockchain projects in various domains including Edtech, Metatransactions, Gaming and Metaverse before starting Merkle Network.Alex is the other co founder who is an amazing coder and was the brain behind Telegram trade bots and over 40 projects are using his bot in their Telegram including AMPL, Trustswap etc.

BiT_SHaMaN|TGH/Owner@TheGemHunterstg : There has been rapid development in the Crypto field in the past few years but it is still in early stages. What makes Merkle stand out and unique among so many projects in the market? Please tell us about the unique Merkle Bonding and staking and could you run us through how it actually works?

Samdev/Co-founder@Merkle Network : Firstly, we are a first mover in this space. There has been an exponential growth in the ecosystems and users on multiple blockchains but there is a massive gap when it comes to connecting all these ecosystems. The way chainlink entered in the oracle space by bringing off chain data on chain, Merkle Network is entwering early on with even bigger use case of connecting all chains together. So first mover advantage with a complete functioning product is going to give us the edge. We will announce the details about staking and reward structure in Merkle Network after the testnet as we progress towards the mainnet. Next target is to enable developers to start building cross chain products using Merkle Network after the testnet launch

Sohail S/CMO@Merkle Network : Right now, there isn’t any protocol that’s offering the kind of infrastructure that we are offering. We are more than any traditional interoperable protocol that exists in the market. We will be providing an infrastructure that facilitates not just price feeds but all kinds of data and assets movement between different chains. Be if DeFi, or Gaming or any other blockchain category, everyone will be able to become a truly interoperable project in future, with Merkle Network!

BiT_SHaMaN|TGH/Owner@TheGemHunterstg : What are the track records of Merkle? There are various entry barriers plaguing the Crypto market. How are you going to tackle this along with illiquidity, fragmentation, and high gas fees. Please share details of the economy of Merkle.

Samdev/Co-founder@Merkle Network : Merkle Network has been sucessfully tested in alpha testing and we shared the transactions with the community as well. Infact, we announced our IDO only after we successfully demonstrated the implementation of Merkle Network by sending data between Ethereum and Binance smart chain. As for the barriers to entry, we are operating in a blue ocean where there is a significant need for this product and not any viable solution for the applications. We are solving gas issue by minimising the number of on chain transactions needed to complete a transaction. What some cross chain products are doing in 4 steps can probably do the same thing with Merkle Network in 1–2 steps. This will improve the user experience and save the gas fees. Also, applications can run on a different chain to where asset exists.For example, you have an NFT on Ethereum but you can play a game on Solana at very low cost and unlock features in a game on Solana for the NFT you hold on Ethereum.Things like these have never been possible for decentralized applications. Even Metaverse projects will benefit highly from this besides other traditional projects.

Sohail S/CMO@Merkle Network : Right now fragmentation is a big problem amongst blockchain because it restricts data information and assets to flow from one blockchain to another. however, Merkle will remove all such barrier and let the assets and data flow seamless within multiple blockchain. and that’ll give enough power to developers to create much better product and users to experience frictionless services!

BiT_SHaMaN|TGH/Owner@TheGemHunterstg : Lets get some insight into your token, how does it all get incorporated into the Merkle ecosystem? How will you stimulate the users to hold your token. in the long run?

Sohail S/CMO@Merkle Network : To give an insight on the tokens and how does it work in the ecosystem. $MERKLE is going to be our native tokens. Merkle tokens will be rewarded to the Node operators for transferring data from the source blockchain to destination blockchain. Also, it’ll be used for transaction. / gas fees, staking, rewards, token burn from the fees. It’ll be a deflationary token as and when the adoption grows for the platform. Interoperability is something for the future, cos when we look at the future, we’ll live in a multichain world. And the way we are progressing as of now, it is not an apt way for industry to progress, because of fragmentation. and on a long term horizon, MERKLE will enable a truly interoperable world. And that’s why we are looking at this protocol, which will gain a wide spread adoption in the coming days.

BiT_SHaMaN|TGH/Owner@TheGemHunterstg : Lastly, please tell the community about your plans ahead.Please tell us about your Upcoming events, Roadmap, milestones and potential updates moving forward.

Samdev/Co-founder@Merkle Network : Some of the upcoming milestones:Testnet Lauch – 30 Nov, Bug bounty – Week 1 December, Audit – Week 1 December, Mainnet launch – Around 3rd week of December, Interoperable token launch – Mid December And there are tons of partnerhips and marketing planned. We have officially received grants from some major blockchain foundations which we will share jointly with them

For more information on Merkle Network refer to the links

below :

💎Website :

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Syscoin Live AMA

25th Nov 2021

Welcome to the Syscoin live AMA with The Gem Hunters, we would like to thank the team for attending today and sharing information on the project with our community!

BiT_SHaMaN|TGH/Owner@TheGemHunterstg : Lets kick this off with a general introduction into Syscoin, tell us all about what you guys have been working on and are continuing to build!?

bstr156/Team@Syscoin : Elevator pitch (ELI5): “Wouldn’t it be amazing if Bitcoin’s strong network secured everything you can do on Ethereum, and scaled smart contracts to billions of users in metaverses, smart cities, and beyond? It will! That’s Syscoin!”There is nothing else like Syscoin’s design. To elaborate a bit more…Imagine a large sphere (Syscoin). Within that sphere are two smaller spheres beside each other (Bitcoin model, Ethereum model). Those two inner spheres remain appropriately separate, but relate to each other trustlessly through something we call protocol adaptation. The two spheres leverage each other’s strengths in unique ways to offer users of Syscoin, and devs, some new game-changing capabilities and characteristics that otherwise would be impossible if one were simply using Bitcoin or Ethereum on their own, without this proper coordination.Syscoin has properly evolved into *the* blockchain “SYStem of systems”. This evolution took place over the years, mostly quietly, towards this apex of an ideal coordinated financial computing platform that can serve future needs indefinitely. Our upcoming NEVM (an EVM smart chain, aka our “Ethereum sphere”) will allow you to implement the latest cryptography advancements, particularly Zero-knowledge Proofs and ZK-Rollups, and secure all of that using an L1 that is merge-mined with Bitcoin providing PoW that is very powerful and proven, yet green.There is much more to be explained, all those capabilities and characteristics, but that’s the high-level summary!

BiT_SHaMaN|TGH/Owner@TheGemHunterstg : Now we have a general overview lets get some info on the team itself, tell us a little bit about your backgrounds please!

bstr156/Team@Syscoin : I’m Bradley Stephenson, a board member of Syscoin Foundation. I first learned of Bitcoin back around 2011, and began paying more attention to it circa 2014 when I understood its implications better. I’ve been on the Syscoin Foundation board since 2018/2019. My background involves 20+ years data infrastructure and enterprise database dev. What drew me to Syscoin was its long-range vision, and the developers’ design methodology and philosophy. And I’m very happy to say we’re about to accomplish a huge part of that vision!Syscoin Foundation is a registered nonprofit based in The Netherlands. We have board members in Australia, Canada, USA, The Netherlands, and Germany. Our partners, and the Syscoin network itself, are geographically diverse, from Brazil to South Korea. Our community very much has a global mindset.

Jagdeep Sidhu/Team@Syscoin : I am Jagdeep Sidhu (Jag). President of Foundation and CTO of Blockchain Foundry (BCFN:CSE) as well as core developer of Syscoin. I got involved around 2013 into crypto mostly through coding and bitcoin/altcoin development and before that was a software engineer for 15 years and traded in equity markets for about 10. My focus was on gaming, AI, Image/sound processing, client/server computing mostly. I have a mix of economics/financial background through trading, a mix of computer science through developing for over 20 years and a mix of crypto-anarchism through searching for ways to make software that becomes autonomous and finding that with blockchain.

BiT_SHaMaN|TGH/Owner@TheGemHunterstg : You’ve just created the #NEVM smart contract layer #EVM which utilizes the security of Bitcoin and adds #UTXO as an asset layer with #zkrollup scaling the entire process! Will Smart contract scaling occur on L2 w/ zkRollups faster than Polygon’s current system?

Jagdeep Sidhu/Team@Syscoin : If you mean polygon’s PoS system? No the zkRollups will blow it out of the water but if you mean their zkRollup then it will be similar but note: They are all interoperable; the rollups that are deployed on SYS can be deployed on Polygon, the shared EVM logic ensures that it will work seamlessly, letting us leverage the work of others and others leveraging our work. The benefit of our solution is that we settle with bitcoin security while other systems settle on inferior security models. whoever creates web3/evm/solidity compliant zk rollups will win at the beginning we are like the guys paving the roads and laying the foundations of city and buildings for the car companies and real estate developers to build on

BiT_SHaMaN|TGH/Owner@TheGemHunterstg : So on that note regarding another aspect of Syscoin and its payment system, what other solutions or alternatives are currently on the market that compete with Syscoin’s Z-DAG UTXO solution for fast payments and why is the Z-DAG UTXO solution so unique?

bstr156/Team@Syscoin : First let me say our main focus right now is on NEVM and ZK-Rollups for scaling EVM. That said, Z-DAG is a very important innovation we have contributed to blockchain tech that will take its rightful place once the industry catches-up and recognizes the value of UTXO tokens for secure simple value transfer. There’s really nothing else like Z-DAG. There are of course DAGs, and there are “fast payment solutions”. They all seem to veer away from Bitcoin’s model. Some of them use a subset of validators to accomplish speed, sacrificing Bitcoin’s proven path of validating with all full nodes then trusting. We were able to design and implement a solution that stays within the boundary of the Bitcoin model and codebase, using Bitcoin mempool code, to create a system that offers interactive and probabilistic security prior to on-chain settlement for incredible speed and throughput. It is the infra that enables streaming payments for retailers accepting stablecoins, etc. It is decentralized yet faster than VISA network and other “fast payment” solutions, is far more secure, and is compatible with advancements that emerge from Bitcoin’s massive intellectual capital such as Lightning Networks. Z-DAG fills a very important gap for Lightning Networks. With Z-DAG, Lightning Networks have a cost-effective resilience fallback. With it, LN can serve global demand and user-experiences appropriately. Without it, LN ultimately cannot.You can learn more about Z-DAG here: Z-DAG is also compatible with our Notary Oracle capability. That enables token projects to opt-in to having token transfers checked against business rules and compliance rules, if they need that… e.g. a stablecoin that wants users to be able to spend it at retailers, etc. That Notary. Oracle will also work on ZK-Rollups through a system called Peregrine. It all enables compliance while remaining non-custodial… making the idea of trading TSLA/SYS on a DEX an actual possibility technically speaking.

BiT_SHaMaN|TGH/Owner@TheGemHunterstg : Regarding the L1 blockchain side of things, we all know that eventually its going to come down to the survival of the fittest. But how well is the Syscoin and its eco-system going to to compete with other blockchains and why will it stand the test of time? You state that Syscoin is a has. a hashrate second only to Bitcoin, how is this accomplished?

Jagdeep Sidhu/Team@Syscoin : It is 100% correct, there will only be a few chains standing at the end and ones that are modular at heart have the best chance of being long term infrastructure for our financial autonomous world of tomorrow (compared to monolithic L1s). We are merge-mined with Bitcoin so we share the work without adding any carbon imprint on the world ourselves. If we want to solve the problems of scalable infrastructure we must start with security and then offer scalability. Any system that is the MOST secure and the MOST scalable will be standing in the end as the preferred choice for hedge funds/family office settling and HODLing large value but also businesses and enterprises building their web3 tech stacks.

BiT_SHaMaN|TGH/Owner@TheGemHunterstg : Now moving onto the platform itself, how can users and investors fully utilize the platform, what does it offer and how can they profit from using the Syscoin platform?

Jagdeep Sidhu/Team@Syscoin : DeFi/Metaverse/AI/IoT/AMM – DEX/DAO type plays today as we launch zkRollups, but as we scale up every 10x we get 50x new use cases like those. We are about to scale up the industry by 100–1000x so what does that tell you about opportunity both from developers/entrepreneurs as well as investors? Will have a launchpad as well where investors can jump in on the new projects building on top

bstr156/Team@Syscoin : FYI, all Ethereum smart contract types are 100% compatible with NEVM. Same tooling, and also works with Metamask and other Web 3.0 wallets from the Ethereum sphere. They can just move over Our NEVM testnet has been running since early/mid October.. I’ll provide a link to details in a bit.

BiT_SHaMaN|TGH/Owner@TheGemHunterstg : Lastly moving into the ecosystem, tell us all about the $SYS token and the role it plays within the ecosystem itself. Also integration of the new smart contarcts.

bstr156/Team@Syscoin : Syscoin is the native utility coin of the Syscoin network. Upon release of NEVM, SYS tokenomics will shift to be based on EIP-1559, similar to ETH, which is ideal for a perpetual economy of utility. SYS is used to pay settlement fees on the Bitcoin-based chain and used on the EVM chain as gas. This works much better for utility than attempting to use a “store of value” oriented coin for gas like when Rootstock tried using wrapped Bitcoin to pay gas fees for smart contracts. People don’t want to spend a store-of-value on gas, they want to use a utility coin.SYS also serves as collateral for those wishing to receive incentives for operating a full node. Our network is “open participation” meaning anyone with 100,000 SYS can operate an incentivized full node. They are very instrumental to the network as they are used to establish quorums that create chainlocks on L1 to mitigate and resist MEV attacks on DeFi – something other smart chains lack. They also represent a horizontally and vertically scalable component that can be used for things like decentralized Web 3.0 providers, which Syscoin is expecting to provide in the near future. This is in contrast to Ethereum’s Infura which is largely centralized and considered almost a “single point of failure”.All smart contracts that work on Ethereum are fully compatible with Syscoin NEVM, and can be easily ported over. The toolsets that Ethereum developers enjoy and are familiar with will also be available for Syscoin NEVM. It will be fully compatible with Metamask from Day One.Our NEVM testnet, called Tanenbaum, has been up and running since early/mid October. You can configure your Metamask to use it. There is also a testnet faucet available. Learn how to access Tanenbaum here: By the way, our NEVM goes mainnet on Syscoin around December 6th! The deployment will be a phased approach. December 6th is when we roll-out the L1. ZK-Rollups and Validium will follow after… ZK-Rollups Q1 2022, Validium after that. We’ve already got a number of DeFi protocols waiting in the wings to make the move or deploy on NEVM Pegasys, Mute, Gold Standard DAO, and another we just announced today called Equalizer (Flash Loans) They are all forward thinking projects that are aimed to harness ZK-Rollups. Those are the main kind we look for.

For more information on Syscoin refer to the links below :

💎Website :

💎Twitter :

💎Telegram :

Outrace Live AMA

24th Nov 2021

Welcome to the ThorWallet live AMA with The Gem Hunters, we would like to thank the team attending today and sharing information on the project with our community!

Running Beast | TGH:

Let’s kick off with some introduction.Please introduce yourself to the community?Please tell us about your experience and expertise in the Crypto field.


Yes of course.

My name is Troy Denia. I’m the current Chief Operations Officer of Outrace. I’ve been in crypto since 2017 out of curiosity until I further researched its potential not only individually but also in broader terms. I also met our CEO on 2017. We were investing in some ICOs and trading coins/tokens at that time. I’ve been mostly as Community Managers/Bounty managers while being an Investor and Trader at the same time and that’s why I’ve come to study different kinds of projects as well.

Running Beast | TGH:

that’s great, thanks for the brief introduction, lets talk in depth about the project. Please give us a brief introduction about your project and what are you guys trying to showcase? What is the story behind its origin? When did it start?


Outrace is a racing-themed NFT game insprired by the many racing games we had in the past and current NFT trends that we have these days.

The story behind is actually simple. We wanted to provide a blockchain-based-income-generating NFT game for the community with less the problems most NFT has nowadays. We started conceptualizing Outrace around 7 or 8 months ago as we have already noticed some problems with the current NFTs at that time and we wanted to improve it and provide a better outcome for the community of gamers.

Running Beast | TGH:

the NFT trend has given a huge boost to the crypto marketThere has been rapid development in the Crypto field in the past few years but it is still in early stages.What makes Outrace stand out and unique among so many projects in the market?Please tell us about the unique Outrace Game and its different modes and could you run us through how it actually works?


Yes, indeed and we wanted to provide a better experience.

Running Beast | TGH:

i love racing games


yeh we’ve all said we’re interested in playing Outrace the community reception has been amazing too!


We’d love to cater as many as possible.

Basically, it’s a racing game and it has 3 types of races: one against AI, one against multiple real players and a 1v1 where winner takes all.

Conqueror Mode, Sprint Race Mode and Pink SLip Race. We also have the manufacturing option where players gets to produce their own cars or car parts.

What sets Outrace “VERY” different from the many NFT games we have today are these:

1. Limited NFT (car) usage — Every car has a mileage and it determines how long a car can be used to race. It is initially set to 150,000 kilometers.

2. Different wallets for Crew Racers and Crew Leaders — This prevents malicious acts from the manager’s side preventing profit lost for our crew racers.

3. High initial manufacturing requirements — this promotes more token burning mechanism.

4. Fibonacci sequencing — It provides difficulty for NFT printing and prevents upsurge in NFT production.

We get these uniqueness as we witness some difficulties other NFT games are experiencing right now. We have to do this as a long term project.

Running Beast | TGH:

What are the track records of Outrace?

There are various entry barriers plaguing the Crypto market. How would your project secure an upper hand over the most similar contender in the market today in terms of scalability, security, features, and adaptability?


We have just basically launched our IDO 2 days ago and it has been a success o far. Plus, with the stated uniqueness above, there will be a mutual benefit both for the Crew Leaders and Crew Racers without the added risk.

If one has financial capability, he can chose to race for himself or help others earn as well. And if one has no financial capacity, being a crew racer is the best choice.

We’ll have to improve as time goes by especially as we increase in users and it is very important for us to do so.

Running Beast | TGH:

where did you have the IDO, can you please share about the experience?


We had it on SparkPoint and on the second part, it was sold out ultimately fast. If I’m not mistaken, the total sale was 93 bnb

Running Beast | TGH:

Lets get some insight into your token,

How does it all get incorporated into the Outrace ecosystem? How will you stimulate the users to hold your token in the long run?


This is a great question actually.

$ORE is the native currency of Outrace Play To Earn and it will be used to reward racers as well. Basically it will also be used in buying cars in the marketplace and upgrading garage. The native token will be used both in-game and outside of the game ( staking and others)

Running Beast | TGH:

would be great to see it implemented in the game.

And lastly, please tell the community about your plans ahead.

Please tell us about your Upcoming events, Roadmap, milestones and potential updates moving forward.


We have several plans for the community as we move forward into improving the game. We are anticipating plenty of inconsistencies or bugs that will appear in game and we have to settle it as fast as possible.

Aside from racing, manufacturing and selling cars or car parts, there’ll be plenty activities outside the game and we wanted to surprise the community for these activites.

As much as I’d like to reveal much as early as now, but we’d love to bring excitement to our users/players

We’ll also have our listing on Pancakeswap on Nov 26. Time will be TBA.



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ThorWallet Live AMA

16th Nov 2021

Welcome to the ThorWallet live AMA with The Gem Hunters, we would like to thank the team attending today and sharing information on the project with our community!

COMRADE KEEGAN|TGH@TheGemHunterstg : So to kick of the AMA, could you share some background on what ThorWallet is and the goals that you’re aiming to achieve? What market problem inspired TGT’s development?

Mazze/Team@ThorWallet : Thorwallet is the official native iOS and Android wallet for the Thorchain Community. We aim to become the Robinhood app for cross-chain DeFi. A native one-stop shop DeFi App we’re a non custodial mobile wallet that offers much more than the wallets your’ve been using so far. Since we integrate all the functionalities Thprchain offers. Our users will be able to swap swap native coins like Bitcoin or Ethereum fully decentralized, earn passive income by providing liquidity on THORChain, tap into borrowing/lending facilities or trade THORChain-based synthetics that can even be locked in a cross-chain savings account, all directly from out of the wallet. The easiest way is actually to test it out yourself. The public beta for iOS is already out.

COMRADE KEEGAN|TGH@TheGemHunterstg : Next, let’s get to know the team behind ThorWallet. Storing funds on any wallet obviously requires a great level of trust in the protocol, and the people who built it. Could you introduce yourself and the team, and what experiences you have prior that show you’re up to the task?

Mazze/Team@ThorWallet : My name is Marcel and Im a seasoned entrepreneur with background in Banking & Finance from the university of Zurich. I also started a Phd in IT. Im currently also a course director at the university of applied siences Lucerne for two further education courses the CAS (Certificate of advaned studies) in Blockchain and one in Crypto Finance those are 3–4 months deep dive coureses in the said topics . I’m further a Co-Founder & board member of the DEC Institute which is an online examination and certification platform for digital assets specialists, backed by leading blockchain universities. They do like the internationally acknowledged Chartered Digital Asset Analyst Exam. I also recently had the chance to join the Crypto Valley Association as a board member – one of the biggest blockchain related associations worldwide. In a previous role I was also Head of SEBAveristy of Swiss Crypto Bank SEBA one of the first fully licenced banks worldwide concentrating on digital assets. Before that I acted in award winning (tech) startups in various roles from founder, early management member or angel investor. The other co-founders are also very experienced, especially when it comes to venture building.

COMRADE KEEGAN|TGH@TheGemHunterstg : So, with many wallets coming out recently, all seemingly on different chains, what chains will be available for ThorWallet users, and do you plan on adding others?

Mazze/Team@ThorWallet : So right now we offer all chains THORChain is supporting, which is btc, ltc, eth, bch, binance chain. Obviously they are all ready for native swaps We will of course add different chain support in the wallet as well. And once they are added by thorchain, they will be also available for swaps (and not just storage) thats like terra, polkadot, cardano, doge, binance smart chain.. they want to have them ready by the end of the year and we will ahve them too and those APYs are not generated from lending and borrowing, but trading activity in the pool, hence more resistant = less volatility in the APY yeah, so fees are basically the onchain transaction costs (not fees actually) and then we charge a 0% – 1% affiliate fee on top, depending on your tier and you get into the tier with our TGT token 🙂

COMRADE KEEGAN|TGH@TheGemHunterstg : Alongside being able to swap natively between ETH and BNB (and the others on ThorChain at present), what other tools will ThorWallet offer to its users? What gives it the edge over the competition in the market?

Mazze/Team@ThorWallet : as mentioned before to swap native coins means there needs to be a pool of native tokens too. This means for the first time you can get an attractive APY on your native coins definitely a competitive edge so 1) APY on native coins but also 2) synthetic assets such as synth.btc will allow you to trade at a higher speed and lower fees. 100% backed by real btc in the LP. Still fully defi. thats being implemented by TC right now 3. lending and borrowing on native L1 4. which enables self paying loans basically you can borrow fudns and since your collateral is in a pool that generates APY, it is paying back itself.

COMRADE KEEGAN|TGH@TheGemHunterstg : A major event for the protocol is the IDO which will be happening soon! Can you give some details on the IDO and how users can take part? What are the tokenomics behind the TGT token and why should people enter; what perks does the TGT token offer?

Mazze/Team@ThorWallet : So actually phase 1 of our IDO happened yesterday, we launched on thorstarter and had to increase the allocation twice as demand was so big in the end we had over 5700 allocations and the FCFS part was sold out in under 2 minutes now we will have phase 2 on thorchain itself. We will release the date soon, as the nodes are in maintanance there is a how to article, let me quickly share it TGT is a multi-utility token that can be staked in order to enjoy premium features within the THORWallet ecosystem. It will also serve as governance token and is at the heart of our gamified community features whcih in the form of missions allow users to earn TGT tokens such as, do a swap and provide LP with volume 1000$ and get extra reward TGT has a total supply of one billion, of which 40% will be given back to the community over time. 50% of the fees generated in the wallet, will also be used to buy back & burn TGT, in order to accrue even more value to the token holders (can be increased later) We have some nice infographics regarding the utility as well as the premium features, met me post them quickly.

COMRADE KEEGAN|TGH@TheGemHunterstg : So as mentioned prior, any wallet needs to have security in order to attract users. Since you’re creating a first of its kind DEX for native coins, does ThorWallet have an audit completed, and is your code public for the community?

Mazze/Team@ThorWallet : So it is firstly important to distinguish between Thorchain – the blockchain and our interface, the THORWallet Thorchain has a top core dev team and recently beefed up security a lot also the caps are raised slowly which shows the sentiment of not quick bugs but long term project that will stay now thorwallet (our product) , all on-chain contracts are audited (on github) our app itself has also the crucial part audited, as example the key storage enclave was also used for a swiss private bank and audited. so no worries there.

COMRADE KEEGAN|TGH@TheGemHunterstg : Lastly, the future of ThorWallet! After the IDO, what is your timeline for the release of the mainnet wallet, and could you share your roadmap? Also, if you have any last second announcements to share with us today please do 🍻

Mazze/Team@ThorWallet : Yeah maybe first some important milestones we have to celebrate. – like the community grant we got from the official treasury of thorchain – the successful private rounds at 25m , 40m and 75m valuation with some great VCs as well as the TC treasury itself – a successful launch of the public beta app with >500 testers – Our limited THORWallet NFT series that give also access to premium features Soldiers are sold out and currently trade at around 0.3 ETH Upcoming: -IDO of course 😄, - Setting the iOS app in the app store to “live”- The android version will follow later this year, The web-based trading interface , - Several premium features for the app, - And much more

For more information on ThorWallet refer to the links below :

💎Website :

💎Twitter :

💎Telegram :

💎Discord :

Torum Live AMA

10th November 2021

Welcome to the TORUM live AMA with The Gem Hunters, we would like to thank the team attending today and sharing information on the project with our community!

COMRADE KEEGAN|TGH@TheGemHunterstg : So to start! To remind everyone, and for all the new folks, can you start by giving us some background on what Torum is, and just what is SocialFi?

Jayson/Team@Torum : Torum is a SocialFi ecosystem that is specially designed to connect cryptocurrency users. The SocialFi ecosystem consists of 4 main components: Social – the social media platform with over 120K users DeFi – the first social-integrated yield farming platformNFT Marketplace – An marketplace for crypto artists to mint, collect, trade and showcase NFTs all in one placeAvatar NFT – the first PFP Avatars, integrated in a Social Metaverse On the other hand, SocialFi could be a tricky question Purely because different people might have a different understanding of what constitutes SocialFi Especially since there aren’t much SocialFi projects in the industry There is not much healthy comparison for us to do . On Torum, we believes that SocialFi refers to “Web2.0+3.0 ecosystem that is built on top of a social media platform, integrated with all the blockchain innovations in the industry”

COMRADE KEEGAN|TGH@TheGemHunterstg : Next, let’s get to know the team that’s built Torum! Can you introduce both yourself and the rest of the team? Why did you start Torum together?

Jayson/Team@Torum : A close friend of mine reached out to me and said “Look, I got an idea about a social media platform that is specially designed for the crypto space. An ecosystem where everyone talks crypto and gets all crypto-related stuffs, all in one place”A safe, open and interconnected social ecosystem That’s how Torum was conceived. In Nov 2018, I co-founded Torum, together with 4 childhood friends. In 18 months, we managed to release the beta version of our social media platform. We built the product and raised our seed funding alternately during this 18-month period. Got to say that it takes a lot of guts and stupidity to make a social-based project, because no one really cares about social Trends shift from ETH killer to DeFi, NFT, GameFi

COMRADE KEEGAN|TGH@TheGemHunterstg : The XTM token is the token that runs the Torum ecosystem; what tokenomics/utility does the token possess, and how can users earn the token on Torum itself?

Jayson/Team@Torum : Earning token from the platform isn’t really a focus of Torum. We feel that “Interact-to-earn” is a broken model. But, other SocialFi projects might disagree with me. As for token utility, there is a lot to cover, so I will only state the few most important utilities. 1. Social Tipping: Torum users will need to use XTM to purchase gifts (tip) to other users on the platform. The bigger the amount of gifted amount, the higher the upgrade that a person can receive when doing liquidity staking on Torum DeFi platform. 2. NFT Trading: XTM is integrated as the sole native token of Torum NFT Marketplace (upcoming) where each NFT trade is carried out using XTM. 3. Social Voting : Projects will need to use XTM as a form of voting power to pass on community listing proposals to activate CoinGecko pricing tag integration to the tokens of the winning project. 4. Metaverse Identity: NFT enthusiasts will need to use XTM to build their Torum Metaverse Avatars. The XTM is used to purchase and unlock the Avatar NFT Blind Box that provides an Avatar component to the holders. The players can accumulate these components and freely customize their Avatars, which acts as a manifestation of their digital identities in the Metaverse. As Torum grows bigger, the project will design new utility gamification for XTM, such as an Ads system that requires bidding with XTM (akin to Brave). With the number of users that Torum possess, any utility implementation is going to be huge

COMRADE KEEGAN|TGH@TheGemHunterstg : With Torum being live for many months now, what kind of achievements have you made along the way, and what differentiates you from your competitors? November has been incredible so far 👏

Jayson/Team@Torum : We started from <1,000 users until today, we got over 120,000 users. I think it’s a commendable achievement as not every project is able to demonstrate a solid user base like Torum Another thing is the investors lineup of Torum. We got a strategic investment from the investment arms of Huobi and Kucoin

COMRADE KEEGAN|TGH@TheGemHunterstg : So how would somebody get started connecting to, and taking part in, the Torum ecosystem? Is it a simple sign up?

Jayson/Team@Torum : You can start with creating an account and be one of the first people to hop on the SocialFi trend: If you have been following carefully, then you know that SocialFi is not something you should be missing out Or follow our Twitter account and participate in our weekly giveaway events for a chance to win an exclusive Genesis Avatar Blindbox worth of $100:

COMRADE KEEGAN|TGH@TheGemHunterstg : Speaking of the SocialFi aspect, Torum is also diving into the NFT sector! Can you share some details on the Avatar NFT sale coming up and how we can take part?

Jayson/Team@Torum : Everyone basically started with buying “Genesis Avatar NFT Blind Box” with $XTM, the native token of the Torum SocialFi ecosystem. So each Blind Box will get you one NFT parts. There is a total of 2,994 limited edition NFTs for you to get your hands on. These are part of Torum Genesis Avatar series, so once they are fully minted, there will no be additional supply Collectors can then get these body parts (6 types in total) and build the Avatars that represent themselves in the Metaverse We got 21 sets of Genesis Avatar themes to release. The Avatar is fully customizable with body parts from different Avatar sets. So, you can almost guarantee that you are going to get your own Avatar that is truly unique in this Metaverse

For more information on Torum refer to the links below :

💎Website :

💎Twitter :

💎Telegram :


April 1st 2021

We would like to kick this AMA off with a introduction of what Superbid is actually all about and what you're trying to achieve and could you give an example, who you would consider a competitor from the traditional business world?

Great question. I love this question and we'd love to share details on this. is a social-auction app that connects influencers with their fans. Through our platform influencers, celebrities and content creators will be able to easily auction off virtual and physical items as well as experiences, e.g. users will be able to bid for an hour of playing Fortnite with your favorite Twitch Streamer, bid for a video editing course on YouTube with your favorite Streamer etc.

We are also entering the NFT space, so users will be able to auction off NFT items as well, yes, I said that right. We are going to be implementing NFTs on our platform, so that influencers / users can auction off more than just tangible items and experiences. We have already collected $250K + worth of art which we will convert to digital artwork and auction off on SuperBid. So one of our main goals is onboarding inflencers who will not only become our long term promoters but also will auction off items on the app when launched.

So far, we have Natalia Janoszchek - our first celebrity and big promoter of superbid. She’s going to be a long term partner of SuperBid and is constantly making posts about us on her instagram and on twitter. She’s actually a true member of our team. Holds an MBA and is extremely knowledgeable about marketing and expanding a business. She’ll be bringing along many more celebrities as well…

Here is some info on natalia:

We might have a surprise for you in a bit regarding this subject ^ 🙂

In the meantime, she wanted to share this message with you all!

To finish, our platform will not only be accesible to celebrities (like Natalia) and influecners. Small micro and nano influencers will be able to spin up auctions as well. In fact, you don't need to be an influencer at all. If there is demand for a certain experience or item (tangible or non-tangible such as an NFT), you can spin up an auction on the platform. So while we are an "influencer" centric platform, this is not the extent of our auctioner base.

And to add, there are no direct competitors to SuperBid that we are aware of. The closest competitor to SuperBid from the traditional business world is Cameo,  which was recently given a $1B valuation according to Bloomberg. SuperBid will have much more extensive capabilities than this, with our goal being to capture the same level of serious influencers, celebrities, artists, etc. as Cameo has a $1B valuation.... just let that sink in! As we obtain more influecners and promoters, We are currently sitting around $3M market cap!

Thank you natalia, your certainly one of the most glamorous guests we've had feature live at TGH!

Could you please also give us some information on the team behind the project and what their backgrounds are?

Our project was founded by Wojciech Sobczuk and Patrick Gajda. Wojciech, our CTO, built the first social network in Poland backed by Intel Capital, available before Facebook (over 2 million users). He also built (the solution used by H&M and over 100 talent agencies, acquired in 2015). He is now the CTO at VentureDevs (over 150 developers) and a member of the Forbes special Technology Counsel. Patrick, our CEO, is president of Escape Velocity (a space technology company also based in Luxembourg/Poland), is on the executive board of Venture Devs, and is also a member of EBAN (European Business Angels Network). The two entrepreneurs decided to start a social media / influencer based crypto project - SuperBid.

Since VentureDevs is run by Wojciech and Patrick, we will utilize their developers to build the application. In fact, these efforts are well underway. I myself am the company's COO. I am a Systems Engineer by trade, with an extensive background in risk management, program management, systems architecture development and analysis, and change control. I specialize in resolving cross-functional issues between highly technical teams, and have experience working on very complex aerospace systems.

Kinga is our CMO, she has extensive experience in managing marketing campaigns and promotions for early stage companies and startups

Jacob is one of our marketing managers responsible for community engagement, daily marketing tasks and strategic planning. And we have many more roles which we are currently trialing people for, as we are looking to expand the team signifcantly over the next few months.

Wow quite the resumes and experiences 👏

And continuing to build the team, even better

And another nice update from Natalia ❤️

If you like to see exactly what I do in my life and why I’m the first one to join Superbid check this out;)

Let's say I'm completely new to Superbid - how exactly is the process setting up a auction and can everyone do it or do you have to be sort of a certified influencer to do it? You've already mentioned that basically everyone can start campaigns, but are there actually no restrictions?

Yes. As I mentioned, anyone can set up an auction. At the beginning, obviously we will have to select which influencers are able to auction off what. We want to grow into a reputable and popular app, and the way to do that will be through very exclusive selections of who we want to partner with and who we are better off to collaborate with in the future. Setting up an auction will be simple - you’ll simply select the type of auction (physical object, if so, what type; digital asset / NFT, if so, what type; experience, if so, what type), set your initial bidding price, and launch the auction. These details are being worked out as we develop the product, so all of this stuff is going to be defined closer to our initial alpha testing phase scheduled to begin in May.

We will reserve the rights for determining exacly which items are auctioned on the platform at the begining, becuase we don't want someone auctioning off an RPG or something.

Would someone who's not familiar with crypto and blockchain be able to start a auction / bid on something?

Great question. Absolutely. Actually, the whole idea behind the app which we are trying to create will initially require no understanding of blockchain or crypto. We understand that many inflecners who partner with us may not be involved in this space, and that many of there fans may not be involved in crypto either. As these are our customers, we will be focusing on making the blockchain related aspects all occur in the background.

Thats also a great question. I was a bit into crypto but still it was like a black magic. Superbid will make crypto more available for regular people and thats one of the reasons I decided to join Superbid.

Can you share some details on your marketing approach? What are you planning to do, both to onboard normal users, but especially influencers?

Yes. Our marketing approach is 4 tiered. 1 - focus on gamer / sports market, 2 - focus on beauty / model / acting market, 3 - focus on music market, 4 - focus on community engagement and calculated pre-planned promotions. As we partner with new influencers, our framework is standard. 1 - determine 2 way value that we may provide eachother and 2 - determine the most effecitve influencer specific marketing campaign which we can launch. We are partnering with the best promoters in the world i.e. inflecners with hunderds of thousands of followers. So as we form partnerships, not only do they provide us with items and experiences to auction off. They also provide us with extensive promotions, posts on all social media channels, etc.

This is probably the most developed marketing plan I've read in a long time haha

So in summary, we are utilizing our influencer partnerships, company partnerships, internal marketing, and crypto related partnerships to propell this project forward from a marketing standpoint.

On to the next question, we've seen that you have done a Zoom community update! Is that something you do regularly and how important is transparency and communication with the community for you?

Yes, these zoom meetings are going to be regular! Obviously considering we do these zoom calls and are not anonymous, we value transparency and communication a great amount. It is extremely important that our community is engaged with us and aware of our progress! We post weekly updates for our community, hold zoom meetings, post polls in our telegram which lead to actionable updates, create shared google documents with strategic plans and our tokenomics strategy which our community can add to, edit, and provide feedback on. Since day one we have been EXTREMELY active in our community telegram constantly looking for feedback from our investors and believers as well as engaging the community. Our initial draft of the tokenomics plan was created based on feedback from our community, and the 90% token burn was as well. The community wanted to gain more confidence and trust in our team, so we also went ahead and locked the majority of team tokens in trust swap smart contracts. Recently we took a poll of the biggest reasons why people in our community do not invest or are hesitant to invest more. Based on the results from this poll, we defined our highest priority strategic goals, and the tasks necessary to meet those goals, and shared them in a presentation during our last live zoom. Here is a link to those goals:

We look forward to the next zoom and will keep you all in the loop when we do this. kinga will make sure of it 🙂

Speaking of investing, what is actually the usecase of your native token and what is its role within your ecosystem?

Everything is in a state of flux, because we are a startup and coming up with new ideas every day. We have tons of good ideas about how we want to fully utilize the capabilities of blockchain to boost efficiency on our app. To start, the $SUPERBID token will be used to power the financial ecosystem of the fully blockchain integrated version of our app.

What does this mean?

Our initial concept and idea is this (it could change as we progress) - transactions on the final version of the app will be conducted with SuperBid “points” which can be purchased on the app. Our idea is to peg the value of “points” to a percentage of the SuperBid token itself. Points will be used for bidding on auctions and raffles within the app. The reason why we want to utilize points is to attract the mainstream - instead of requiring extensive knowledge of how to acquire cryptocurrencies in general, we want a user to be able to purchase “point” packages with their credit cards. For example, I can sign up for a $10 package which will get me 100 “points'', or a 50$ package which might get me 600 “points”. Our idea is points will be associated with the token supply itself. Our app will be the perfect application of blockchain considering the amount of users that we want to attract and amount of transactions that will be conducted in micropayments out to auctioneers / influencers when a bid is placed or raffle made.

Furthermore, we are thinking about incorporating some cool features such as gamifying the app.

For example, if you hold a certain amount of points and for a certain amount of time, you might be placed in a higher bracket which could give you bonus points or priority in making bids (as a user) / being seen by fans (as an influencer). We like to think of this kind of as a google ad network where the higher bracket which you are in, the higher likelihood you have of winning an auction or going viral within the app, if you are an influencer, as i mentioned, we are working on implementing staking mechanisms through our own superbid staking portal.

This became a priority after we took a poll and realized that our community was in need of such a capability. We are also going to be using the token for governance eventually, when we actually have things to govern.  

For the last question, how is the roadmap coming along and what updates can we expect in the near future?

Great question. roadmap is going. fast. cranking out tasks nonstop. we've established an excellent framework for management using our project management tool and are exeucting to that plan. We can expect an on-time release of the testable version of the alpha, as well as significant marketing efforts. We are expanding our team and are already considering two additional employees that are currently in “trial” phases. You can expect more influencers joining our team as well. We have some exciting news TBA on this front. Working on staking, working on strategic partnerships, We had a call with Trubify this morning.

I spoke with their CEO and team. Venturedevs helped build their product. We are going to working together on the music front going forward. They bring us artists, we bring them artists, referal fees will be a huge incentive for us to cross polinate as much as possible. So you can expect more details about this partnership over the next week or so.

We would like to kindly thank the Superbid team for coming today, it was certainly an experience for us to have an actual celebrity live in our community and we are intrigued by the project you guys are building!

For more information on Superbird use the links below!

Website -

Telegram -

Twitter -


Welcome to the Superbid LIVE AMA with The Gem Hunters



April 11th 2021

Welcome to the Deeper Network Live AMA with TGH, we would like to thank the team for coming and sharing info with us on the new project!  

Great to have you here tell us about deeper network, so lets start off with what you guys are building, please give us a short introduction into your vision and where your heading!

Phase 1 of our project was focused on building our decentralized private network (dpn or dvpn) as well as the enterprise grade level security our Deeper Connect hardware offers. We've already sold 10,000+ units around the world which means we have nodes currently running around the world as we speak. Here's a link to our device which is currently selling on Best Buy, Amazon, Indiegogo:

You broke quite a few records already right?

As some of you already know, we are completing phase 2 of our project which is moving into the mainnet launch. We are built on polkadot. Yes, let me send you an article which talked about our record breaking raise.

So, now with the mainnet launch, we are going to be kicking off the blockchain features of our product which includes mining of DPR tokens, as well as web 3.0 gateway!

It's very impressive how you've builT all that with 1mil in funding. As you probably know yourself, we had a ton of projects raising tens of millions and not being able to build anything with it!

So please introduce us to the team and give us an insight into their experience and where their all from?

So ok, about our team.

Our headquarters are in Santa Clara, CA (Silicon Valley). Most of our team members are in the US and Vancouver, Canada. We also have team members in Taiwan and China.

Our CEO Russell, based in CA, used to be the Chief engineer at Intel heading up R&D focusing on OS development and security. He led the development of the cloud firewall at Palo Alto Networks and started Deeper Network in late 2017. Our CTO Chao, used to work at Amazon as one of the machine learning scientists. He turned his research to blockchain and consensus algorithms which led him to become interested in developing a decentralized storage system from scratch. He was one of the main developers of the Harmony public chain and served as their protocol architect, until he joined Deeper Network as CTO. Cheryl Liu, our CMO was the founder of a blockchain consulting company which helped blockchain projects such as TRON and Quantum come to of its age.Me, VP of Marketing, I used to be a core member of CoinMarketCap heading up their global community and partnerships. Now I’m at Deeper Network because it’s one of those projects that has so much promise and so happy to be a part of this project!

3) Please talk us through the problems the internet is facing right now that Deeper is planning to solve? We've already heard about some of the core solutions, but how does Deeper Network provide users with extra Security and privacy etc, what other core benefits will users gain by using Deeper Network?

Yeah, as we all know all the concerns about censorship and privacy that seems to be only getting worse and worse. We have the solution to that. With our decentralized private network, users are the client and their own server. No more centralized VPN crap. No monthly fees, annual payments to use other centralized services,Instead, users in the Deeper Network create our own Deeper Network Decentralized Private Network which is currently allowing us to side step any geo censorship, great chinese firewall for instance and with everyone working from home and owning crypto and having sensitive data on their networks, our 7 layer firewall which is built into the Deeper Connect will protect everything on the network. It's plug and play and uses the first unlockable OS called AtomOS to control and protect against hacking, trackers, malware, leakage of data. built in are also features families will appreicate like parental control, ad block, etc

You can access all the data of what's been going on, on your network.

Our mining feature works in that it allows users to share their unused bandwidth to the network in return for DPR tokens. People can also purchase bandwidth to speed up their speeds via DPR as well, this is all done through our Proof of Credit consensus algorithm and our Deeper Connect only uses 15w of power. That's less than 1% of a bitcoin asics miner, fyi, mining is fair and everyone who participates in the network can take part.

We are really interested in how Deeper utilizes the blockchain itself, if we’re not mistaken there are two layers! The top layer consists of hundreds of validator nodes like any other blockchain, but the bottom layer, also called the deeper layer, consists of millions of deeper devices! How does the Deeper network utilize the second layer and whats its main purpose?

That's right, even though we won the Substrate Build, builder's program's grant for web 3.0 to build vital infrastructure for Polkadot, the Deeper Chain itself is located on the the 2nd layer. The second layer consists of deeper connect devices, the Deeper Connect Units. These devices form a p2p network where they sharing bandwidth to earn DPR token. At the same time, users and their devices can accumulate credit scores when earning DPR tokens. With enough credit score, a device can delegate its credit score to validators on layer 1 to participate in consensus. In return, it will earn block rewards according to its credit score. This way, the user will be incentivized to participate the mining process and the more devices will join the deeper layer and the more secure of the Deeper blockchain network. Incentivization is important but there's tons of other way to use DPR tokens we can talk about later. So people buy the Deeper Connect for the DPN. Others buy it for the Enterprise Grade Security. Now people are buying for the mining and staking rewards. People in the near future will be buying for the access to Web 3.0.

Please give us a run down of the tokenomics and sales metrics, why should investors hold DPR?What incentives does your token reward investors with and what's the usecase of the token?

Sure, here's our public sales landing page which shows the tokenmetrics of our project. The public sales starts on Monday!!!

All team and mining are locked, we're in this for the long haul, can somebody say Unicorn?

So, you probably know that crypto investors are always on the lookout for instant gratification and that little dopamine kick - what partnerships and listings can we look forward to short term, give us some reasons to buy DPR!

We're working on a bunch more

Those are definitely some interesting partnerships!

We would like to thank the deeper team for coming to TGH and sharing information on the project, for more information check out the links below!

Website -

Twitter -

Telegram -

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Welcome to the Deeper Network LIVE AMA with The Gem Hunters



April 26th 2021

Welcome to the Secure Pad Live AMA with The Gem Hunters, we would like to thank the team for attending today and sharing information on the project with our community!

Alright, as usual we are going to kick things off with a brief project introduction Question, tell us what Secure Pad is all about! We know any of our community members probably already know you, but for those who don't - please give us a brief introduction of what Securepad is actually all about and what you're trying to achieve? Please give us also a brief team introduction.

Yeah, let’s get into it! Secure Pad aims to be the go-to launchpad for new projects, pairing Founders with other skilled industry participants in the crypto space. Founders can fill the missing roles that will take their vision from idea to finished product. Secure Pad will be a network connecting Founders to developers, auditors, designers, marketers, advisors, or any other role a project may need to complete their team, and on the path to success. This is known as the Decentralized Incubation referenced in the medium article. A one-stop shop that helps projects plan, hold pre-sale fundraises, lock liquidity, and launch securely.

Holders of the $SEPA token will have the ability to receive staking rewards in tokens of projects launched through the Secure Pad launchpad, and receive IDO allocations. The $SEPA token has deflationary properties as outlined in the Whitepaper. Further, through the Reserve & Repay fund, investors can set up a claim in the unlikely event a project launched on the Secure Pad platform has an exploit from an outside attacker or rogue team member. *Claims are limited to a percentage of the Reserve & Repay fund, at time of incident, and are paid out partially in vested $SEPA tokens + $ETH or other reserves held in the Insurance fund, collected from projects launched through the launchpad.

The team is comprised of 10 core members & Partners. I am the Founder, though it’s simply a title, and by no means, a single ownership role. I started in crypto in late 2017, investing primarily in Alts. Got crushed in the bear market, but turned that time into a learning experience, and time to study the market and the different protocols/projects out there. I made some connections in the space and learned the ins-&-outs of what goes on behind the crypto scenes, and what goes into actually building and maintaining a crypto project. I jumped into marketing small cap coins that I invested in myself, and did giveaways to try and grow awareness for the projects I was trying to promote. After awhile, some of the connections I’d made along the way, brought me in to help out as a marketing partner for other projects. I didn’t necessarily have a lot of reach, but I was a hard worker, and knew how to get projects trending on socials. Prior to crypto and currently, my background is in project management, and Real Estate Investment. Both of those backgrounds have helped to plan, prepare, negotiate, identify value, and build a proper team like the one we have in place for Secure Pad. We’ve gotten to where we are Today, after input, suggestions, ideas, and hard work from each of the members. I handpicked the team to fill different roles to get Secure Pad funded, developed, marketed, and get us to operating level of what our launchpad sets out to do. I made sure when structuring the Team token allocations as set out on the website/whitepaper-That there was an incentive to build long term. Not a single member of the team has access to any of their tokens until 6 months post launch date. From there, 10% of their allocation unlocks monthly from months 6-15. I felt this gave us all an incentive to build a superior product. @BigDawgCrypto holds the role of Team Lead. He and I have both been in the space since 2017, and have built up a relationship of trust. I knew I would need a right-hand man for the project, and trust is most important. Big Dawg’s been involved on different levels of multiple projects, and has a lot of experience in marketing, relationships with other project founders, and communication with CEX’s for future listings. I needed developers I could trust as well. @Hilobrain is our Lead Dev, while Sherlock is our Front End Engineer. Hilo is an experienced Solidity developer that has built a prediction market, staking, and other products for projects of their own and others. Sherlock is responsible for web design, UI, whitepaper design, and future UI for the launchpad being built. 3 of the members fill Marketing Roles, and sole purpose is just to be up to speed in Real-Time on project updates/milestones, to make sure we get it out to the community in the proper way. On the website, you’ll see Pandah & Shaman, along with InfinityGainz as Marketing Partners. When picking the team, I approached both TGH & IG with the vision for our project, and they have been in the core team channels to see progress every step of the way. The Advisory roles: JR, Jay Hay, & Dan J., are all here to give input on vision for the platform, connect us with the best minds in crypto to enhance and expand our systems. They also know where other projects have failed, and have offered useful direction on how to put Secure Pad on a better path to success. The team is currently expanding as we develop the launchpad, and adding members where needed to expedite so that we can begin bringing IDO’s to market.

So what made you actually create Securepad? Was there a certain event which led you to that decision?

The team is comprised of 10 core members & Partners. I am the Founder, though it’s simply a title, and by no means, a single ownership role. I started in crypto in late 2017, investing primarily in Alts. Got crushed in the bear market, but turned that time into a learning experience, and time to study the market and the different protocols/projects out there. I made some connections in the space and learned the ins-&-outs of what goes on behind the crypto scenes, and what goes into actually building and maintaining a crypto project. I jumped into marketing small cap coins that I invested in myself, and did giveaways to try and grow awareness for the projects I was trying to promote. After awhile, some of the connections I’d made along the way, brought me in to help out as a marketing partner for other projects. I didn’t necessarily have a lot of reach, but I was a hard worker, and knew how to get projects trending on socials. Prior to crypto and currently, my background is in project management, and Real Estate Investment. Both of those backgrounds have helped to plan, prepare, negotiate, identify value, and build a proper team like the one we have in place for Secure Pad. We’ve gotten to where we are Today, after input, suggestions, ideas, and hard work from each of the members.

I handpicked the team to fill different roles to get Secure Pad funded, developed, marketed, and get us to operating level of what our launchpad sets out to do. I made sure when structuring the Team token allocations as set out on the website/whitepaper-That there was an incentive to build long term. Not a single member of the team has access to any of their tokens until 6 months post launch date. From there, 10% of their allocation unlocks monthly from months 6-15. I felt this gave us all an incentive to build a superior product. @BigDawgCrypto holds the role of Team Lead. He and I have both been in the space since 2017, and have built up a relationship of trust. I knew I would need a right-hand man for the project, and trust is most important. Big Dawg’s been involved on different levels of multiple projects, and has a lot of experience in marketing, relationships with other project founders, and communication with CEX’s for future listings. I needed developers I could trust as well. @Hilobrain is our Lead Dev, while Sherlock is our Front End Engineer. Hilo is an experienced Solidity developer that has built a prediction market, staking, and other products for projects of their own and others. Sherlock is responsible for web design, UI, whitepaper design, and future UI for the launchpad being built. 3 of the members fill Marketing Roles, and sole purpose is just to be up to speed in Real-Time on project updates/milestones, to make sure we get it out to the community in the proper way. On the website, you’ll see Pandah & Shaman, along with InfinityGainz as Marketing Partners. When picking the team, I approached both TGH & IG with the vision for our project, and they have been in the core team channels to see progress every step of the way. The Advisory roles: JR, Jay Hay, & Dan J., are all here to give input on vision for the platform, connect us with the best minds in crypto to enhance and expand our systems. They also know where other projects have failed, and have offered useful direction on how to put Secure Pad on a better path to success. The team is currently expanding as we develop the launchpad, and adding members where needed to expedite so that we can begin bringing IDO’s to market.

Guys i commend the extensive feedback, now let's speak about the listing of SEPA and the first few days. I assume it was quite eventful and exciting for the team. Did you expect such a rapid price growth & so much interest in the project?

Overwhelming to be honest. A lot of hard work and coordinating with development team, marketing team, keeping the community up to date, and reacting to issues as the arise over the last few months, but especially this last month. As a team-we don’t want to speculate on price at any given time. Price of any project prior to finished product (in this case-Launchpad going live) is always going to be speculative, and based on investor belief in future success of Secure Pad and the team to deliver. Though, from an investor/trader perspective-It’s hard ignore that we did have such rapid success on launch, and maintained the levels above early pre-sale round and list price still a week later. I believe the limits on individual contributions during pre-sale rounds, tax function that raises price floor, and locking about $800k worth of liquidity with Unicrypt prior to launch helped. To put things in perspective, all Pre-sale/Public Sale funding rounds got in at levels of roughly $4-$5.50. Uniswap list price was about $6. Some will no doubt look to the ATH and current price, and claim the sky is falling, but unless you jumped in near the top on basis of FOMO looking for extremely short term gains, or are over exposed, your upside has been/is still huge.

So you have a certain tax feature on the SEPA token, please give us a brief explanation of that and the distribution formula behind it.

Sure. The tax function is a 4% tax that is only incurred on Uniswap sells(because of routing, it also occurs during the transaction of adding liquidity to the Uniswap LP pool). The 3% of the tax is sent to the token contract. When the amount of $SEPA in the wallet reaches 100 $SEPA tokens, half is sold for $ETH, and then the other half of $SEPA tokens remaining are paired with that $ETH, and added to Uniswap liquidity, and can’t be recovered/withdrawn. You can see the balance of the Uniswap LP tokens added by tax function here SEPA_Token | 0x10994aa2fb8e6ba5d9fb2bc127ff228c4fe6167f  (

The 1% part of the tax is sent to the Insurance Fund. To date, there is over 3,200 $SEPA sitting in the Insurance Fund after 1 week of trading. That amounts to almost 1% of total supply, and about 3% of circulating supply right now. You can see the balance of the insurance Fund here SEPA_ReserveRepay | 0x290926184e8d9fd057f32f7fa36e5d2cd990a6ac (

The tax can & will be shut down when the launchpad goes live and is generating its revenue for the insurance fund and bringing buy pressure to the token though Staking for IDO allocations.

So how much did this feature forever lock in liquidity until now & how much into the insurance fund?

There’s currently over 3,200 $SEPA in the Insurance fund which is where 1% of the tax goes. The Uniswap LP add-back function is 3%, so if we multiply the 3,200 by 3, we arrive at roughly 9,600 $SEPA collected, half sold(roughly 4,800 $SEPA) for $ETH/half paired with the $ETH to lock back into liquidity. I would say we’re somewhere around 8,000 $SEPA total here, plus the $ETH locked back into the pool. Price floor continues to rise with every sell.

You've just published your article on the first payout for liquidity providers. Could you give us a TLDR on it and how much can they actually expect?

Actually, the medium article was regarding IDO allocations and our Dynamic systems. The payout for Uniswap LP providers was a planned payout to the Top 20 Uniswap Liquidity Providers as laid out in the initial Whitepaper. The idea is/was to promote building liquidity to offset/minimize large selling or buying impacts. The payout is a total of 2,500 $SEPA tokens, distributed evenly amongst the Top 20 Uniswap LP providers. This amounts to 125 $SEPA tokens per wallet that was paid out yesterday. It amounted to roughly $132k total, or roughly $6,600 per wallet at the time. It was initially scheduled to run for the 1st 6 weeks, but we’ve decided to shorten it to 4 weeks, and use the remaining tokens for vested marketing tokens for future marketing partnerships. There are still 3 more weeks to participate in the Airdrop. Snapshots of Uniswap LP list is taken at 2 random times per day-not announced when, to prevent manipulation & people jumping in and out of pool. You must appear on 10 of 14 snapshots during the week, and both snapshots on the day of Token distribution. I believe our market cap is around $6M at the moment, and we have roughly $3M on Uniswap liquidity. I believe this is a contributing factor as well.

3 million in liquidity me and panda were astonished how thats more than a lot of the existing top projects!

Everyone is eager to get some more information on your tier system. Can you shed some light on it please?

We released the medium article yesterday breaking down our IDO allocation systems. You can find it here. Prior ( to finalizing our model, there was much internal discussion, and it was decided that Tier systems can keep holders stuck at certain levels if they can’t afford to buy up to the next tier, which in turn, doesn’t bring buying pressure to the $SEPA token. Tiers with minimum amounts required to qualify also can lead to hindering the ability to participate in the IDO’s at all if $SEPA price rises to a level that prices them out. Our Dynamic system provides a way for all $SEPA holders to participate, and always gives them an incentive to add to their $SEPA stack to improve their position in the pools. Those that want to put their weight in the IDO allocation pool, will stake there, and receive an allocation amount to buy into IDO’s according to their pool weight. Others may see the IDO allocation pool as being too crowded, and use their weight in the farming pool to stake $SEPA token and be rewarded in the native token of the projects being launched, with 90 day emissions period, accrued rewards claimable at any time. And for those that want to jump in and try to snipe the listing of the projects launched through Secure Pad, they can come back and immediately stake those tokens, in the farming contract to receive rewards paid out in that project token. This essentially gives every project launched through Secure Pad Launchpad staking from the start.

Now what's actually coming next for SEPA? Can we expect sales in the short term? Will there be kyc requirements for participants & do you plan on collaborating with other launchpads for sales?

Next for $SEPA is continuing to build out the Launchpad platform. On the roadmap located on the website, you can see platform development & completion scheduled for Q2. We have every intention of meeting that deadline, and no reason to believe otherwise. We feel deadlines shouldn’t be moving targets-but should be planned for and achieved to keep investor confidence. 1st IDO’s to be launched in Q2 of this year, and we’ll coincide the launch of the platform with our first IDO. Those that have read the medium article regarding IDO allocations released a short time ago, will be able to begin staking at a time before Launchpad platform going live that will coincide with 1st IDO launch, and allow them to meet all minimum requirements laid out in the medium article. Secure Pad does not require KYC itself, but any projects launched on the Secure Pad Platform is responsible for deciding whether or not they will require it. You’ll have 3 options to participate in the IDO’s-all require staking, 2 of them do not require KYC.

The staking has more impact than simply giving you access to IDO’s-but all of the tokens staking are essentially out of circulation until unstaked. (High demand+Low Supply=Price Inflation)

1. You can stake in the IDO staking contract to receive your allocation to buy into the IDO, based on your pool weight.

2. You can stake $SEPA in the farming contract to earn rewards in the $PROJECT token being launched on the platform.

3. You can buy into the $PROJECT on listing, and stake those $PROJECT tokens to earn more $PROJECT tokens.

This also immediately gives projects launched on Secure Pad a staking mechanism-hence, locking up their own supply causing scarcity.

-There are 3 options to stake and earn tokens of the project launched...tokens can only be staked in one of those contracts at a time. This gives you more options and to put your weight where you think it will benefit you most.

One of our Advisors is working to secure a combined launch with another launchpad project for 1 or more of our 1st IDO’s. A lot of planning and development on multi-fronts at the moment. All with guaranteed success, and bulletproof execution being the focus. The team that is here was picked with experience & reach in the space in mind. Collabs are a certainty. And we can’t wait to share details when ready 😉

You are very grounded and you know the struggle, so I'm pretty sure you will do your best to bring a solid project and make sure it all goes well!

For more information on securepad use the link below.





Welcome to the Evolution finance LIVE AMA with The Gem Hunters



May 11th 2021

Welcome to the Inverse Live AMA with The Gem Hunters, we would like to kindly thank the team for attending today and sharing information with the community today!

To kick this off lets get a small intro on what your trying to achieve over at inverse please, although some of us are familiar with $XIV many people would love a breif introduction into what you guys have, are and will be doing!

My name is Germaine Ifudu, I am the Co Founder of Project Inverse. Project Inverse is a counter-volatility DeFi protocol that offers users the opportunity to benefit from dips and downward moves in the crypto market.

We recently released the first edition of the Inverse platform and I am here to educate users on the platform and share the excitement.

Now everyone has an idea what the project is about lets get some information on the team please?

The dev team has been amazing.  We successfully launched the Inverse platform 30 days ahead of scedule. Mulitiple audits have also been performed on the code as well. Nothing but hard work since the private sale closed a few months back.

You guys state that if select DeFI coins or index’s listed fall below a certain % determined by User then they can earn significant rewards, what DEFI projects have you guys listed into your tracking vaults so far and how can investors fully understand, utilize and take advantage of the system? P.S can you give us any sneak peaks into upcoming projects being listed into your tracking vaults?

Great Question.  The Inverse Platform is great in that it allows XIV holders to bet against the movement of select defi coins. Coins currently listed are UNI, AVE, ETH, BTC and much more. If prediction is correct you can earn up the 3X your staked amount.

Excellent hedging tool as well

You also have staking pools available for XIV holders, tell us a bit about how that works and what other use cases does the $XIV token have?

We have very exciting liquidity staking pools for the Inverse Platform that users can take advantage of.  The LP gives XIV Holders access to  profit sharing from the platform and combined with 36% APY rewards. To find out more please read below:

You’ve made quite a few nice partnerships over the last couple of months with Ferrum and DAO Maker to name a couple, how do these partnerships benefit Inverse and what other partnerships are you working on at this moment in time?

Our aim in  partnerships is to  provide substantial value for both the XIV holders and the Project Inverse community at large. We have partnerships with Ferrum Network, TLG Ventures, Sefa Foundation, X21, Rocket Vault, Polkabridge and much much more.  Please visit our website for more.

We will be debuting our Flash Vault very soon that allows your favorite defi and nft projects to be listed on the platform for heding and betting.

Lastly we would love to know more about how your progressing with your roadmap, what has been achieved so far and please give us all a taste of whats coming short, medium and long term?

We're ahead of schedule. Our platform is already live. We have not made an official announcement yet, but we are happy to say The In-line platform is live,. Inline Lets you hedge and bet on the positive movement of Defi Coins, if prediction is correct XIV Holders can make up to 3X their staked amount.  More coins will be added to the vaults this quarter as well.

For more information on Inverse check out the links below!





Welcome to the SPLYT $SHOPX AMA with The Gem Hunters



May 16th 2021

Welcome to the AIOZ NETWORK LIVE AMA with TGH, we would like to thank the team for attending and sharing information with the community!

We have been looking forward to getting you guys on TGH for an AMA and cant wait to hear more about AIOZ Network, to start off lets give the community a brief understanding how you guys are completely revolutionizing the streaming and content industry! Give us a brief rundown of what your building please!?

My name is Erman Tjiputra, Founder & CEO of AIOZ Network, AIOZ is a DeepTech company in Artificial intelligence and Blockchain. AIOZ Network lifelong vision and mission is to build an interconnected mesh network of edge nodes on Blockchain

to power the next generation of digital media applications. Lets compartmentalise  two main stakeholders in our AIOZ Network Ecosystem: Edge nodes

AIOZ Network has built a user friendly easy to user AIOZ Network edge node application for user to download, install and run. The Edge node application will utilize the compute resources of

- CPU/GPU for transcoding.

- HDD/SSD for storage

- Bandwidth for delivery

These three compute tasks are the basic tenets of any Content delivery Network Architecture.Transcoding is a process of converting an input digital media  ( i.e. audio, video)  from one encoding format to a variety of compatible formats to adapt to users' on-the-fly streaming status. Simply, without transcoding, users will not be able to listen watch audios videos as intended due to the fragmented nature of the digital media formats. i.e. Google Chrome - VP8, VP9 and Safari - h264,h265. AIOZ Network Blockchain is based on Cosmos Tendermint framework ensures accountability , transparency and micro transactions for the computational tasks performed on the edge nodes.

Before COVID19, there has been a tectonic shift of viewership habits. Cord Cutting is a worrisome trend that has been accelerating over the years for content owners and cable operators. Subscribers are pivoting towards OTT ( Over The Top) based solutions deliver digital media content through the internet without the need for users to subscribe to traditional cable or pay-TV services. The cord cutting trend continues to this day and onwards. Hollywood are no longer on the sidelines, taking actions by launching streaming platforms - Disney +, Paramount +,  AMC+, Apple TV + to adapt to the change and embrace the inevitable. The Global Video Streaming Market Size is currently at estimated $60 billion in 2021 and expected revenue forecast to $225 Billion in 2028. The CDN expected revenue forecast to $26 Billion in 2025. The increase in streaming platforms have increase the demand for Content Delivery Network,in summary

Now we know more about the project, we would love to get to know who you guys are! Tell us about the team building and running Aioz Network!

AIOZ is a Deep Tech Company, AIOZ  is self funded 7 years and AIOZ  has been developing and continuously developing AIOZ Network over 3 years. We are a team of highly talented Blockchain back end engineers, front end developers and AI scientists with academia collaborations with top universities in the world. We  have written technical white papers that are accepted in Rank A conferences. These conferences are highly coveted and  AIOZ Is recognised for her contributions towards academia. In order for our whitepapers to be in  acceptance by peers, one needs to be novel and to be novel, our whitepapers are patentable. In the spirit of academia, we publish our latest techniques for the world to use.

You're going to publish in academia?

An example of a conference we attended in 2019, pre COVID, the Bigggest Tech companies descend on this conference. All the best of minds from the big Tech convene together to collaborate.

we are proud  that our latest white paper is accepted in CVPR2021

"Graph-based Person Signature for Person Re-Identifications", to be published in CVPR 2021

in the journey of our development of AIOZ Network, we file patents PTC related to blockchain.

Artificial Intelligence Proof of Transcoding: “METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR VIDEO CONTENT VALIDATION



International Filing Date for the patents was in  07/27/2018 which also validates AIOZ has been developing AIOZ Network over 3 years.

AIOZ file for PTC Patent  applications to show the world that.

AIOZ team is novel, inventive and have blockchain applications and depending on one's POV , patents can be a boon or bane. AIOZ's Point of View on Patents are clear, AIOZ is not a patent troll. AIOZ will not be pursuing further claims related to AIOZ's PTC Patents, Patents are a bane to blockchain. Patents are not in the spirit of decentralisation, patents will not stop AIOZ in any form , shape or size to consistently innovate and constantly create value for all stakeholders.

So theres obviously Problems With Traditional CDN and as you say youreself “Internet traffic is blowing off the capacity of traditional CDNs that work based on the centralized cloud dominated by three key players, leaving us the problems” So our question is what solutions and benmefits does the AIOZ Blockchain-based CDN bring to the table and how easy is it for users to gain access to the network?

So theres obviously Problems With Traditional CDN and as you say youreself “Internet traffic is blowing off the capacity of traditional CDNs that work based on the centralized cloud dominated by three key players, leaving us the problems” So our question is what solutions and benmefits does the AIOZ Blockchain-based CDN bring to the table and how easy is it for users to gain access to the network?

- Scalability is a property of p2p therefore the higher the nodes participate, increase in scalability thus decentralising the point of failures.

- instant cost savings for digital media platforms,because of the nature of p2p edge nodes, compute tasks of delivery using bandwidth  storage using HDD/SSD

transcoding using GPU/CPU are distributed.

- edge to edge devices locations allows reduced latency therefore greater viewing experience. and truly  Milliseconds matters for any CDNs

AIOZ Blockchain with smart contracts allows transparency, accountability and micro transactions,for users to participate in AIOZ Network, is as easy as 1,2,3.

1.  One downloads the AIOZ Network application depending on the Operating system of the device from

2. One installs AIOZ Network Application

3. One runs AIOZ Network application

As George foreman says so eloquently : “set it and forget it”

The node now powers the dApps in the AIOZ network ecosystem and rewarded with $AIOZ for the compute tasks

Currently the dApp is on testnet, is an example of how a dApp will function on our AIOZ Network edge nodes with her own monetisation techniques.

AVOD- Ad Supported Video on Demand, TVOD- Transaction Video on Demand ( similar to pay per view videos). is a showcase and in future when on Mainnet, will be revamped into v2

fyi, the AIOZ Network edge node and are all on test net.

AIOZ Network will have its own layer1 blockchain. However you decided to launch the $AIOZ token on the Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain in order to build up our community and to create early adoption and liquidity incentives. Could you run us through the actual usecase of the $AIOZ token and how it works within the eco-system and how investors can fully utilize it please?

very nice ! Thank you for using our, in the test net envionrment, we are made aware of certain exploits, test net tokens being farmed on and bad actors maliciously attacking using variety of vectors.  in extreme cases, demanding ransom money. I share with you the above because behind AIOZ Network nodes and  are a team. Team of individuals, individuals working endlessly, coding tirelessly,developing constantly, to make everything AIOZ Network right. in preparation for Mainnet Migration. AIOZ Network is our love, AIOZ Network is our life.

ref: TestNet Tokens currently $AIOZ Testnet tokens are only functional within the testnet environment of AIOZ Network. $AIOZ Test net tokens cannot be exchange into any value or ratio for $AIOZ ERC20 or $AIOZ BEP20. the $AIOZ Test Net rewards on Edge nodes are dependent on dApps being deployed the more dApps are deployed in our AIOZ Network ecosystem , the more media activities AIOZ network nodes will work, the more rewards $AIOZ nodes receives.

Only $AIOZ Test Net tokens on Edge nodes are taken into consideration for Mainnet Tokens, the final ratio for $AIOZ Test Net Tokens on Edge Nodes into $AIOZ Native Tokens will only be finalised at Mainnet. AIOZ Network Mainnet requires CEX listings for $AIOZ native tokens.

Your roadmap is packed until 2022 and we can already see the AIOZ Tube testnet is up and running, so you have done a considerable amount of work already! Can you run us through the roadmap and give us some insights into what you’ve already done and what your working on short, medium and long term?

Firstly I like to add more color to the $AIOZ IDO on 2nd April 2021 achieving 2 primary objectives:

1. fund raise for continuous development of AIOZ Network

2. liquidity event for $AIOZ ERC20 and $AIOZ BEP token holders participation in the future of AIOZ Network

in the short term,

CEX listings and Mainnet are in the horizon. applications are underway for CEXs.

in the medium term,

Technical road map implementations which includes WebRTC, Live Streaming , NFTs , AIOZ DEX and decentralised file sharing  like Dropbox on blockchain.

in the Long term,

A Launchpad for Digital media platforms to launch IDO/ICO using our AIOZ DEX to create stickiness within AIOZ network ecoystem thereby increasing utility for $AIOZ

Developing hard ware based nodes acting as settop boxes i.e AIOZ Network version of Sling Box

-consuming our digital media partners' content

-powering our digital media content partners

-be rewarded with $AIOZ

One of the greatest achievement in AIOZ Network's vision will be

-mobile Android based nodes to join our AIOZ Network Edge nodes

(fyi, we have already started technical works and will be releasing when ready)

Concurrently, I am working on onboarding digital media content partners constantly.

" News is only New now. the news one second ago is no long New. therefore the news  value decays in time. Let AIOZ Network handle your News Media and our edge nodes will work to delivery digital media content to your platform.  Reward our nodes with $AIOZ. "

For more research check out the links below!





Welcome to the AIOZ AMA with The Gem Hunters


May 19th 2021

Welcome to the Icarus Finance Live AMA with The Gem Hunters, we would like to thank the team for attending today and sharing information with the communtiy!

We would like to start the AMA off with a brief introduction of what Icarus is actually all about and what you're trying to achieve?

icarus finance is a decentralized crypto mining protocol that combines traditional mining with defi applications, Both $ZETH and $ZBTC are hashrate tokens in our ecosystem that allow users to take part in Ethereum and Bitcoin mining respectively, claiming mining rewards in the process. It basically it makes you the miner without the need for hardware! By staking ZETH / ZBTC, holders of the tokens will receive not only ETH /BTCB respectively, but also ICA distributions that correspond to the mining power staked, actually, this interoperability between Mining + DeFi + Governance is what makes the ecosystem unique!

Damn that's pretty cool 👀 I've never had any mining equipment but now I could start 😎

Exactly, and if you ever wanted to stop mining you wouldn't need to get rid of update your mining rigs, you'd simply sell the tokens back to the open market

anyone in the world can join the mining movement now!

Could you please also give us some information on the team behind the project and what their backgrounds are?

That’s a very timely question actually, we just solidified who the full team is going to be moving forwards, including community moderators etc. But anyway, I’m Tom, this is JX, and together we are a team of 11 at Because of the nature of our project, the team is actually larger as we have overheads due to our mining facility, but yeah, 11 of us! The team has a combined experience of around 20 years revolving around developing, project & account management, marketing & design, as well as customer support. What we all have in common is that we love Crypto and have been in this space for a while now! We all have  different backgrounds at _Everywhere team, each person with their own role. We consider everyone who works with us as part of “our family”.

Wow 20 Years Is A Long Time , Gives Investors Confidence To See Experience.

You love to hear it, experience is the best teacher, congrats on getting the team finalized 🥳

Devs (front and back end), project managers, technical writers, designers, etc. All done now, and we couldn't be happier with the final team!

Teamwork makes the dreamwork 🍻  love it

So how did Icarus come to be? You guys have been in the crypto space for a long time, what inspired you to build?

Well, it all started because we already knew each other quite frankly. We talk a lot about crypto between us, it’s pretty much the topic of a lot of our conversations since we just love it! We’ve always wanted to start a project because we knew we had the ability to do it, we just had to set the wheels in motion and create a solid action plan. Before that we brainstormed ways to provide real value to users, but what we definitely didn’t want to do was to fork another project without any innovation or real value to the user and the space (BSC).

i knew JX when we we're 7 years old, became best friends instantly!

Nothing Like Growing Up And Starting A Project

And yep! We already knew that mining crypto assets had been a profitable venture for over 10 years and will continue to do so, and we knew that the mining projects currently in the market leave a lot to be desired.

good code + real use case + community = unlimited potencial unlocked

True, not really accessible for anyone that can't buy the equipment themselves

If you look at similar projects, you will actually find that they’re very repetitive: Purchase hashrate token, stake, and mine, full stop. They typically offer 1 asset to mine and that's it! We decided to improve on this substantially by not only offering multiple mineable assets, but to also introduce DeFi applications that allow users to exponentiate earnings by providing liquidity on profit earnings in our ecosystem. Once we realised the potential with this idea, there was no going back. Less than 2 months later, here we are!

Now that we have some background, could you tell us about the tokeomics for Icarus? We've read you have 3 tokens in the ecosystem, how do they each play a part, and how can an investor take part in each?

Definitely! And correct we do have 3 tokens in our ecosystem. Ok, so both ZETH and ZBTC are our hashrate tokens. They can only be issued in accordance to the project’s mining power (i.e. our mining facility / factory). In a nutshell, our hashrate tokens are tied to how much our project can actually mine.

Yep! Our project’s mining power currently represents a total limited token supply of 1M ZETH and 1M ZBTC. The last token remaining is $ICA. This is our governance token, also used in DeFi applications. ICA is a deflationary token with a total supply of 10M, which is currently being minted over a 2.5 year period. ICA emissions are decreasing gradually over time, you can check our whitepaper for the specific numbers on this by the way.

Yeah! And you should also know that a proportion of 20% of the ETH and BTCB pools will also be used to buy-back and burn $ICA (market making pool) depending on market conditions. These 2 factors combined make it a deflationary asset.

So you mentioned you have your own rigs, what's the process for running and maintaining your mining rigs? I assume that maintenance plays into the profitability as well?

Absolutely, 10% of the mining pools are used for this very reason, as well as to cover any potential disaster, power shortages, etc. You never know! This also covers electricity costs and everything else that comes with it. The process itself consists of having a team working at the mining facility overseeing the operation as there is a lot that goes into this. We need to ensure consistency with no downtime whatsoever. This includes tasks such as cleaning the graphic cards and asics miners to ensure no dust or overheating, and not just the graphic cards themselves but also the entire facility and sockets (to simplify the wording). The team also ensures network stability at all times and that all cards are operational 24/7, As soon as one becomes faulty, it gets fixed or replaced the very same day (usually under 24h).

You guys are running full steam, wow

Thanks guys, only getting started too 😊

Big props for the 10% set aside, always gotta be prepared

With some of the highest average mining difficulties in history right now, how do you plan to keep pace in an ever evolving market? Will you eventually need to upgrade, or completely overhaul, if the difficulty gets too high? I Assume The 10% Covers This?

Yes this was discussed at the very early stages of the project before we even started as mining difficulty is definitely a factor here (a lot of us were already mining ourselves with our rigs by the way) To counteract this we only use the best cards for ETH mining (RTX 3070 and some GTX 3090ti) so we don't see any need to update these anytime soon as they’re still very much profitable. The team has actually been mining for over 10 years now (i.e. including before icarus finance). We use our own mining software, own pool, and we build our own ASICs BTC mining machines. And while mining difficulty affects everyone, it affects individuals the most. In our case, it affects us less because we industrialise and optimize our operation!

And everyone can join at Icarus

Absolutely, and we hope to see you on our TG channel too! Always happy to answer your questions. You will find that we're always available and always happy to answer questions. We're building a community too!

To the next question, one of the top priorities for investors is security and peace of mind, is Icarus audited? Are there any risks that investors should be aware of?

As it should be, safety and peace of mind should definitely be top priority! Especially in a project that’s here for the long run, nobody mines for a few days and stops right? This is a longer term, safer investment option so peace of mind is super important. We got our 1st external audit report from and you can access it here

We won’t stop here of course, and will provide another external audit in the near future.

Great stuff, solidity does really good audits from what I've seen

In the topic of safety, we also  want to work with full transparency, and you will see further updates from us in the upcoming weeks to this end. As an example, we’re working on integrating visibility of the actual BTCB & ETH pools in our web / dApp, and you don’t see this often in similar projects!

Before We Move On To Our Last Question TGH Would Like To Thank The Team For An Amazing AMA 😎

In all honesty, you just kinda have to hope that what’s being mined is what’s actually being distributed. But we have nothing to hide and you will see this, just give us some time! We believe this is an area that’s currently lacking in this space, there’s too much guesswork, we want to remove all of it, full disclosure.

So we can mine straight from our phones 👀🔥

Absolutely, you can already do it in our dApp! 💪🏼

Do you have a link to the dapp?

educational videos on how to use the platform incoming!

Lastly, do you all have a roadmap to share, as well as any upcoming events/integrations for us to watch out for? Maybe new tokens to mine? is moving faster than we’ve anticipated actually, we feel very fortunate to have such committed and experienced team members! In our short existence we’ve been able to deliver already: 3 tokens - > $ZETH, $ZBTC, $ICA, 1 external audit, New website and dApp

Official partnership with DHM

You guys don't stop wow 🚀

In the following months you can also expect from us:

- Governance platform

- Verified Launchpad (with KYC)

- Star Cluster

- Yield Hubble

- Magnetar Lending Platform

- Learn & Earn

Looking Forward To It

Well, if you follow our community channels you'll realise we release a new update pretty much on a daily basis! We want to keep our icarians up to date with everything we do, Grow together 💪🏼

We would like to thank the team for attending once again and wish them the best of luck on their journey to becoming a fully fledged decentralized crypto mining protocol. For research please check out the links below!





Hello and Welcome to the Icarus Finance AMA with The Gem Hunters



June 5th 2021

Welcome to the Live AMA with The Gem Hunters, it's a pleasure to have you here today!

To start off this AMA, could you give the audience a brief description of what is and what the project is about?

CryptoArt.Ai is Asia’s largest NFT encrypted art trading platform, allowing any users to create and display their own works. It is committed to cultivating emerging artists, empowering art with blockchain technology, exploring the possibility of interaction between contemporary art and digital media. The platform integrates casting, sales, and collection of NFT encrypted artwork.

Now that we have some background on the project, who is the team behind What kind of experience does the team have?

The team composition of CryptoArt.Ai is very diverse, and all team members have rich experience in related fields. The team members' technical strength, branding experience, artistic taste, and deep understanding of blockchain and crypto art all make CryptoArt.Ai possess excellent genes. Which also makes the platform developed rapidly after only 7 months of launch. The founder of the team, Qin Jianxin, has rich experience in many fields. He not only has experience in promoting top global brands, he is also a young artist and curator. The CryptoArt.Ai team is committed to research on the combination of art and blockchain.

Now you're not the first to build a marketplace for art on the blockchain - what is your difference compared to other platforms?

Combining traditional art, the CryptoArt.Ai team creatively achieved breakthroughs such as non-physical rights confirmation, trading, certification, and circulation, and platform created a fair and free ecological environment for artists, and allow truly valuable works to be recognized.

We're more focused on art itself. we want provide high quality NFT artworks and we believe cryptoart should be ART first!

Depending on the blockchain a buy or sell of NFT-art can be very expensive. On which chain is build, and what costs in pure transaction fees should a customer expect?

CryptoArt.Ai innovatively combines DeFi (high liquidity) + NFT (high value capture) dual mechanisms to promote value circulation through liquid mining pools. Based on the reliable equity attributes of NFT and its unique and indivisible characteristics, the program can be identified NFT confirms the user's authority, and NFT can also become a token for the confirmation of the information world. NFT collectibles have a complete, transparent, reliable, low-cost and high-efficiency secondary market. Thanks to the data openness of the blockchain and the programmable asset attributes of the token, users can conveniently trade and transfer NFTs on CryptoArt.Ai

Collectibles can be auctioned at a very low cost, which helps the market to be active, and it is easier to realize the value discovery of collectibles in the active transaction flow.

which chain will you be using sorry? i.e ETH or BSC?

ETH for now and BSC by end of this month! CryptoArt.Ai platform is based on the ERC-721 protocol, it uses specially developed smart contracts to enable users to create, purchase, transfer and trade unique digital art, which can then be visualized on the website and users can interact with the website. As for costs, users can directly bid with artists, or directly purchase according to the bids. Artists can control the pricing model and can also give users NFTs. Each creator's work is cast by their own blockchain smart contract. As for the circulation of artworks on CryptoArt.Ai, thanks to the data openness of the blockchain and the programmable asset attributes of the token, users can conveniently trade and transfer NFTs on CryptoArt.Ai. Collectibles can be auctioned at a very low cost, which helps the market to be active, and it is easier to realize the value discovery of collectibles in the active transaction flow.

What are your plans to onboard artists, - but also buyers to use your platform? Are there any reward programs in place to incentivise adoption?

Yes we have a full reward plan for our buyers and all the tool will come out on our next product update. NFTs are igniting a digital art explosion, it has become one of the most popular subdivisions in the entire cryptocurrency world. The performance of NFT encrypted art market indicates that it is about to rapidly growth in a short time. With the rapid growth and attention paid into NFT market and also digital art, massive artists and buyers will be attracted into the field. CrypoArt.Ai could make the artist's artistic achievements more tangible and valuable, because the uniqueness, rarity and originality of art can be easily confirmed. Many artists from several influential countries outside have joined Cryptoart.Ai. There are currently 767 artists in residence from more than 40 countries and regions around the world, and the sold-out rate of works exceeds 60%.

Lastly before we open the chat for Community questions - do you have a target market based on regions, and expansion plans according to it?

CryptoArt.Ai is expanding on a global scale and our platform will always open to all people who are interested in crypto art. We aim to empower art with blockchain technology, solving scarcity problem of digital art, exploring the possibility of interaction between contemporary art and digital media. Hence, we will introduce more famous IP and celebrities into our platform, such as the collaboration between the famous British singer Jessie J and PAK. We will increase the exposure of CryptoArt.Ai through the hype the IP market and events through the functions of the V2 version. At the same time, CryptoArt.Ai will also promote the market height and popularity of the platform through exhibitions, offline roadshows, etc. On May 29, 2021, the world's first crypto art exhibition "A Realistic Shocking of the Virtual Authenticity" and a seminar are held in Shanghai to increase CA's exposure and academic status in the market.

We would like to thank the team for attending once again, please use links below for further research.





Hello and Welcome to the CryptoCartAI AMA with The Gem Hunters



July 22nd 2021

Welcome to the Radix Live AMA with The Gem Hunters, we would like to thank the team for attending today and sharing informatin on the project with the community!

To kick this ama off, we’d love to hear an overview of Radix and what you guys are all about!

Radix is a layer 1 protocol built specifically to serve DeFi. We like to say it is layer 1 DeFi done right. This is because Radix is the only decentralized network where developers will be able to build quickly without the constant threat of exploits and hacks, where every improvement will get rewarded, and where scale will never be a bottleneck.

Next, could you share some info on the team behind the project? What kind of experience do you all have prior, and what inspired you to come together to build Radix?

Absolutely - our team comes from a wide range of leading companies, including Microsoft, YCombinator alumni, Concensys, Visa, T-Mobile, NVidia, Texas Instruments, NEM, IBM, and UBS to mention a few.

Dan, the Founder of Radix, started working on the issue of scalable public networks way back in 2013 after building both the technology found in NFC payment terminals, and helping T-Mobile launch their first mobile internet platform. I joined in 2017, having exited from my YCombinator company that focused on building blockchain technology for insurance companies. I joined Radix simply because it was the most game changing technology I had seen in the space, and the vision and relentlessness of Dan executing towards that vision was something I wanted to be part of.

Radix' native token, (once mainnet launched) XRD, is the centerpiece of  the ecosystem; could you break down the tokenomics and the incentive structures? What kind of utility will XRD offer to its holders?

Radix is a layer 1 protocol that is secured by Proof of Stake. In our case, the model is a form of delegated proof of stake that means you can either choose to run a node yourself or just delegate to one of the hundreds of Node Runners planning to be running nodes on the Radix network. Delegation is done directly from the Radix wallet, and is a super simple process of a couple of clicks to both stake and unstake. There are around 300m XRD available as staking rewards every year to people who stake to secure the network. Or about $36m at today's token price. The token is also used to pay the transaction fees on the network, either to send tokens around the network, or to create/deploy smart contracts. On Radix all transaction fees are burnt (100%).

DLT is a term with which some might not be familiar - could you give a brief explainer of what it actually means and how Radix sets itself apart from other DLTs? What are your flagship features?

Sure - DLT stands for either "decentralised ledger technology" or "distributed ledger technology" - it is basically the catchall term for the technology that makes layer 1 protocols possible. It's sort of geeky and not really that important what the distinction between the two is, but we fall very much on the decentralised rather than distributed side of the fence. Our main competitor is Ethereum, since that is where the majority of DeFi lives. There are some interesting new entrants (Solana, Avalanche etc) to the race, but really, traction wise, Ethereum is the only game in town. Radix sets itself apart in three ways:

1. 10x DeFi Developer Productivity.

2. On ledger royalties for DeFi developers.

Right now the community that contributes code to making it possible to build DeFi doesn't see much of the rewards. That is typically captured by a small % of projects, and little of the benefit flows back to the community that made it possible. To improve this, Radix has a system of on-ledger royalties that will reward those that contribute dApp code to the ecosystem.

3. 1000x DeFi Scalability

We all know Ethereum sucks because of the gas fees. Things like layer 2 networks are merely sticking plasters to the problem. Radix delivers a consensus algorithm that will provide unlimited scalability without breaking DeFi composability. This is huge for the industry (although also quite geeky and complex!)

DeFi developers currently spend 90% of their time securing their code instead of writing functionality. Despite that there have been over $285m worth of hacks in the last two years. Radix provides a purpose built DeFi programming environment that will enable fast AND secure development.

There has recently been a guest on the DeFi download podcast that Piers hosts that you might find interesting then :)

Very accessible interview to learn more about yield farming:

You're calling yourself 'The platform for smartmoney' and 'a place where DeFi can thrive'. Are DeFi applications the main focus of Radix and could you give some insights on those?

100% the focus. DeFi is clearly going to eat the world of finance, but the technology in the market (Ethereum, Solidity, the EVM) is so far from suitable that it just isn't funny.

We aren't pre-guessing what innovation DeFi will bring to the space, so we aren't trying to focus on any particular area, instead we are focusing on building the tools to make it possible to build any type of DeFi.

We've done everything we can to make things like our DeFi developer programming language (which will be released at the end of this year) as intuitive to build DeFi securely as possible. It takes implementing things like UniSwap from a multi-week project to something you can do in a weekend. Similar for things like Aave. The thing that really excites me then is the developer incentives. If a developer can implement a clone of Uniswap on Radix in a weekend, AND get a royalty on other people building using their code, it's a complete no brainer. I think we will reach feature parity with Ethereum very quickly as a result.

This is a great article that covers all of this in much more depth:

The Radix mainnet launch is in just over a week from now - congratulations it's a huge step. What exactly will come with the mainnet launch? What will it mean for investors and potentially developers?

We're super excited to get the technology out. Each of our releases are named after the seven ancient wonders of the world, with the release next week being Olympia.

Olympia is the first of several releases we are making that take each important stage of the Radix technology and test it in order. The starting point is our security model and our consensus. This means Olympia doesn't have smart contracts, just transactions and staking.

From a developer point of view, the first release of importance is our Alexandria release at the end of this year. This will be when we launch our DeFi programming language, Scrypto, and let people start building in a sandbox environment for the first time.

Our big DeFi release will be Babylon, which will happen next year, when people can start deploying DeFi applications to the Radix network. And then lastly Xi'an which adds sharding to the Radix mainnet and delivers the linear scalability.

We are releasing in the order of Security -> Usability -> Scalability

Olympia = lighting the way forwards

Alexandria = the way to write the library of Radix

Babylon = the launch of an ecosystem of DeFi

Xi'an = (terracotta army) a sharded yet co-ordinated whole

For those of you who are history geeks :-D

For more information on radix check out the following links:





Welcome to the Radix LIVE AMA with The Gem Hunters



August 4th 2021

Brilliant intro, lets jump in!

To start this AMA off, we’d love to hear an overview of Sekuritance and what you guys are all about! What’s the vision behind the Sekuritance protocol?

Before I get to that I will briefly introdue myself to give the community a better idea of where we are coming from and where the idea stemmed from

i'm a software engineer by profession and built several companies in the past in various verticals including pubblic sector, oil&gas, gaming, etc - but always on the software side of things

been in the fintech space for 14 years now and blockchain for 5

my other enterprises all focus around banking facilities, credit card acquiring solutions, credit card issuing solutions, etc always on the fintech side of things -

to keep those companies always above board and in compliance, loads and loads of internal checks and balances have to be done consistently and in real time -

that is where the idea of Sekuritance came along - and the team working with my on Sekuritance are seasoned professionals with varying skillsets

my right hand man - Mr. Jan Gatt is our CTO and we have worked together for years on various solutions - we have our own internal blockchain legal associate, MLRO for risk and compliance and a full development team amongst others.

In our other solutions, we needed to build and use so many different solutions each time to fight fraud, check for money laundering concerns, checks whitelists, blacklists, pep, sanctions, screening, 3D secure, check ETH address for mixing and privacy, etc. and so many rules on the transaction itself — it was crazy.

Crazy but super important to keep a business afloat, regulated and compliant with the guidelines issued by the various authorities. So Sekuritance was born out of a need to streamline these solutions and help businesses and projects around the world who will face these issues now and in the near future for sure – especially with the way things are going in this space.

I imagine doing the checks and balances and ledgers by hand would be a pain 😅😅


Next, could you share some info on the team behind the project? What experiences do you have prior that shows you can achieve the goals you’ve laid out? You already introduced yourself and your CTO, anyone else you want to introduce before we go on?

I am very happy with the core team that started all this journey and with the specialised talent we have been adding laong the way. we are a fully audited company, non-anonymous team an very transparent of our resources. Since our launch we have brought onboard top talent but not only in the blockchain space - but also from other traditional markets. We have a full suite of C-level indivuduals driving the organisation forward and also double checking each other and also a number of other individuals contributing with their skills - such as backend developers, devops, frontend, business analysts, compliance officers, strategy and partnership management, sales executives, marketing specialises, finance personnel and many more.

We are a full compliment of 19 individuals right now and we believe that we will be around 23-24 within the next 9 months.

You guys have a full squad wow haha and continue to grow which is even better 🍻

over and above we have contracted various service companies to assist in our growth - from communiyt management - to helpdesk personell, content writers, graphic designers - i meant the reality is that there is soo much that goes into a project and a company - and it is not only the products it gives out but also everything else that supports that eco-system and i am grateful for each one of our members that contribute their family time and skills and dedication to this vision and project.

Really well said 💎 teamwork makes the dreamwork, everyone working together 👌

So let’s jump into the platform itself, your whitepaper describes the protocol as the only Multi-Vendor, Multi-Developer Reg Tech simple API. Could you break down what this means to the average user, and for the industry? Is anyone else doing this?

Of course - very good question

we acknowledge that there are other players inthe regtech and risktech industry thoughout the globe but we also know for a fact that they are not going after the planet acquisition 😉 they are focussed on their area of expertise - which is great. BUT that means that if a company is operating globally and need to comply to various regultions and do various checks it needs to integrate the same thing over and over again with different suppliers and noone was bringing all that regtech and risktech under one roof - well - noone until Sekuritance 🙂

This is a really good point, hadn't thought about that!

So we actually invite all our "module competitors" to bring their service to us - we integrate and we offer consolidated UI and API offering to our merchants and individuals to have 1 point of contact and integeation and obatin a higher level of service and consolidation for their global operations - with everything else that goes with it and the power of the SKRT and blockchain economy to drive it, which is a whole oher topic in its owrn right and a lengthy one. 🙂

An important part of any cryptocurrency is the token itself, can you describe the tokenomics of the SKRT token, as well the utility behind it? In other words, what does SKRT do?

A very good and timely subject actually as we literally just launched our SKRT Loyalty Levels a few days ago - and lots happening on that front - but first things first

Our total supply is a fixed 818,202,997. The token enables the sekuritance identity management solution, the speedy token launch onboarding and the individual KYC/KYB personalised certificates amongst a plethora of other regtech and ricktech related activities. But even for non-service holders of the token itself, the benefits (which are about to be disclosed shortly) incentivise our users to hold onto SKRT itself for now or future use - they can avail of the sekuritane platform functionality at any time and also be rewarded for it - so we grow they grow with us always.

Over and above it is the only way to earn introductory and referral fees on our affiliate and partner network. We have several new fields where the token would be used and also how it is re-circled into the liquidity pools and also burnt under certain circumstances - it is an evolving process.

Also - partners and merchants also because token governors based on the individuals they accept as verified, etc - always bumping up the reputational scoring of the individuals or businesses or transactions being screened.

Important to note that there is only a limited supply in circulation right now - through our partners and initial participants, and moreover all participants were asked to vest their part for at least 6 months whilst the team for much longer.

Solid summary, like you said, the core of the ecosystem behind the services you offer 🍻 Having tokens vested for >6 months is really good btw

Since Sekuritance deals with private information on-chain, like KYC and AML documentation, it's crucial that the protocol be secure; do your protocols have, or plan to have, audits? What has the protocol done to ensure user privacy and safety?

Our solutions were built in layer 2 traditional technology with REST based APIs connecting to a plethora of different providers – each specialized in their niche – some kyc, some kyb, some geo-ip checking, some device-id checks, blacklists, etc.

We are focusing on our UI functionality and have a solid roadmap to bring to our users – mainly around not having to go through the laborious same KYC each and every time – sometimes 2-4 times a week and give more control back to the users in terms of where their data is going and how it is checked and by whom.

The blockchain element of it is that the network will be powered by the SKRT economy and all the sekuritance services are tokenized so you don’t only get access to service but you also get to participate in our b2b and affiliate programs by partnering up with us to either bring in additional users to the platform or even if you have a solution that you think compliments the platform and you would like to reach out to all our users and offer it through. We are a business enabler. seeing that several aspects of the chain are visible to the public, it was imperative that only referential layer information is stored on it and the rest in secure PCI audited solutions.

That last point is great, only keeping referential data on chain so as to keep personal info private.

Definitely - there is a famous saying in DSDM  ( which i like to use everywhere and in anything - let's replace DSDM with blockchain as a topic and the saying would go "You can use all of Blockchain in some instances and some of Blockchain in all instances"

Lastly, SKRT has been on the market since May; with August upon us, what are your plans moving forward? Do you have a roadmap or potential updates coming soon?

I am super proud of all the achievements so far to be quite honest. The team has worked hard for this and continues to deliver and thanks to our recent public introduction, we were able to increase the team with a lot of new talent which will help us deliver more.

To name a few:

-We are one of the very few projects who have launched into this space who not only actually has a NON-ANONYMOUS Team but also a working solution that does exactly what it says it does.

-We have been revenue generating from day 1 of our launch – unlike other projects who do not even have a product or a prototype and we are super proud of that.

-We have since onboarded thousands of members on our platform and our official UI is not even launched yet.

-We have signed up consistently new merchants every week and a ton of new ones in discussion.

-We have two new departments in our team which is focusing on selling to our customers specialized legal/jurisdictional crypto consultancy as well as a “startup token kit” such as circulating supply APIs, vaults, API integrations to beef up their offering and much more.

-We have our first official exhibition (participation) confirmed for October in Dubai.

-We have launched our loyalty tier levels on August 1st

-We announced a huge partnership with Digitabits for the AS Roma project - multi-million dollar processing project

-We have attracted new talent for the team and are undergoing HR reviews

-We have onboarded BUYING.COM

-We are onboarding loads of clients weekly

We have a solid roadmap devised quite a while ago and we are over-delivering which we are super happy about – however we continuously work with our community to amend our deliverables to reflect what the business needs.

We have just finished our community Alpha Testing and launched our new Token Investor Onboarding solution and the results are remarkable – never have I seen a product delivering what we deliver to our merchants and the feedback has been just great.

Ok wow haha you guys are working non-stop, you love to see it!

We are very passionate about the journey we are on - and yes there are material gains in it too but we are more excited about the adoption and growth and education of the market and its global community.

It was a pleasure to host Sekuritance for a live AMA for more information check the links below!





Welcome to the SEKURITANCE LIVE AMA with The Gem Hunters



August 8th 2021

Welcome to the Autostake Live AMA with The Gem Hunters, we would like to thank the team for attending today and sharing information with the community!

To kick this off could you please give us a rundown on what you guys have set out to achieve over at Autostake, theres a lot of staking, farming and reward eco-systems in crypto right now. Please tell us what are the key differences between what your doing over at Autostake and why it could be so appealing compared to other similar projects?

The project is split into 2 distinct phases.  Phase 1 - Staking and Phase 2 - DEX

With the staking platform we’ve fixed a number common of issues that other projects have.   The first, as the name implies, is the Autostake function.  When a user purchases the token or buys in presale, the tokens are Automatically Staked on the platform.  A little scary for some, as the tokens are not transferred to the user’s wallet, rather staked on the platform.  User’s can connect to our custom built dApp at ( and view their balance and staking rewards.  This removes a barrier to entry for some as there is no need for them to manually stake the tokens, it’s done for them.

The second issue with so many projects is pump and dumps.  Projects start off well then the presale investors tend to dump on masse, taking all momentum from the project.  Autostake features a lock-up schedule that aims to fix this.  All presale and subsequently purchased tokens enter a lock-up schedule, meaning that only 20% of those tokens can be withdrawn and sold every 7 days.  We force everyone to have Diamond hands.  So during the first week for example the only sells will be from people claiming their staking rewards (these are not locked).  We’re expecting some pretty big green candles for the first 7 days.  On that 7th day there will of course be a sell off.  But it can only be a maximum of 20% of tokens purchased.  We can therefore guarantee that after 7 days a minimum of 80% of all presale tokens will be holding strong.  Not many (if any) projects have that amount of presale guys holding strong after a week!

Thirdly, we’re completely Bot proof - any front running bot trying to buy the token in order to immediately dump on a seller is in for a shock, as the bot will have its tokens staked and locked for a least 7 days.  This should be fun!

Phase 2 is the DEX - I’ll keep this short!

The DEX is scheduled for release in Q4 and will continue to be developed after the Staking Platform has launched. Firstly users just be able to buy and sell AUTO without staking.  Fees from this will be awarded to AUTO Stakers.  We'll then be adding other tokens like ETH, USDT, ADA, etc to build it up into a full DEX - again the fees from these being awarded to AUTO holders.  So, for example, when someone buys or sells ETH on the DEX, AUTO Stakers will be rewarded in ETH.  Future features will include things like Fiat on-ramping, limit orders and trade automation, chart views etc.

Now we have a little info on the project lets hear about the team, whats your backgrounds, experience and are there any other projects have you worked for or ran?

There’s me CEO - I’ve been in IT for many years in the private sector and a avid Crypto head for a long time.  My very first project was ( which was launched last year.  We were one of the first NFT project to use Lootbox tech for a fairer way to distribute NFT Art.  That project is still going strong with some great updates being rolled out including NFT Trade-up and Crypto Prize Lootboxes (little mini Loot Shill there!) More recently we ventured into more “Degen” tokens  with Hyperdrive and Cashdog.  A hyper deflationary token and a dog charity token.  We’d donated $20k so far with Cashdog and a NFT adoption feature is being worked on.  Kind of nice to give something back.

Then there’s Mr Kawdy the COO of Autostake – he’s been involved in crypto since 2015 ever since his initial investments in Bitcoin. He has an extensive background in project management and entrepreneurship. He made his name co-founding Chonker Finance and also co-founded LOOT. He’s advised for Block Duelers and is the founder of EARN Network. He also has technical experience and is the lead developer of & HyperDrive. We of course have to mention our wonderful full stack development team is Simple Breakthrough - they have built the backend for Auto plus work on NFTLootbox, Block Duelers and Stonk Swap to name a few. They are a super professional team and we’re lucky to be working with them.

The Autostake platform does what it says in the name, which is lock up and stake the investors tokens on purchase.  Could you run us through how this actually works, how long are they locked for and what APR% is issued?

I think most of these have been answered above - the APY is just a calculation of the 200,000 tokens awarded each year and the total number staked.  We’re expecting the APY to be around 30-40% but it will change depending on the number of staked tokens.  Obviously this is not as high as some other projects promise, but it will be sustainable which is far more important than eye catching APYs.

Sustainability Is Better Than Short Pump!

We agree - We're more interested in a long term project!

This is certainly an interesting feature, are you the first to implement the idea and what can we expect price wise? I.e surely it will perform well whilst no one can sell, but during unlock periods, we will obviously see some volatility, have you predicted or forecasted any figures? As far as we know we are the first the use the Autostake features.  The code is completely custom and has been developed for many months.  I’m pretty sure you’ll see some clones coming.. SafeBabyAutostake anyone? 🙂

We expect a huge increase in the first week yes, but even after that the release schedule is such that we should maintain growth for a long time.  After a certain period of time there will be a balance between the release schedule and the token buys.  At that point we should have a fair valuation for the token. As for the actual price, the market will decide.  I could say X amount but it would just be a guess.  We did some moonsheets for fun, but no one knows for sure what the price will be.  But we expect bigs things for sure!

Lets get some insight into the $AUTO token, what usecases does it boast, what are some of the basic tokenomics and how does it all get incorporated into the Autostake eco system? Tell us about the staking options, what pools will you provide, what APR% can we expect?

Sure!  First usecase is of course staking for rewards.  Future uses will be linked to the DEX - we’re looking at users being able to use AUTO as a cheaper DEX fee - similar to binance and BNB.  But holders will also be rewarded from fees collected from the DEX.  For this we’re looking at other pools users can contribute to.  One would be Auto/ETH LP pools which could offer higher rewards due to the LP being of greater benefit to the AUTO ecosystem.  But there will be others too. APY I think was covered above.

We heard your already building a Dex where the $AUTO token can be bought and sold, so this means investors tokens wont be locked for long periods and they can actually trade the token? What else will be incorporated into the DEX? Hows the progress so far, when can we expect some results?

The DEX is firmly in Phase 2 - work so far has been limited to research and planning.  But the Simple Breakthrough team are ready to begin the second the staking platform is up and running.  The DEX, in at least a simple form, will be released in Q4 as per our roadmap.  Initially it will just be to trade AUTO but will continue to be developed with more pairs and features being added periodically after the initial launch.  Eventually it will be a fully functional DEX.  We can’t wait to get started! As the DEX grows in features and volume, so the rewards for AUTO holders increase.  This makes holding AUTO a great long term investment.  The DEX will likely end up being the larger part of the overall project.  But for now it's Phase 1 full steam ahead.

It's Been Great Having Both @Chonkybob @MrKawdy Here , Before We Get To Our Last Question TGH Would Like To Thank The Both Of You For Joining Us Hete Today!

Thanks so much for having us!  Hopefully we answered the questions well 🙂

Yes , The Awnsers Have Been Fantastic

Just a reminder that our public sale is open at 6pm UTC today! And that we are launching on both ETH and BSC - so whatever your preference we got you covered.

Lastly lets get a brief overview on some of the recent and upcoming catalysts, what can investors expect to see from Autostake? How hard are you guys working? What have you done so far and when can we expect the sale and listing of the $AUTO token?

We’ve had some pretty intensive marketing, long days and late night!  The Public sale is open at 6pm UTC  as mentioned, and will run for a maximum of 72 hours.  The platform launch is due on Monday but will be brought forward is the sale completed sooner.

One of the major catalysts for growth will be the Chart.  Huge and rapid growth due to the demand and lockup periods should in itself bring a lot of attention to the project.  We expect this time next week everyone will be talking about Autostake, some wishing they’d bought sooner 🙂  We have some pretty big Twitter guys set to post before and during the sale - so don't miss out!

Great Job On The Marketing Guys 😎

We've got some YouTube coming as well and are working on onboarding some tik tok folks - the works!

We would like to thank the Autostake team for attedning the AMA with us today and sharing information with the community, please find more information below!





Welcome to the AUTOSTAKE LIVE AMAwih The Gem Hunters

No items found.
No items found.


October 10th 2021

Welcome to the Star Atlas live AMA with The Gem Hunters, we would like to thank the team for attending today and sharing information on the project with our community!

BiT_SHaMaN|TGH/Owner@TheGemHunterstg : Lets kick this off with an introduction as per usual. Introduce yourself and tell us what did you do before crypto and did you have any other previous venture in crypto?

Santi/Team@StarAtlas : Greetings community. My name is Santi, I’m Head Community Lead at Star Atlas. I have been in crypto full time since 2019 and managing communities since 2017. Star Atlas for me has been a mind-blowing experience, every single thing I read, share, and communicate with the community gets me excited and makes me want to do more. Thus, I left college and started working full-time for a while now. So I am here.

BiT_SHaMaN|TGH/Owner@TheGemHunterstg : Now can we get a brief introduction to Star Atlas itself for anyone whos not yet seen our previous AMA’s with you guys?

Santi/Team@StarAtlas : Star Atlas is an ideal product to emerge from the confluence of state of the art blockchain, real-time graphics, multiplayer video game, and decentralized financial technologies. Basing the Star Atlas universe in a Grand Strategy multiplayer genre creates engaging, long-term gameplay as factions battle it out in a universal spacescape under a constant state of flux. Players stake assets with real-world value to grow their ingame corporate empires, discover unique and distant alien worlds, battle in high stakes combat, and shape the game’s features and future with earned political influence. Star Atlas’ cinema-quality graphical technology utilizing Unreal Engine 5 is beginning at a state that no other competitors in this space have yet had the luxury to adopt. To bring all these enabling technologies together presents a unique opportunity for the future of finance, video games, entertainment, real-world professions and blockchain where people can make money and have a lot of fun doing it. All in the familiar frontier of outer space, where exploration is both terrifyingly cold and simultaneously full of unrelenting optimism.Of note, every asset that can be owned within the game is done so entirely on chain. Ships, crew, components, modules, permits, licenses, land, buildings, etc. are all held individually by the player as a non-fungible token. The result is that players truly own the assets they have purchased or earned through gameplay. We believe this transformative model of Play-to-Earn is the future of gaming.

BiT_SHaMaN|TGH/Owner@TheGemHunterstg : So how does StarAtlas’ contribute to the adoption of Blockchain Technology into the Gaming World?

Santi/Team@StarAtlas : We are one of a kind. Looking into traditional game studios that are capable of delivering the quality and experience that we are building, none to our acknowledge have expertise through crypto, blockchain and financial expertises that we are developing across the Star Atlas model. Star Atlas is a pioneer and leader at the intersection of top tier gaming and blockchain integration. Replying to the developing gamer and crypto enthusiast that wants as well to have fun while they make money or vice versa.We are just in the year 0 of this new revolution. Thus there is still more to be seen. We are already seeing a lot of people who are doing their first crypto experience with Star Atlas, we even had to plan a lot of 101 guides :)

BiT_SHaMaN|TGH/Owner@TheGemHunterstg : What sets Star Atlas apart from the competition?

Santi/Team@StarAtlas : Well, it was kinda answered in the previous question but we think that what sets us apart are the quality and the ambitions. we know we are building something huge.

BiT_SHaMaN|TGH/Owner@TheGemHunterstg : What are factions in the game?

Santi/Team@StarAtlas : There are 3 factions in Star Atlas: MUD, ONI and USTUR. Mud is an is an acronym , Manus Ultimus Divinum, The Last Divine Hand, a spacefaring faction of humans originating from their home planet of Earth. After uniting under a common cause inspired by a benevolent photoli scout, humans harnessed Earth’s resources to set off for the stars.Under the contemporary leadership of Charon Gotti Jr., MUD Territory was established as the only legitimate human faction in the Council of Peace. Despite the dramatic losses in the Convergence War decades prior, MUD emerged as an industrial powerhouse in the region by securing diplomatic relations through fair trade with ONI and Ustur.MUD controlled space provides proximity to raw materials that serve a core purpose in the component manufacturing process for distant astronautical travel and ballistics technology. Join MUD to ensure the perpetual fair and powerful leadership of humankind .Ustur cybernetic sentient beings have an origin shrouded in complex mystery. One legend tells of a Dyson sphere-powered supercomputer harnessing the energy of a magnetar class neutron star. The energy throughput allowed the installed AI to advance beyond its physical location and withdrew from the parent machine without a trace.A millennium later, the Ustur appeared in a physicalized form through advanced softform robotics. However, none of them are able to recall their origin. But it is thought that their individual bodies contain a sliver of the original parent AI in pursuit of transcendent awakening and experiencing the universe through an organic medium.Become a part of the Ustur Sector to also form your own path in this physical universe and ascend the ranks of every observable spiritual plane. Receive access to rare minerals vital in the formation of highly nimble thruster tech and top tier hull reinforcing pipelines.The ONI faction is a harmonious consortium of diverse species. The people of the Om sector, Segal, Akenat, and Neuno systems collectively set aside their differences in the hopes of a more bountiful life in space.After the near total wartime extinction of the Sogmian race, the Mierese, Punaab and Photoli united firmly together under a strategic military pact to save their desperate ally. Through this pact, a breakthrough weapon of war was constructed. Before retaliation took hold to destroy the region’s life force, a truce was soon declared for the betterment of all factions and peace settled throughout.The benefits of joining the ONI Region lie primarily in access to densely clustered raw materials within their controlled space. These materials are highly coveted in the crafting of advanced stealth and radar technologies lending to the discovery of even greater breakthroughs for all sentient life.

BiT_SHaMaN|TGH/Owner@TheGemHunterstg : Is it possible to change factions after the game has started ?

Santi/Team@StarAtlas : Faction selection is permanent. This means that the (Solana) account you use to register will not be able to be registered to a different faction later on.So I hope you guys take the time to think which one you would be!

BiT_SHaMaN|TGH/Owner@TheGemHunterstg : How do the faction security zones work ?

Santi/Team@StarAtlas : New players choose a faction and start in a faction-secured safe zone. This allows the player to explore all the basic functions of the game except destructive based gameplay loops such as rescue, combat and salvage. Once the player is sufficiently confident enough to venture out, there is a medium tiered safety zone that is secured by mercenary groups. Combat is now allowed but your assets will be reset if destroyed. The final distant zone of Star Atlas is a wild frontier where full combat and the destruction of assets is a permanent event. However, only a portion of assets in combat are destroyed permanently. For example, the results of a destroyed ship in combat is that the ship asset is decimated into components, scrap, escape podded crew members, and a certain amount is lost forever.

BiT_SHaMaN|TGH/Owner@TheGemHunterstg : What role do the tokens $ATLAS and $POLIS play in the Star Atlas ecosystem?

Santi/Team@StarAtlas : POLIS is the governance token used at each level of governance, representing financial stake in the game, voting power in the DAOs where it is staked, and control of the Treasury. It has a fixed supply that will not grow (unless a decision to the contrary will be made by governance down the line)ATLAS is the payment token used as a medium of exchange.It is inflationary, aiming to match the growth of the in-game economy and provide a solid monetary base for in-game economic interactions and onramps to enter the game.As an asset, POLIS is a low-velocity, long-term store-of-value that incentivizes governance of the ATLAS economy for its long-run production. The POLIS DAO is tasked with the minting, distribution, and redistribution of ATLAS within the ATLAS treasury, and earn portions of the returns in ATLAS to the developments they vote to fund.With a long-term perspective, DAO governors will ultimately be able to drive the direction of Metaverse development. Even to the extent that the founding Star Atlas development team could be voted out as the primary vendor for game assets and game design. Other areas of more immediate focus include: economic revisions, feature releases, asset release schedules, and optionality to incorporate player-created content. The total supply of POLIS is permanently fixed and does not increase.The total supply of the POLIS token is 360,000,000,POLIS can be acquired in the following ways : Primary Issuance: The Star Atlas team may directly sell POLIS tokens to potential governors Secondary Markets: Can be bought and sold on secondary markets, but come with a finite variety of lockup/vesting schedules In-game Rewards: Completing certain missions in-game Metagame Rewards: a. Actively attracting new users that stay for some amount of time or generate some amount of value b. Organize existing users into guilds/factions and more, based on what these guilds/factions produce c. Guilds/Alliances will be rewarded with an amount of POLIS based on how long they have actively participated in the universe. The reward structure will be calibrated to disincentivize churn Governance Participation: Staking in the DAO and being active Meta-economics Rewards: Liquidity provision on AMMs and other DeFi entities.

BiT_SHaMaN|TGH/Owner@TheGemHunterstg : When do you plan on launching the game and can you give us any teasers to close this AMA on a high?

Santi/Team@StarAtlas : We currently are not giving any specific date. We release information of every step of our roadmap and changes through official announcements, and simultaneously on the Star Atlas Communities on Discord, Telegram Server, Twitter and other channels. These announcements include public news releases on our Medium Blog and website. We also announce and make information available in the Star Atlas Community weekly Town Hall events with the C-deck, which includes a Q&A session. telegram and discord where we do our official announcements. This week we started the opening of the mini game with faction Selection.

For more information on Star Atlas refer to the links below :

💎Website :

💎Twitter :

💎Telegram :


Welcome to the Star Atlas LIVE AMA wih The Gem Hunters


Heroes & Empires Live AMA

October 2nd 2021

Welcome to the Heroes & Empires live AMA with The Gem Hunters, we would like to thank the team for attending today and sharing information on the project with our community!

Pandah|TGH/Co-Owner@TheGemHunterstg : First of all, let’s kick off the AMA with a brief introduction of what Heroes & Empires actually is all about and what you guys try to achieve?

Shin/Team@Heroes & Empires : So, when we started the concept for a GameFi project back in July, we saw a life changing opportunity for crypto practitioners, a new career that can bring stable income to those whose lives are affected by the pandemic. In order to turn the concept into a actual product, we were going out looking for the right gaming studio to partner with. When we discussed with Imba Games, they were pretty excited about our vision and shared with us their games library. We looked through some titles and immediately fell in love with I am Hero (the ancestor of Heroes & Empires). This game has everything we need to make a great GameFi, from the popular RPG genre, auto-chess style, comprehensive gameplay to high-end 3D graphics and unique Heroes designs which most NFT games are lacking. The game follows a fantasy world where you can summon your own NFT Heroes and form a team to compete in pve and pvp for rewards. H&E has 74 unique Heroes from 8 Races and 7 Classes. If you have played LoL Chess before, you might notice the resemblance, which H&E was inspired from. Unlike other blockchain games, H&E also focuses on entertainment, which actually allows users to have fun playing the game. To make the game enjoyable, the team develops many features within the game such as different pve game modes (Madness Tower, Dungeon Trial, Bounty Hunter, etc), competitive pvp (Clan War, Tournament, Grand Tournament) and an endless campaign (currently 33 chapters, each contains 20–40 stages). Beside the gameplay, our team also focuses on the Play-to-Earn element, which allows users to earn $HE rewards from completing quests or winning a match. Users can also make profit from trading NFT Heroes/Gears on the Marketplace. Our model is designed in a unique way that new users must buy NFT Heroes from the Marketplace, not from the dev to join the game.

Pandah|TGH/Co-Owner@TheGemHunterstg : Can you give us some more information on who the team behind Heroes & Empires is and what your backgrounds are? What is your previous experience?

Shin/Team@Heroes & Empires : Let me introduce myself first. I’m Shin, CMO at Heroes & Empires and co-founder at I joined the crypto space back in 2017 when Bitcoin started to bloom, and have been an investor ever since. But in 2020, we realized that solo investors could not access the early sales, so we co-founded Megala Ventures to establish a bigger fund with a registered business in Singapore to invest in notable blockchain projects such as Casper, Persistence, A0, Subquery, etc. Now in 2021, we see the huge interest in the GameFi projects, starting with Axie Infinity. So, we leverage our resources and experience in the blockchain industry to develop Heroes & Empires. Our core team consists of co-founders from Megala Ventures, CryptoViet Labs (the creator of and Imba Games (a veteran gaming studio in Vietnam who is behind many 500k+ downloaded games such as I am Hero, Kawaii Mansion, Overleaque, Kawaii Puzzle, etc). For more information about our team members, please visit: Web: . Medium:

Pandah|TGH/Co-Owner@TheGemHunterstg : You had already mentioned some parts regarding the gameplay, but In your own words – how would you briefly describe the gameplay and is there any Blockchain related game or traditional game that has a similar playstyle?

Shin/Team@Heroes & Empires : Heroes & Empires presents a unique gameplay with the combination of idle RPG element with the tactics of auto-chess teamfight, epic heroes and monsters. Regarding the gameplay, I’ve discussed in the first question. So, I’ll include some details about our game features below. Play 2 Earn: •Send your army of heroes to the victory and earn valuable rewards.• Thousands of the best levels and kingdoms with more added every 2 weeks. Complete them to get rewards and tokens .• Finish daily, weekly quests to get tokens. Idle RPG System: •Collect and upgrade 70+ legendary heroes from different Races and Classes. Each hero has unique abilities and traits.• Power up your heroes with thousands of magical gears, signature items, and skins!• Set your heroes training while you’re away. When you return to your phone, they will be stronger, gained new abilities, and ready for battle. Auto battler Gameplay: • Each hero you recruit can form unique synergies. Stacking your team with allied heroes will unlock powerful bonuses that can crush your rivals.• Combine and setup the formation for different synergies and tactics. •There is no limit for you to build your own tactics with dozens of hero traits: Warrior, Assassin, Mage, Warlock, etc. Base-Building (future update) : Rebuild an immense war fortress, where you can recruit, train and gear up your army!• Collect materials from battles and craft useful items to give your Heroes an edge in battle!• Harvest food, mine metal and research to unlock new heroes and new gears. Battle It Out : Outplay and outlast your opponents by building an elite squad of epic heroes ready to conquer the world• Put forth your best heroes to do battle in different arenas. Climb the leaderboards for the best rewards at the end of the seasons.• Join multiplayer clan boss battles and lead your clan to supremacy!

Pandah|TGH/Co-Owner@TheGemHunterstg : You claim to unify all of the currently hot topics in crypto such as NFTs, Play to earn and also free to play:Could you further elaborate what the utility of in-game NFTs would actually be, and share an example with us?

Shin/Team@Heroes & Empires : H&E is a GameFi project, where we bring the characteristics of NFT into the game such as indivisibility, scarcity, uniqueness, ownership, transparency, interoperability, etc. These characteristics help shape H&E and make it profitable and secured. In the game, all Heroes and Gears are made NFTs from the moment players acquire or summon Heroes/Gears. This gives users freedom to do whatever they want with the NFTs, either use them to participate ingame activities or trade on the Marketplace for profit.

Pandah|TGH/Co-Owner@TheGemHunterstg : How would players be able to earn money from playing Heroes & Empires?

Shin/Team@Heroes & Empires : We want to make it simple and straightforward with the p2e model. So, there are two ways a player a can earn from H&E: 1/ Ingame activities: like other games, players will compete in pve and pvp activities to earn rewards from winning the match. During that time, players can also complete tasks in the Quest system to earn Daily/ Weekly/ Progress rewards. 2/ Trade NFTs on the Marketplace. Our game is designed so that new player must buy NFT Heroes on the Marketplace to join the game. This ensures the NFT market is always active and balanced in supply/demand.

Pandah|TGH/Co-Owner@TheGemHunterstg : With what you just mentioned in regards to NFTs, would Heroes & Empires sort of require a upfront investment to get started or could anyone start playing completely for free?

Shin/Team@Heroes & Empires : Good question! I think some projects are starting to offer the Free2Play option, like giving starting Pets or Heroes. But in reality, it’s more like a trial, which doesn’t yield profit, or the characters are too weak to progress further. It’s a good way for new player to test out the game. We are also thinking of a similar option. But to seriously play the game and earn from it. There is an entrance fee. In the beginning, we will hold an IGO (ingame asset offering) since there is no NFT Hero yet. The price for one NFT box is $200, which gives 3 random Heroes ingame. After that, new players will have to buy NFT Heroes from existing players on the Marketplace. So the sooner you start, the more profit you can earn.

Pandah|TGH/Co-Owner@TheGemHunterstg : In which development phase is the game currently? Could you share some game footage, and when will it be available to the public to try out?

Shin/Team@Heroes & Empires : Currently, we are working on the blockchain integration and p2e economy. The Beta version for public will be released in early October with full features including testnet token, testnet NFT Box, p2e model, and rewards for top leaderboard. Please follow our channels for the announcement.Game trailer: . I would say already 80% completed for the blockchain integration. So the mainnet will be released not long after the community Beta version.

For more information on Heroes & Empires refer to the links below :

💎Website :

💎Twitter :

💎Telegram :

Heroes & Empires Live AMA

Welcome to the Heroes & Empires live AMA with The Gem Hunters


GaleonCare Live AMA

12 October 2021

Welcome to the GaleonCare live AMA with The Gem Hunters, we would like to thank the team for attending today and sharing information on the project with our community!

Running Beast|TGH@TheGemHunterstg : Let’s kick off with some introduction.Please introduce yourself to the community?Please tell us about your experience and expertise in the Crypto field.

Dr Loic Brotons/CEO@Galeon : I’m Loïc, medical doctor in Anesthesiology and intensive care and CEO of Galeon. I’m specialized in medical data science since. 6 years and i code some solidity too

Matthieu/COO@Galeon : I’m Matthieu, COO and Co-Founder of Galeon. I’m in Crypto space since 2012, was trying to mine some bitcoin in early days 🙂 I’m Digital Expert, previously I was working with Top-Notch company in France and I was responsible of their communication/marketing with my own company. I’m holding some crypto for few years and with Loic, we are investing in some good ICO/project as private investors !

Running Beast|TGH@TheGemHunterstg : Please give us a brief introduction about your project and what are you guys trying to showcase? What is the story behind its origin? When did it start?

Dr Loic Brotons/CEO@Galeon : Galeon is a Health Data Blockchain Research Network, where hospitals, patients, caregivers and innovators are working together for the good of humanity We have created a new kind of Electronic Health Record with Top Quality structured medical data using Blockchain. At Galeon we are specialized in the structuring of medical data. This data is the oil of health innovations: medical research, artificial intelligence, discovery of new treatments, cancer detection algorithms…Galeon is a French / Swiss company created in 2016, we already have some University Hospitals as clients in France and we are a team of 5 members that is growing rapidly.

Running Beast|TGH@TheGemHunterstg : Now that we have a little info on the project lets hear about the Galeon team.How many members is your core team made of? What’s their backgrounds, and experiences?

Matthieu/COO@Galeon : We are 5 team members with complementary skills. As we said, Loic and I managed the whole company and especially business side. On the technical side we have Peter our CTO that was Lead Dev at Sony. We have Frederic our CTIO, he is responsible of the whole infrastructure and its scalability to run hundreds of hospitals ! Frederic previously worked as IT and securirty Architect for French Army and some French banks. And we have Richard, our Back-End dev and solidity Smart Contracts master, he is specialized in security and worked previously for Avast antivirus. We are working together for more than 5 years and we are going fast !

Running Beast|TGH@TheGemHunterstg : There has been rapid development in the Crypto field in the past few years but it is still in early stages.What makes Galeon stand out and unique among so many projects in the market?

Matthieu/COO@Galeon : We have seen in Crypto that many project raised money with just an idea or just a copy of another idea without any working product. At Galeon, we are here since 2016 and we generate revenues, we have a strong use case as Structured Healthcare Data are the New Gold. We are specialized in data structuration, that’s what makes Galeon stand out from other IT Healthcare companies. 2,500,000,000,000 of Healthcare Data are produced every year but 80% is unstructured (poor quality) and 100% are in silos, very hard to manipulate. On the Blockchain side, Galeon will store consents of Patients in order to have transparency and accuracy and allow them to decide what will be done with those proceeds. Let’s take an example : Pfizer want to study his new treatments about lung cancer. They spent 1 000 000 $ to buy data set and use it. We are the middleman that will connect Pfizer to hospitals that have structured datas by using our Galeon platform. Let’s say 3 hospitals want to participate to the study of Pfizer, we will re-distribute the value of this study : – 40% will be shared through Hospitals (400,000$) , 50% will go to our Galeon DAO (that represents patients and give them the right to decide the future non-profit researches that will be funded by Galeon DAO) (500,000$) , 10% will go to Galeon Operations to develop the product and maintain infrastructure. (100,000$)

Running Beast|TGH@TheGemHunterstg : Please tell us about the unique Galeon Healthcare and Blockchain collaboration and could you run us through how it actually works?

Dr Loic Brotons/CEO@Galeon : Basically, Galeon is hosting medical data of our network of hospitals that are using Galeon software Thanks to blockchain we will allow patients to store their consent for sharing medical data and create a DAO organisation where patients and token stackers will decide which medical research will be founded for non profit medical research now is doomed by only private companies that don’t focus on some important diseases because they don’t make any money with that ,we plan to change that.

Running Beast|TGH@TheGemHunterstg : What are the track records of Galeon Company?There are various entry barriers plaguing the Crypto market. How are you going to tackle this along with illiquidity, fragmentation, and high gas fees. Please share details of the economy of Galeon.

Dr Loic Brotons/CEO@Galeon : We have more than 85 000 patients records on our healthcare platform and already 60 000 patients have used our patient portal. Thats represents a lot of high quality data!We are already working with an University Hospital in France that make a lot of medical research and we continue to deploy hospitals in the country. We know that crypto is international, that’s why we want to bring this French innovation to the world, Galeon is ready to scale and coded in English to be able to tackle new countries. We will use Ethereum blockchain and Binance Smart chain as Ethereum is inevitable for its community and BSC for its low fees and fast transactions. We will also make a bridge between those 2 blockchains BSC will allow our users to use a low gas fee blockchain until eth 2.0 will be available Most of the transactions will be for : stacking tokens, cex & dex exchanges, farming, and voting for the DAO found. We have already some smart contracts and token deployed on testnet, we are. working with some famous audit company for smart contract auditing

Running Beast|TGH@TheGemHunterstg : Lets get some insight into your token,How does it all get incorporated into the Galeon ecosystem? How will you stimulate the users to hold your token. in the long run?

Matthieu/COO@Galeon : $GALEON token is at the heart of the platform. It’s the key for Galeon DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization). 50% of each data transaction will be transferred to Galeon DAO. Galeon DAO will be dedicated to fund Non-Profit research & projects in Healthcare and Climate change. Galeon DAO is a way to redistribute the value for non-profit research. For profit companies who want to access medical data will settle agreements with Galeon DAO. Those proceeds will be re-distributed to the community: – Hospitals : 40% Galeon DAO fund : 50% , Galeon Operations : 10 %. Non-profit institutions will have an easier access (free to use) to those data regarding specific conditions (open sourcing the result). All of those actions will be transparent, powered by smart contracts on blockchain. Patients and Tokens Stackers will be able to decide each of them will have dedicated voting rights : 50 % Patients , 50 % $GALEON Token Stackers. Each project should lead to concrete and measurable results. Example : Finding a new cure for a disease, reduce carbon footprint etc… Proceeds from those research projects have to be open sourced and free to use for humanity.

Running Beast|TGH@TheGemHunterstg : And lastly, please tell the community about your plans ahead.Please tell us about your Upcoming ICO, Roadmap, milestones and potential updates moving forward.

Dr Loic Brotons/CEO@Galeon : Currently we are running actually our Seed Round and we have planned our ICO by the end of this year.There is still some slots for the seed / strategic round there Is a dedicated form on our website: now we. are preparing all stuff for our ICO. We are supported by Quentin Herbrecht, CEO of Markchain, Global Marketing Agency that has already make successful moves with Startup like Pokmi that raised +10M$.We are in touch with some famous Exchanges for a possible IEO directly on the exchange instead of ICO, we can’t tell too much about this now.In 2022 We are deploying more and more Hospitals and we plan to deliver the DAO platform by end of 2022 in Beta. Our whitepaper will be released soon with more details about the roadmap and tokenomics

For more information on GaleonCare refer to the links below

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GaleonCare Live AMA

Welcome to the GaleonCare live AMA with The Gem Hunters


SubMe Live AMA

30th October 2021

Welcome to the SubMe live AMA with The Gem Hunters, we would like to thank the team attending today and sharing information on the project with our community!

COMRADE KEEGAN|TGH@TheGemHunterstg : To kick off the return of SubMe, and to let any newcomers know, could you start by providing a summary of what you guys are all about, and a recap of how your last months have been?

Diego de la Vega/Team@SubMe : Our project is called Subme and we are developing a platform & application which will serve as a marketplace for subscriptions, where you will be able to manage all of your subscriptions in one place, be it subscriptions of real and online goods and services. Our application will get those items purchased by you on a recurring basis delivered straight to your home and each time you make such a purchase you will be granted a cashback. You can learn more about us simply by visiting our website: and through joining up our main Telegram group In the recent months we have been able to get listed on the PancakeSwap and BitMart we started running the farming, our app is in advanced development stage with sellers testing it out and introducing their services to it, and soon we will also let the first users (buyers) test it out as well.

COMRADE KEEGAN|TGH@TheGemHunterstg : Subme’s Motto is “Subscribe Everything”, what kind of services will people be able to subscribe to with you? What have you planned for the future?

Diego de la Vega/Team@SubMe : We are also intensively working over the partnerships with. both from the crypto and non-crypto side and within the week we have begun collaborating with and Terra Land. With our collaboration involves cool NFTs Gloves with their physical manifestations in the form of signed by Jan Błachowicz gloves – UFC star.

MD Subme/Team@SubMe : They will be able to hold subscriptions of real and online goods and services, there are actually no limitations when it comes to the services or goods they would like to subscribe to. Sky’s the limit. They can even subscribe to saving up their own funds for holidays, future retirement or even purchasing real estate such as their own house or flat.

COMRADE KEEGAN|TGH@TheGemHunterstg : Subme’s protocol revolves around the Subme token; what’s the utility of the Subme token within the ecosystem, and which chain does Subme operate on?

Diego de la Vega/Team@SubMe : Our token, called $SUB, is a BEP-20 based token. You could call it a lifeblood of the whole ecosystem and Subme platform. Our token, called $SUB, is a BEP-20 based token. You could call it a lifeblood of the whole ecosystem and Subme platform. Our users will be able to get with it discounts in our app and also to pay fully for the goods and services, exchange it to other cryptocurrencies (swap), get neat cashbacks with it, sell back or hodl for its value to increase or the $SUB could be simply treated as loyalty points for our users. $SUB operates on the BSC chain.

COMRADE KEEGAN|TGH@TheGemHunterstg : Partnerships in the Crypto space can be game changing, especially for a protocol like Subme’s. Have you been able to work out any kickass partnerships and if yes, could shed more light on one of them?

MD Subme/Team@SubMe : The Terra Land project is a global transaction platform designed with selling entire real properties or their parts in mind, based on the blockchain technology. Fractionating the real estate market keeps investors interested in the geographical diversification of their real property portfolio, particularly for those with fewer funds. Our projects would like to form together a special DCA strategy for investing in Real Estate markets or simply by creating subscriptions for your future house or flat that you would own after saving up enough funds. Right now there is an ongoing IDO on the side of the Terra Land project, which is a perfect chance for you to invest in one of the most promising future industries. What is more, you can participate in the IDO through the Subme as we have very competitive entry conditions for our community members and also for you. To know more about them, kindly check out this medium article: On our side we have 200 allocations available for you with worth of $500 each for users who will want to get Terra Land allocation with our help, which means they are worth $100.000 in total. The terms as you can see in the medium article are very attractive and there is no catch to them. All you need to do is to lock your liquidity for short and to get whitelisted, wait for the announcement of results and voila! Well, that’s all about it. We are a damn hot rocketing heading straight to the moon! 😎

COMRADE KEEGAN|TGH@TheGemHunterstg : Lastly, can you share your Roadmap and how you’ve followed it so far? What’s next for us all to watch out for?

Diego de la Vega/Team@SubMe : According to the roadmap we have been able to follow all what has been laid out in it. At the present time there are no delays and we intend to release our app this month as planned together with introducing to it basic services and products. Next year though we have planned quite big gigs – expanding to more markets, establishing fulfillment centers first in Europe, later all around the world, introducing more industries to our platform.

For more information on SubMe refer to the links below :

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SubMe Live AMA

Welcome to the SubMe live AMA with The Gem Hunters


DAOLaunch Live AMA

9th November 2021

Welcome to the DAOLaunch live AMA with The Gem Hunters, we would like to thank the team attending today and sharing information on the project with our community!

COMRADE KEEGAN|TGH@TheGemHunterstg : To kick this AMA off, can you start by giving us some background on the DAOLaunch protocol? What’s the primary issue you’re trying to address, and what’s your solution?

Reza/Team@DAOLaunch : Currently, pretty much every start-up in the crypto space are launched through a combination of VC, seed, private funding.Is there any more democratic ways to raise fund ?Yes, there is Fairlaunch.However, We don’t think “Fair Launch is not a practical method” to release a token, let alone fund a business. Because what VC provide today is not only funding, but also advice, connections, Human Resources and marketing.Can startups really expect adoption from mass-retail investors and for them to provide those things, which is core part of VC offering today ? We have to change our approach.If you don’t want to be one of crowd who seeking around small allocation of usually launchpad provide, you need to think what value can you as individual provide to startups, as investors.This is how Sakuro came up with “decentralized Venture capital” concept.The DVC offers retail investors preferential investment conditions depending on their investment performance recorded on the blockchain. Recorded investments are not editable since all negotiations are all on-chain. Any Investors on DAOLaunch, can brand themselves as Decentralized Venture Capitalists, and much like traditional VCs they can negotiate more favorable investment terms. DAOLaunch aims to change the structure of shady behind-closed-door investment deals to an open and more competitive deal structure that takes place on the blockchain.

COMRADE KEEGAN|TGH@TheGemHunterstg : Before jumping into the details, who’s the team behind DAOLaunch? What do you each bring to the table, and will the team grow in the future as the DAO grows?

Sakuro/Founder@DAOLaunch : Sakuro-Founder, and Shu -Co Founder, involve in crypto since 2015, Shu has 20+ years alone as a Software Engineer with 5 years in blockchain coding, while Sakuro is a Blockchain Lecturer at the prestigious Meiji University (Like Harvard in Japan). Kaletso Phiri- Head of marketing & PR. Worked at top brands such as viacom and MTV. Kaletso has the perfect mix of skills of web 2.0 + web 3.0 which support DAOLaunch in it’s quest to decentralise venture capital Abdullah- head of investments. Abdullah worked for many years in dubai as a VC and he’s seen it all. Rug pulls, scams, pump and dumps you name it. Abdullah has a great mindset when it comes to investing and im confident in his ability to pick great projects for daolaunch community Reza- A true defi native and curious thinker, started crypto in 2017 and volunteered as a community manager gaining exprience. Made the full time switch about a year ago and I love defi/ crypto. Worked all around the industry in L1 blockchains, stable coins and data marketplaces. Japan, UK, Dubai, Southafrica, vietnum, and india ,international team hehe.

COMRADE KEEGAN|TGH@TheGemHunterstg : Integral to the DAOLaunch protocol is the DAL token, and with it, the DVC-NFT. So what is the usecase of DAL, what’s the setup for your Initial Buy-Back Offering (IBO), and how do the DVC-NFTs come into play?

Reza/Team@DAOLaunch : The token behind DAOLaunch is DAL. DAL has a very specific use case where it is used to mint a DVC-NFT at a ratio of 1DAL:1DVC-NFT. When minting the DVC-NFT, the DAL will be burned, inherently decreasing the supply and making DAL more valuable. DVC-NFT stands for Decentralized Venture Capital – NFT; by owning a DVC-NFT, you are given the following: governance rights to vote on future IBOs, the power to negotiate sale/allocation prices,All DVC-NFT negotiations are kept on chain; this means that by investing in successful projects, you increase VC power! This is important because higher VC power grants you more favorable allocations and better prices, similar to VC’s today! You can also create your own token index portfolio as an DVC-NFT. Users can deposit their seed tokens in the contract, turn into like a holding VC series itself as NFT. Trade or Lend your VC series on the NFT marketplace, earn more capital or interest without losing ownership of it !! Until now, the funds invested into startups could not be used effectively until the lockup period was over. But with the DVC-NFT, even when the token is locked you can make a profit by trading or lending the DVC-NFT itself. Let’s create your own VC series with NFT, trade and lend them on DAOLaunch’s frontier & innovative market !! We also have the IBO SYSTEM.DAOLaunch grant system called the IBO (Initial Buy-Back Offering) is a brand new concept of supporting startups.Most voted startup from DVC, their native tokens are directly purchased through a Buy-Back system from DAOLaunch, after they’re listed on the market using our allocated grant.The tokens purchased through our Buy-Back grant are automatically burnt.

COMRADE KEEGAN|TGH@TheGemHunterstg : DAOLaunch also plans to provide tools for projects so they have smoother, more successful launches. What kind of products will you be creating, and what’s the edge that DAL gives over other launch protocols?

Sakuro/Founder@DAOLaunch : For startups: create tokens/NFTs, professional tokensale pitch screen, secure liquidity/tokenomics with smart contract, easily build NFT farming pool/store for their tokenholders, IBO, Initial Buy-Back offering for most voted startup from DVC. We are not only offering a place for protocols to raise funds, we will also be throwing their full support behind each of the projects, offering advisory services,DAOLaunch aims to be as influential throughout the crypto space, and with the potential of anyone entering the DVC, branding as investors.

COMRADE KEEGAN|TGH@TheGemHunterstg : Since becoming a Decentralized VC is quite literally a first of its kind, what kind of partnerships and marketing plans do you have to increase awareness and to grow DAL’s ecosystem?

Reza/Team@DAOLaunch : we have a number of really great partnerships, ZBS Capital (cryptodiffer), X21, Shiden/ Astar Network, BSC Station, Trust pad,, Meridian Capital, Onebitventures. Recent development also includes the Partnership and Integration with Shiden! Shiden is the 3rd parachain on the Kusama network, and there’s over $2M worth of SDN in DAL staking already. Regardless crypto/non-crypto, We guide them into Crypto-secure IDO market.Gaming, Anime, Professional NFT Art, E-sports, Vtuber, Entertainment, Model, Donation, Music Jazz Concert, University, Professional athlete, Sports Club, Traditional craft. You can check more on we have just finished our first daopunks campaign and will be starting another one shortly. These will function as genesis DVC-NFT with a whole bunch of utiity to be announced later.See 1st campaign here Will be announce 2nd DAOpunk campaign, make sure to follow our twitter or join on telegram !!

COMRADE KEEGAN|TGH@TheGemHunterstg : So lastly, what does the future hold for DAL? Do you have a roadmap/timeline to share with us, and what would you say is first on your To-Do-List from here? The token listing is approaching quick!

Sakuro/Founder@DAOLaunch : The future is very exciting, we have our ido on the 17th & 18th Trustpad &BSCstation, with token listing on the 19th at !! This is our technical roadmap. Q4.2021: Main2.0 Ver release, DAL token Listing, Build NFT Farm, NFT drop Promote features, Farm/Trade NFT marketplace. Q1.2022: Main3.0 Ver release, Decentralized Venture Capital NFT(DVC-NFT, IBO(Initial Buy-Back Offering) Grant system, Decentralized Voting features, Negotiate favorable investment terms on-chain functions. Q2.2022: Seed token portfolio NFT creation, Auction/Lending market for NFT portfolio

For more information on DAOLaunch refer to the links below


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DAOLaunch Live AMA

Welcome to the DAOLaunch live AMA with The Gem Hunters


Defactor Live AMA

4th November 2021

Welcome to the Defactor live AMA with The Gem Hunters, we would like to thank the team attending today and sharing information on the project with our community!

COMRADE KEEGAN|TGH@TheGemHunterstg : So to kick off the AMA, could you provide the community with a summary of Defactor? What’re the problems you’re trying solve?

Ernesto Vila/Team@Defactor : Our aim with Defactor is to give traditional businesses the ability to access DeFi as a viable alternative to traditional financing The platform allows companies seeking finance to tokenize their assets, use them as collateral and obtain funding from DeFi liquidity pools To put it simply, Defactor is doing what the banks won’t. We are helping small businesses to get funding backed off their assets At a macro level we’re giving businesses an alternative to traditional finance, we’re helping nurture new business models that have sprung up from the growth of DeFi and at a micro level we’re building the tools that mean that real world assets can be deployed into DeFi liquidity pools at scale All of this will help the DeFi ecosystem grow, we don’t believe that the current focus on digital assets and high yields is sustainable. DeFi needs real world assets in order to become a true alternative to traditional finance

COMRADE KEEGAN|TGH@TheGemHunterstg : So before getting into the ecosystem, could you provide a background for yourselves and the team? What experience qualifies you for this large venture?

Bhairav/Team@Defactor : I’ll start first seeing as Ernesto took the last question My name is Bhairav Patel, I’m the tech lead at Defactor I’ve been working in tech for over 20 years and have been in the FinTech space for close to a decade, or maybe it is a decade, I’m old now Over the years I’ve been the. CTO for a number of companies across the globe, including one specialising in supply chain finance that hit the Forbes FinTech 50 list and it was there that my blockchain journey began Back in 2016/7 we were exploring ways of using blockchain technology to disintermediate the banks but the technology wasn’t mature enough then, it is now and that’s one of the reasons I’m now working on the Defactor project Things have moved on so much and we see a great opportunity to bring DeFi to traditional businesses

Ernesto Vila/Team@Defactor : My name is Ernesto Vila, I was born in Cuba and lived most of my adult live in the US, where I have founded several Technology center companies with focus on Logistics, Supply Chain Management and International Trade One of those companies I co-Founded is Consol Freight, an early adopter of DeFi in the International Trade Finance sector At Consol Freight we were the first Real World Asset originator to work with Maker Dao and Centrifuge Today I am the commercial Lead of Defactor where we will be onboarding multiple and diverse assets originators into DeFi

COMRADE KEEGAN|TGH@TheGemHunterstg : At the core of the Defactor ecosystem is the $FACTR token; what are the tokenomics and what’s the utility for holders?

Ernesto Vila/Team@Defactor : The $FACTR token will be required by real world asset originators to access the Defactor platform and obtain financing. As more asset originators sign up and more assets flow through the system there will be an increasing demand for the token and our Buyback and Make model will ensure that there is always buy pressure for the token FACTR also acts as a governance token. In order to participate in the governance of the Defactor ecosystem, token holders must stake their $FACTR tokens in order to vote on new initiatives. Through community based governance $FACTR holders can influence changes to the tokenomics, the protocol fees and they can even influence the types of asset classes that can be accepted by Defactor.

COMRADE KEEGAN|TGH@TheGemHunterstg : On the Defactor website, an eye catching quote is to “reduce the barriers to entry for Real World Asset Originators”. What do you mean by this, and what kind of tools will you offer to reduce this barrier of entry?

Bhairav/Team@Defactor : As Ernesto mentioned earlier, we have been doing this a while and so we’ve seen first hand the barriers that are encountered when trying to access DeFi liquidity If you are a traditional business looking to get into the DeFi space you have to undergo a series of hurdles: long wait times to be accepted by liquidity pools, setting up your own blockchain infrastructure i.e. setting up wallets and if you want to scale, setting up your own nodes Then you have the problem of accounting and reporting on the funding you’ve received All of this is time consuming, complex and ultimately costly. Imagine trying to do this for multiple liquidity providers! We built Defactor as a way of helping other traditional businesses get into DeFi in a much more straightforward manner We’ll conduct our own due diligence on asset originators in a much shorter timescale, fast tracking them into liquidity pools We will take care of the blockchain infrastructure and offer APIs and portals that will allow businesses to easily place their assets onchain Crucially we’ll be building the integration into multiple liquidity pools so our asset originators will be able to choose from a range of funding offers in the DeFi space On top of all of this we’re helping them with their own internal and external reporting and help them manage their money movements in and out of the crypto realm We are also quickly developing a strong ecosystem that will offer additional tools and services to our asset originators

COMRADE KEEGAN|TGH@TheGemHunterstg : Providing simple yet effective connections from legacy systems to defi will require collaboration on many scales; what kind of partnerships and marketing plans do you have to expand and support the ecosystem?

Bhairav/Team@Defactor : This team has a long history in the blockchain space so over the past months we’ve been working on a number of on-chain and off-chain partnerships The most important on-chain partnership we have is with Centrifuge, who is the first liquidity pool that we are working with to bring real world assets to DeFi. We are a pipeline to Centrifuge, tokenizing assets that will be funded via their Tinlake protocol We’ve recently secured a grant from The Graph and with that we will be indexing DeFi transactions in order to simplify the reporting process for asset originators and to give our own community better insights into how the platform is working We have recently announced a partnership with Chainlink, which we hope will be a two way street. We want to provide a feed of data from our platform out to liquidity providers and financial institutions to enhance the value we bring to our asset originators. We also want to ingest information from oracles that can enhance our credit risk and KYC / AML processes From a marketing perspective we are putting more and more efforts behind there – we’re actually currently hiring more members to our team and we will be releasing more job descriptions on our website and through other channels so there may be an opportunity for anyone out there that’s interested in the project We know that we cannot just be marketing to blockchain communities and so after our launch our focus will shift slightly to marketing to traditional businesses to support our sales process We already have a number of asset originator partners on board and those watching the project should see as steady onboarding of businesses over the next 6 months

COMRADE KEEGAN|TGH@TheGemHunterstg : Lastly, let’s hear about the future of Defactor. Do you have a roadmap to share with the community, and if you have any last updates you’d like to share now, please do 🍻🍻

Ernesto Vila/Team@Defactor : We’re about to announce the launch of Springpad a place where asset originators can try out the DeFi funding process, that is very exciting and will help us get an insight into the types of companies seeking finance by walking businesses through the DeFi finance life cycle at a small scale i.e piloting new businesses For the dev team our focus at the moment is completing the onboarding of our first asset originator ConsolFreight, the team is hard at work hooking everything together with the aim that we have them set up before the end of the year, and we will also start bringing on board our second asset originator which is another company specializing in trade finance. We are in parallel working on bringing the second asset class – luxury goods – onto the platform However the main thing we’d like to announce is our TGE that is happening next week We will be on Polkabridge on the 8th ( MantraDAO on the 9th ( TrustPad on the 10th (

For more information on Defactor refer to the links below :

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Defactor Live AMA

Welcome to the Defactor live AMA with The Gem Hunters


Torum Live AMA

10th November 2021

Welcome to the TORUM live AMA with The Gem Hunters, we would like to thank the team attending today and sharing information on the project with our community!

COMRADE KEEGAN|TGH@TheGemHunterstg : So to start! To remind everyone, and for all the new folks, can you start by giving us some background on what Torum is, and just what is SocialFi?

Jayson/Team@Torum : Torum is a SocialFi ecosystem that is specially designed to connect cryptocurrency users. The SocialFi ecosystem consists of 4 main components: Social – the social media platform with over 120K users DeFi – the first social-integrated yield farming platformNFT Marketplace – An marketplace for crypto artists to mint, collect, trade and showcase NFTs all in one placeAvatar NFT – the first PFP Avatars, integrated in a Social Metaverse On the other hand, SocialFi could be a tricky question Purely because different people might have a different understanding of what constitutes SocialFi Especially since there aren’t much SocialFi projects in the industry There is not much healthy comparison for us to do . On Torum, we believes that SocialFi refers to “Web2.0+3.0 ecosystem that is built on top of a social media platform, integrated with all the blockchain innovations in the industry”

COMRADE KEEGAN|TGH@TheGemHunterstg : Next, let’s get to know the team that’s built Torum! Can you introduce both yourself and the rest of the team? Why did you start Torum together?

Jayson/Team@Torum : A close friend of mine reached out to me and said “Look, I got an idea about a social media platform that is specially designed for the crypto space. An ecosystem where everyone talks crypto and gets all crypto-related stuffs, all in one place”A safe, open and interconnected social ecosystem That’s how Torum was conceived. In Nov 2018, I co-founded Torum, together with 4 childhood friends. In 18 months, we managed to release the beta version of our social media platform. We built the product and raised our seed funding alternately during this 18-month period. Got to say that it takes a lot of guts and stupidity to make a social-based project, because no one really cares about social Trends shift from ETH killer to DeFi, NFT, GameFi

COMRADE KEEGAN|TGH@TheGemHunterstg : The XTM token is the token that runs the Torum ecosystem; what tokenomics/utility does the token possess, and how can users earn the token on Torum itself?

Jayson/Team@Torum : Earning token from the platform isn’t really a focus of Torum. We feel that “Interact-to-earn” is a broken model. But, other SocialFi projects might disagree with me. As for token utility, there is a lot to cover, so I will only state the few most important utilities. 1. Social Tipping: Torum users will need to use XTM to purchase gifts (tip) to other users on the platform. The bigger the amount of gifted amount, the higher the upgrade that a person can receive when doing liquidity staking on Torum DeFi platform. 2. NFT Trading: XTM is integrated as the sole native token of Torum NFT Marketplace (upcoming) where each NFT trade is carried out using XTM. 3. Social Voting : Projects will need to use XTM as a form of voting power to pass on community listing proposals to activate CoinGecko pricing tag integration to the tokens of the winning project. 4. Metaverse Identity: NFT enthusiasts will need to use XTM to build their Torum Metaverse Avatars. The XTM is used to purchase and unlock the Avatar NFT Blind Box that provides an Avatar component to the holders. The players can accumulate these components and freely customize their Avatars, which acts as a manifestation of their digital identities in the Metaverse. As Torum grows bigger, the project will design new utility gamification for XTM, such as an Ads system that requires bidding with XTM (akin to Brave). With the number of users that Torum possess, any utility implementation is going to be huge

COMRADE KEEGAN|TGH@TheGemHunterstg : With Torum being live for many months now, what kind of achievements have you made along the way, and what differentiates you from your competitors? November has been incredible so far 👏

Jayson/Team@Torum : We started from <1,000 users until today, we got over 120,000 users. I think it’s a commendable achievement as not every project is able to demonstrate a solid user base like Torum Another thing is the investors lineup of Torum. We got a strategic investment from the investment arms of Huobi and Kucoin

COMRADE KEEGAN|TGH@TheGemHunterstg : So how would somebody get started connecting to, and taking part in, the Torum ecosystem? Is it a simple sign up?

Jayson/Team@Torum : You can start with creating an account and be one of the first people to hop on the SocialFi trend: If you have been following carefully, then you know that SocialFi is not something you should be missing out Or follow our Twitter account and participate in our weekly giveaway events for a chance to win an exclusive Genesis Avatar Blindbox worth of $100:

COMRADE KEEGAN|TGH@TheGemHunterstg : Speaking of the SocialFi aspect, Torum is also diving into the NFT sector! Can you share some details on the Avatar NFT sale coming up and how we can take part?

Jayson/Team@Torum : Everyone basically started with buying “Genesis Avatar NFT Blind Box” with $XTM, the native token of the Torum SocialFi ecosystem. So each Blind Box will get you one NFT parts. There is a total of 2,994 limited edition NFTs for you to get your hands on. These are part of Torum Genesis Avatar series, so once they are fully minted, there will no be additional supply Collectors can then get these body parts (6 types in total) and build the Avatars that represent themselves in the Metaverse We got 21 sets of Genesis Avatar themes to release. The Avatar is fully customizable with body parts from different Avatar sets. So, you can almost guarantee that you are going to get your own Avatar that is truly unique in this Metaverse

For more information on Torum refer to the links below :

💎Website :

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💎Telegram :

Torum Live AMA

Welcome to the TORUM live AMA with The Gem Hunters


ThorWallet Live AMA

16th Nov 2021

Welcome to the ThorWallet live AMA with The Gem Hunters, we would like to thank the team attending today and sharing information on the project with our community!

COMRADE KEEGAN|TGH@TheGemHunterstg : So to kick of the AMA, could you share some background on what ThorWallet is and the goals that you’re aiming to achieve? What market problem inspired TGT’s development?

Mazze/Team@ThorWallet : Thorwallet is the official native iOS and Android wallet for the Thorchain Community. We aim to become the Robinhood app for cross-chain DeFi. A native one-stop shop DeFi App we’re a non custodial mobile wallet that offers much more than the wallets your’ve been using so far. Since we integrate all the functionalities Thprchain offers. Our users will be able to swap swap native coins like Bitcoin or Ethereum fully decentralized, earn passive income by providing liquidity on THORChain, tap into borrowing/lending facilities or trade THORChain-based synthetics that can even be locked in a cross-chain savings account, all directly from out of the wallet. The easiest way is actually to test it out yourself. The public beta for iOS is already out.

COMRADE KEEGAN|TGH@TheGemHunterstg : Next, let’s get to know the team behind ThorWallet. Storing funds on any wallet obviously requires a great level of trust in the protocol, and the people who built it. Could you introduce yourself and the team, and what experiences you have prior that show you’re up to the task?

Mazze/Team@ThorWallet : My name is Marcel and Im a seasoned entrepreneur with background in Banking & Finance from the university of Zurich. I also started a Phd in IT. Im currently also a course director at the university of applied siences Lucerne for two further education courses the CAS (Certificate of advaned studies) in Blockchain and one in Crypto Finance those are 3–4 months deep dive coureses in the said topics . I’m further a Co-Founder & board member of the DEC Institute which is an online examination and certification platform for digital assets specialists, backed by leading blockchain universities. They do like the internationally acknowledged Chartered Digital Asset Analyst Exam. I also recently had the chance to join the Crypto Valley Association as a board member – one of the biggest blockchain related associations worldwide. In a previous role I was also Head of SEBAveristy of Swiss Crypto Bank SEBA one of the first fully licenced banks worldwide concentrating on digital assets. Before that I acted in award winning (tech) startups in various roles from founder, early management member or angel investor. The other co-founders are also very experienced, especially when it comes to venture building.

COMRADE KEEGAN|TGH@TheGemHunterstg : So, with many wallets coming out recently, all seemingly on different chains, what chains will be available for ThorWallet users, and do you plan on adding others?

Mazze/Team@ThorWallet : So right now we offer all chains THORChain is supporting, which is btc, ltc, eth, bch, binance chain. Obviously they are all ready for native swaps We will of course add different chain support in the wallet as well. And once they are added by thorchain, they will be also available for swaps (and not just storage) thats like terra, polkadot, cardano, doge, binance smart chain.. they want to have them ready by the end of the year and we will ahve them too and those APYs are not generated from lending and borrowing, but trading activity in the pool, hence more resistant = less volatility in the APY yeah, so fees are basically the onchain transaction costs (not fees actually) and then we charge a 0% – 1% affiliate fee on top, depending on your tier and you get into the tier with our TGT token 🙂

COMRADE KEEGAN|TGH@TheGemHunterstg : Alongside being able to swap natively between ETH and BNB (and the others on ThorChain at present), what other tools will ThorWallet offer to its users? What gives it the edge over the competition in the market?

Mazze/Team@ThorWallet : as mentioned before to swap native coins means there needs to be a pool of native tokens too. This means for the first time you can get an attractive APY on your native coins definitely a competitive edge so 1) APY on native coins but also 2) synthetic assets such as synth.btc will allow you to trade at a higher speed and lower fees. 100% backed by real btc in the LP. Still fully defi. thats being implemented by TC right now 3. lending and borrowing on native L1 4. which enables self paying loans basically you can borrow fudns and since your collateral is in a pool that generates APY, it is paying back itself.

COMRADE KEEGAN|TGH@TheGemHunterstg : A major event for the protocol is the IDO which will be happening soon! Can you give some details on the IDO and how users can take part? What are the tokenomics behind the TGT token and why should people enter; what perks does the TGT token offer?

Mazze/Team@ThorWallet : So actually phase 1 of our IDO happened yesterday, we launched on thorstarter and had to increase the allocation twice as demand was so big in the end we had over 5700 allocations and the FCFS part was sold out in under 2 minutes now we will have phase 2 on thorchain itself. We will release the date soon, as the nodes are in maintanance there is a how to article, let me quickly share it TGT is a multi-utility token that can be staked in order to enjoy premium features within the THORWallet ecosystem. It will also serve as governance token and is at the heart of our gamified community features whcih in the form of missions allow users to earn TGT tokens such as, do a swap and provide LP with volume 1000$ and get extra reward TGT has a total supply of one billion, of which 40% will be given back to the community over time. 50% of the fees generated in the wallet, will also be used to buy back & burn TGT, in order to accrue even more value to the token holders (can be increased later) We have some nice infographics regarding the utility as well as the premium features, met me post them quickly.

COMRADE KEEGAN|TGH@TheGemHunterstg : So as mentioned prior, any wallet needs to have security in order to attract users. Since you’re creating a first of its kind DEX for native coins, does ThorWallet have an audit completed, and is your code public for the community?

Mazze/Team@ThorWallet : So it is firstly important to distinguish between Thorchain – the blockchain and our interface, the THORWallet Thorchain has a top core dev team and recently beefed up security a lot also the caps are raised slowly which shows the sentiment of not quick bugs but long term project that will stay now thorwallet (our product) , all on-chain contracts are audited (on github) our app itself has also the crucial part audited, as example the key storage enclave was also used for a swiss private bank and audited. so no worries there.

COMRADE KEEGAN|TGH@TheGemHunterstg : Lastly, the future of ThorWallet! After the IDO, what is your timeline for the release of the mainnet wallet, and could you share your roadmap? Also, if you have any last second announcements to share with us today please do 🍻

Mazze/Team@ThorWallet : Yeah maybe first some important milestones we have to celebrate. – like the community grant we got from the official treasury of thorchain – the successful private rounds at 25m , 40m and 75m valuation with some great VCs as well as the TC treasury itself – a successful launch of the public beta app with >500 testers – Our limited THORWallet NFT series that give also access to premium features Soldiers are sold out and currently trade at around 0.3 ETH Upcoming: -IDO of course 😄, - Setting the iOS app in the app store to “live”- The android version will follow later this year, The web-based trading interface , - Several premium features for the app, - And much more

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ThorWallet Live AMA

Welcome to the ThorWallet live AMA with The Gem Hunters


Outrace Live AMA

24th Nov 2021

Welcome to the ThorWallet live AMA with The Gem Hunters, we would like to thank the team attending today and sharing information on the project with our community!

Running Beast | TGH:

Let’s kick off with some introduction.Please introduce yourself to the community?Please tell us about your experience and expertise in the Crypto field.


Yes of course.

My name is Troy Denia. I’m the current Chief Operations Officer of Outrace. I’ve been in crypto since 2017 out of curiosity until I further researched its potential not only individually but also in broader terms. I also met our CEO on 2017. We were investing in some ICOs and trading coins/tokens at that time. I’ve been mostly as Community Managers/Bounty managers while being an Investor and Trader at the same time and that’s why I’ve come to study different kinds of projects as well.

Running Beast | TGH:

that’s great, thanks for the brief introduction, lets talk in depth about the project. Please give us a brief introduction about your project and what are you guys trying to showcase? What is the story behind its origin? When did it start?


Outrace is a racing-themed NFT game insprired by the many racing games we had in the past and current NFT trends that we have these days.

The story behind is actually simple. We wanted to provide a blockchain-based-income-generating NFT game for the community with less the problems most NFT has nowadays. We started conceptualizing Outrace around 7 or 8 months ago as we have already noticed some problems with the current NFTs at that time and we wanted to improve it and provide a better outcome for the community of gamers.

Running Beast | TGH:

the NFT trend has given a huge boost to the crypto marketThere has been rapid development in the Crypto field in the past few years but it is still in early stages.What makes Outrace stand out and unique among so many projects in the market?Please tell us about the unique Outrace Game and its different modes and could you run us through how it actually works?


Yes, indeed and we wanted to provide a better experience.

Running Beast | TGH:

i love racing games


yeh we’ve all said we’re interested in playing Outrace the community reception has been amazing too!


We’d love to cater as many as possible.

Basically, it’s a racing game and it has 3 types of races: one against AI, one against multiple real players and a 1v1 where winner takes all.

Conqueror Mode, Sprint Race Mode and Pink SLip Race. We also have the manufacturing option where players gets to produce their own cars or car parts.

What sets Outrace “VERY” different from the many NFT games we have today are these:

1. Limited NFT (car) usage — Every car has a mileage and it determines how long a car can be used to race. It is initially set to 150,000 kilometers.

2. Different wallets for Crew Racers and Crew Leaders — This prevents malicious acts from the manager’s side preventing profit lost for our crew racers.

3. High initial manufacturing requirements — this promotes more token burning mechanism.

4. Fibonacci sequencing — It provides difficulty for NFT printing and prevents upsurge in NFT production.

We get these uniqueness as we witness some difficulties other NFT games are experiencing right now. We have to do this as a long term project.

Running Beast | TGH:

What are the track records of Outrace?

There are various entry barriers plaguing the Crypto market. How would your project secure an upper hand over the most similar contender in the market today in terms of scalability, security, features, and adaptability?


We have just basically launched our IDO 2 days ago and it has been a success o far. Plus, with the stated uniqueness above, there will be a mutual benefit both for the Crew Leaders and Crew Racers without the added risk.

If one has financial capability, he can chose to race for himself or help others earn as well. And if one has no financial capacity, being a crew racer is the best choice.

We’ll have to improve as time goes by especially as we increase in users and it is very important for us to do so.

Running Beast | TGH:

where did you have the IDO, can you please share about the experience?


We had it on SparkPoint and on the second part, it was sold out ultimately fast. If I’m not mistaken, the total sale was 93 bnb

Running Beast | TGH:

Lets get some insight into your token,

How does it all get incorporated into the Outrace ecosystem? How will you stimulate the users to hold your token in the long run?


This is a great question actually.

$ORE is the native currency of Outrace Play To Earn and it will be used to reward racers as well. Basically it will also be used in buying cars in the marketplace and upgrading garage. The native token will be used both in-game and outside of the game ( staking and others)

Running Beast | TGH:

would be great to see it implemented in the game.

And lastly, please tell the community about your plans ahead.

Please tell us about your Upcoming events, Roadmap, milestones and potential updates moving forward.


We have several plans for the community as we move forward into improving the game. We are anticipating plenty of inconsistencies or bugs that will appear in game and we have to settle it as fast as possible.

Aside from racing, manufacturing and selling cars or car parts, there’ll be plenty activities outside the game and we wanted to surprise the community for these activites.

As much as I’d like to reveal much as early as now, but we’d love to bring excitement to our users/players

We’ll also have our listing on Pancakeswap on Nov 26. Time will be TBA.



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Outrace Live AMA

Welcome to the Outrace Live AMA with The Gem Hunters


Syscoin Live AMA

25th Nov 2021

Welcome to the Syscoin live AMA with The Gem Hunters, we would like to thank the team for attending today and sharing information on the project with our community!

BiT_SHaMaN|TGH/Owner@TheGemHunterstg : Lets kick this off with a general introduction into Syscoin, tell us all about what you guys have been working on and are continuing to build!?

bstr156/Team@Syscoin : Elevator pitch (ELI5): “Wouldn’t it be amazing if Bitcoin’s strong network secured everything you can do on Ethereum, and scaled smart contracts to billions of users in metaverses, smart cities, and beyond? It will! That’s Syscoin!”There is nothing else like Syscoin’s design. To elaborate a bit more…Imagine a large sphere (Syscoin). Within that sphere are two smaller spheres beside each other (Bitcoin model, Ethereum model). Those two inner spheres remain appropriately separate, but relate to each other trustlessly through something we call protocol adaptation. The two spheres leverage each other’s strengths in unique ways to offer users of Syscoin, and devs, some new game-changing capabilities and characteristics that otherwise would be impossible if one were simply using Bitcoin or Ethereum on their own, without this proper coordination.Syscoin has properly evolved into *the* blockchain “SYStem of systems”. This evolution took place over the years, mostly quietly, towards this apex of an ideal coordinated financial computing platform that can serve future needs indefinitely. Our upcoming NEVM (an EVM smart chain, aka our “Ethereum sphere”) will allow you to implement the latest cryptography advancements, particularly Zero-knowledge Proofs and ZK-Rollups, and secure all of that using an L1 that is merge-mined with Bitcoin providing PoW that is very powerful and proven, yet green.There is much more to be explained, all those capabilities and characteristics, but that’s the high-level summary!

BiT_SHaMaN|TGH/Owner@TheGemHunterstg : Now we have a general overview lets get some info on the team itself, tell us a little bit about your backgrounds please!

bstr156/Team@Syscoin : I’m Bradley Stephenson, a board member of Syscoin Foundation. I first learned of Bitcoin back around 2011, and began paying more attention to it circa 2014 when I understood its implications better. I’ve been on the Syscoin Foundation board since 2018/2019. My background involves 20+ years data infrastructure and enterprise database dev. What drew me to Syscoin was its long-range vision, and the developers’ design methodology and philosophy. And I’m very happy to say we’re about to accomplish a huge part of that vision!Syscoin Foundation is a registered nonprofit based in The Netherlands. We have board members in Australia, Canada, USA, The Netherlands, and Germany. Our partners, and the Syscoin network itself, are geographically diverse, from Brazil to South Korea. Our community very much has a global mindset.

Jagdeep Sidhu/Team@Syscoin : I am Jagdeep Sidhu (Jag). President of Foundation and CTO of Blockchain Foundry (BCFN:CSE) as well as core developer of Syscoin. I got involved around 2013 into crypto mostly through coding and bitcoin/altcoin development and before that was a software engineer for 15 years and traded in equity markets for about 10. My focus was on gaming, AI, Image/sound processing, client/server computing mostly. I have a mix of economics/financial background through trading, a mix of computer science through developing for over 20 years and a mix of crypto-anarchism through searching for ways to make software that becomes autonomous and finding that with blockchain.

BiT_SHaMaN|TGH/Owner@TheGemHunterstg : You’ve just created the #NEVM smart contract layer #EVM which utilizes the security of Bitcoin and adds #UTXO as an asset layer with #zkrollup scaling the entire process! Will Smart contract scaling occur on L2 w/ zkRollups faster than Polygon’s current system?

Jagdeep Sidhu/Team@Syscoin : If you mean polygon’s PoS system? No the zkRollups will blow it out of the water but if you mean their zkRollup then it will be similar but note: They are all interoperable; the rollups that are deployed on SYS can be deployed on Polygon, the shared EVM logic ensures that it will work seamlessly, letting us leverage the work of others and others leveraging our work. The benefit of our solution is that we settle with bitcoin security while other systems settle on inferior security models. whoever creates web3/evm/solidity compliant zk rollups will win at the beginning we are like the guys paving the roads and laying the foundations of city and buildings for the car companies and real estate developers to build on

BiT_SHaMaN|TGH/Owner@TheGemHunterstg : So on that note regarding another aspect of Syscoin and its payment system, what other solutions or alternatives are currently on the market that compete with Syscoin’s Z-DAG UTXO solution for fast payments and why is the Z-DAG UTXO solution so unique?

bstr156/Team@Syscoin : First let me say our main focus right now is on NEVM and ZK-Rollups for scaling EVM. That said, Z-DAG is a very important innovation we have contributed to blockchain tech that will take its rightful place once the industry catches-up and recognizes the value of UTXO tokens for secure simple value transfer. There’s really nothing else like Z-DAG. There are of course DAGs, and there are “fast payment solutions”. They all seem to veer away from Bitcoin’s model. Some of them use a subset of validators to accomplish speed, sacrificing Bitcoin’s proven path of validating with all full nodes then trusting. We were able to design and implement a solution that stays within the boundary of the Bitcoin model and codebase, using Bitcoin mempool code, to create a system that offers interactive and probabilistic security prior to on-chain settlement for incredible speed and throughput. It is the infra that enables streaming payments for retailers accepting stablecoins, etc. It is decentralized yet faster than VISA network and other “fast payment” solutions, is far more secure, and is compatible with advancements that emerge from Bitcoin’s massive intellectual capital such as Lightning Networks. Z-DAG fills a very important gap for Lightning Networks. With Z-DAG, Lightning Networks have a cost-effective resilience fallback. With it, LN can serve global demand and user-experiences appropriately. Without it, LN ultimately cannot.You can learn more about Z-DAG here: Z-DAG is also compatible with our Notary Oracle capability. That enables token projects to opt-in to having token transfers checked against business rules and compliance rules, if they need that… e.g. a stablecoin that wants users to be able to spend it at retailers, etc. That Notary. Oracle will also work on ZK-Rollups through a system called Peregrine. It all enables compliance while remaining non-custodial… making the idea of trading TSLA/SYS on a DEX an actual possibility technically speaking.

BiT_SHaMaN|TGH/Owner@TheGemHunterstg : Regarding the L1 blockchain side of things, we all know that eventually its going to come down to the survival of the fittest. But how well is the Syscoin and its eco-system going to to compete with other blockchains and why will it stand the test of time? You state that Syscoin is a has. a hashrate second only to Bitcoin, how is this accomplished?

Jagdeep Sidhu/Team@Syscoin : It is 100% correct, there will only be a few chains standing at the end and ones that are modular at heart have the best chance of being long term infrastructure for our financial autonomous world of tomorrow (compared to monolithic L1s). We are merge-mined with Bitcoin so we share the work without adding any carbon imprint on the world ourselves. If we want to solve the problems of scalable infrastructure we must start with security and then offer scalability. Any system that is the MOST secure and the MOST scalable will be standing in the end as the preferred choice for hedge funds/family office settling and HODLing large value but also businesses and enterprises building their web3 tech stacks.

BiT_SHaMaN|TGH/Owner@TheGemHunterstg : Now moving onto the platform itself, how can users and investors fully utilize the platform, what does it offer and how can they profit from using the Syscoin platform?

Jagdeep Sidhu/Team@Syscoin : DeFi/Metaverse/AI/IoT/AMM – DEX/DAO type plays today as we launch zkRollups, but as we scale up every 10x we get 50x new use cases like those. We are about to scale up the industry by 100–1000x so what does that tell you about opportunity both from developers/entrepreneurs as well as investors? Will have a launchpad as well where investors can jump in on the new projects building on top

bstr156/Team@Syscoin : FYI, all Ethereum smart contract types are 100% compatible with NEVM. Same tooling, and also works with Metamask and other Web 3.0 wallets from the Ethereum sphere. They can just move over Our NEVM testnet has been running since early/mid October.. I’ll provide a link to details in a bit.

BiT_SHaMaN|TGH/Owner@TheGemHunterstg : Lastly moving into the ecosystem, tell us all about the $SYS token and the role it plays within the ecosystem itself. Also integration of the new smart contarcts.

bstr156/Team@Syscoin : Syscoin is the native utility coin of the Syscoin network. Upon release of NEVM, SYS tokenomics will shift to be based on EIP-1559, similar to ETH, which is ideal for a perpetual economy of utility. SYS is used to pay settlement fees on the Bitcoin-based chain and used on the EVM chain as gas. This works much better for utility than attempting to use a “store of value” oriented coin for gas like when Rootstock tried using wrapped Bitcoin to pay gas fees for smart contracts. People don’t want to spend a store-of-value on gas, they want to use a utility coin.SYS also serves as collateral for those wishing to receive incentives for operating a full node. Our network is “open participation” meaning anyone with 100,000 SYS can operate an incentivized full node. They are very instrumental to the network as they are used to establish quorums that create chainlocks on L1 to mitigate and resist MEV attacks on DeFi – something other smart chains lack. They also represent a horizontally and vertically scalable component that can be used for things like decentralized Web 3.0 providers, which Syscoin is expecting to provide in the near future. This is in contrast to Ethereum’s Infura which is largely centralized and considered almost a “single point of failure”.All smart contracts that work on Ethereum are fully compatible with Syscoin NEVM, and can be easily ported over. The toolsets that Ethereum developers enjoy and are familiar with will also be available for Syscoin NEVM. It will be fully compatible with Metamask from Day One.Our NEVM testnet, called Tanenbaum, has been up and running since early/mid October. You can configure your Metamask to use it. There is also a testnet faucet available. Learn how to access Tanenbaum here: By the way, our NEVM goes mainnet on Syscoin around December 6th! The deployment will be a phased approach. December 6th is when we roll-out the L1. ZK-Rollups and Validium will follow after… ZK-Rollups Q1 2022, Validium after that. We’ve already got a number of DeFi protocols waiting in the wings to make the move or deploy on NEVM Pegasys, Mute, Gold Standard DAO, and another we just announced today called Equalizer (Flash Loans) They are all forward thinking projects that are aimed to harness ZK-Rollups. Those are the main kind we look for.

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Syscoin Live AMA

Welcome to the Syscoin live AMA with The Gem Hunters

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